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  3. What is the recommended dosing schedule for Arimidex to control estrogen levels during a cycle of Test E and Deca?

What is the recommended dosing schedule for Arimidex to control estrogen levels during a cycle of Test E and Deca?

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1 year ago #1
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What is the recommended dosing schedule for Arimidex to control estrogen levels during a cycle of Test E and Deca?

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    House 1 year ago
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1 year ago #2
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When beginning a new cycle of Test E and Deca, it is important to consider the recommended dosing schedule for Arimidex to effectively control estrogen levels. Depending on individual needs, Arimidex may be best taken at 0.5 mg every other day or every 3 days.

1 year ago #3
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It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or an experienced bodybuilder to determine the optimal dosage and schedule for Arimidex during this cycle.

1 year ago #4
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BTW is this your fisrt cycle?

1 year ago #5
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When used for this reason, Arimidex is normally started in week two of the cycle and administered at a dose of 0.5 mg twice weekly for the duration of the cycle.

1 year ago #6
Junior Member
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My Doc has me on 1MG tab twice a week.
ANASTROZOLE generic for : Arimidex

1 year ago #7
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Isn't 1mg twice a week too much? unless you're actually trying to reverse gyno. 0.25 - 0.50mg EOD should be sufficient as half life of arimidex is long. Arimidex works by completely blocking estrogen, it doesn't control estrogen exactly. Body requires certain amount of estrogen for its vital operations, you can't be risking of blocking that.

Use Aromasin

Aromasin is by far the best AI. It is less harsh on lipid profile and unless you're on a hardcore cycle 12.5mg EOD should be enough during cycle.

Quoted MrGraham; Post# 3454

My Doc has me on 1MG tab twice a week.
ANASTROZOLE generic for : Arimidex

1 year ago #8
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Here's a study on using aromasin during PCT by our dear Anthony Roberts.

Rationale for the Use of Aromasin with Tamoxifen During Post Cycle Therapy
by: Anthony Roberts

