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  3. What is the impact of rampant steroid use in the athletic competition with no testing?

What is the impact of rampant steroid use in the athletic competition with no testing?

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1 year ago #1
Contributing Member
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It is concerning to see the rampant use of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), especially steroids, among athletes in the athletic competition. Despite the amazing feats they can achieve with the help of PEDs, it raises questions about the fairness of the competition and the potential health risks involved. It is even more alarming that there seems to be no testing at all for the show, which may put the safety of the athletes at risk. While there is a lot of talk about the safety of the games, it is equally important to ensure that athletes are competing on a level playing field, and that measures are in place to prevent the use of PEDs. What are your thoughts on allowing athletes to compete without being tested or with extremely loose testing in a show like this?

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    dan88 1 year ago
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    dan88 1 year ago
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