Aromasin (Exemestane) is one of those weird compounds that nobody really knows what to do with. What we generally hear about it makes it very uninteresting…It’s a third generation Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) just like Arimidex (Anastrozole) and Femera (Letrozole). Both of those two drugs are very efficient at stopping the conversion of androgens into estrogen, and since we have them, why bother with Aromasin? It’s a little harder to get than the other two commonly used aromatase inhibitors, because it’s not in high demand, and there’s never been a readily apparent advantage to using it. And I mean…lets face it: It’s awkward-sounding. Aromasin doesn’t have much of a ring to it, and exemestane is even worse. Arimidex has a bunch of cool abbreviations ("A-dex" or just ‘dex) and even Letrozole is just "Letro" to most people. Where’s the cool nickname for Aromasin/exemestane? A-Sin? E-Stane? It just doesn’t work. It’s the black sheep of AIs. And why do we even need it when we have Letrozole, which is by far the most efficient AI for stopping aromatization (the process by which your body converts testosterone into estrogen)? Letro can reduce estrogen levels by 98% or greater; clinically a dose as low as 100mcgs has been shown to provide maximumaromatase inhibition (2)!
So why would we need any other AIs? Well, first of all, estrogen is necessary for healthy joints (3) as well as a healthy immune system (4). So getting rid of 98% of the estrogen in your body for an extended period of time may not be the best of ideas. This may be useful on an extreme cutting cycle, leading up to a bodybuilding contest, or if you are particularly prone to gyno, but certainly can’t be used safely for extended periods of time without compromising your joints and immune system.
That leaves us with Arimidex, which isn’t as potent as Letrozole, but at .5mgs/day will still get rid of around half (50%) of the estrogen in your body. Problem solved, right? Use Arimidex on your typical cycles, and if you are very prone to gyno or are getting ready for a contest, use Letro.
But what about Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)?
I think at this point most people are sold on the use of Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) instead of Clomid for post cycle therapy (PCT), since both compete estrogen at the receptor site, both increase serum test levels, and both drugs may also alter blood lipid profiles favorably (6). But since 20mgs of Tamoxifen is equal to 150mgs of clomid for purposes of testosterone elevation, FSH and LH, but Tamoxifen doesn’t decrease the LH response to LHRH (6) I think most people agree to Nolvadex’s superiority for PCT.
Aromasin with Nolvadex
I’ve always been in favor of using Nolvadex during PCT, along with an AI, because reducing estrogen levels has been positively correlated with an increase in testosterone (7) so in my mind, it’s be beneficial to increase testosterone by as many mechanisms as possible while trying to recover your endogenous testosterone levels after a cycle. SO which AI do we use? Letro or A-dex? Well, why don’t we just keep using whichever one we used during the cycle, and add in some Nolvadex? Unfortunately, Nolvadex will significantly reduce the blood plasma levels of both Letrozole as well as Arimidex (8). So if we choose to use one of them with our Nolvadex on PCT, we’re throwing away a bit of money as the Nolvadex will be reducing their effectiveness. This, of course, is where Aromasin comes in, at 20-25mgs/day.
Aromasin, at that dose, will raise your testosterone levels by about 60%, and also help out your free to bound testosterone ratio by lowering levels of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), by about 20% (12)…SHBG is that nasty enzyme that binds to testosterone andrenders it useless for building muscle. But what about using it along with Nolvadex for PCT?
Difference Between Type-I and Type-II Aromatase Inhibitors
To understand why Aromasin may be useful in conjunction with Nolvadex while both Letro and A-dex suffer reduced effectiveness, we’ll need to first understand the differences between a Type-I and Type-II Aromatase Inhibitor. Type I inhibitors (like Aromasin) are actually steroidal compounds, while typeII inhibitors (like Letro and A-dex) are non-steroidal drugs. Hence, androgenic side effects are very possible with Type-I AIs, and they should probably be avoided by women. Of course, there are some similarities between the two types of AIs…both type I & type II AIs mimic normal substrates (essentially androgens), allowing them to compete with the substrate for access to the binding site on the aromatase enzyme. After this binding, the next step is where things differ greatly for the two different types of AI’s. In the case of a type-I AI, the noncompetitive inhibitor will bind, and the enzyme initiates a sequence of hydroxylation; this hydroxylation produces an unbreakable covalent bond between the inhibitor and the enzyme protein. Now, enzyme activity is permanently blocked; even if all unattached inhibitor is removed. Aromatase enzyme activity can only be restored by new enzyme synthesis. Now, on the other hand, competitive inhibitors, called type II AI’s, reversibly bind to the active enzyme site, and one of two things can happen:
1.) either no enzyme activity is triggered or
2.) the enzyme is somehow triggered without effect.
The type II inhibitor can now actually disassociate from the binding site, eventually allowing renewed competition between the inhibitor and the substrate for binding to the site. This means that the effectiveness of competitive aromatase inhibitors depends on the relative concentrations and affinities of both the inhibitor and the substrate, while this is not so for noncompetitive inhibitors. Aromasin is a type-I inhibitor, meaning that once it has done its job, and deactivated the aromatase enzyme, we don’t need it anymore. Letrozole and Arimidex actually need to remain present to continue their effects. This is possibly why Nolvadex does notalter the pharmacokinetics of Aromasin (11).
Before we close the book on Aromasin, it’s worth noting that you can (and should) still use one of the non-steroidal AIs during your cycle to reduce estrogen, if necessary. When you are ready for PCT, you can then switch over to Aromasin and still experience the full effects of an AI, since there is no cross-over tolerance experienced between steroidal and non-steroidal AIs (9). Since Aromasin is about 65% efficient at suppressing estrogen (10), it’s certainly a very powerful agent, especially considering you won’t experience reduced effectiveness because of your concurrent use of Nolvadex or from any sort of tolerance developed by using other AIs on your cycle(9). There is also a decent amount of preclinical data suggesting that Aromasin has a beneficial effect on bone mineral metabolism that is not seen with non-steroidal agents, and it may also have beneficial effects on lipid metabolism that are not found in the non-steroidal Letro and A-dex (9).
Finally, as we’re going to be using Nolvadex for PCT anyway, and we ought to be using an AI with it for maximum recovery…I think Aromasin- considering it’s compatibility with Nolvadex and beneficial effects on bone mineral content and lipid profile, has finally stopped being the black sheep of AIs and found a home in our cycles.
1. Clin Cancer Res. 2005 Apr 15;11(8):2809-21.
2. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1995 Sep;80(9):2658-60.
3. [Clinical aspects of estrogen and bone metabolism] Clin Calcium. 2002 Sep;12(9):1246-51. Japanese.
4. Science, Vol 283, Issue 5406, 1277-1278 ,26 February 1999
5. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000 Jul;85(7):2370-7, "Estrogen Suppression in Males"
6. Fertil Steril. 1978 Mar;29(3):320-7
7. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Mar;89(3):1174-80
8. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2001 Dec;79(1-5):85-91.
9. The Oncologist, Vol. 9, No. 2, 126–136, April 2004
10. Zilembo N., Noberasco C., Bajetta E., Martinetti A., Mariani L., Orefici S. Endocrinological and clinical evaluation of exemestane, a new steroidal aromatase inhibitor. Br. J. Cancer, 72: 1007-1012, 1995
11. Clinical Cancer Research Vol. 10, 1943-1948, March 2004
12. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 88, No. 12 5951-5956

1 year ago #9
Junior Member
Junior Member Posts: 23  Reviews: 2  Threads: 2 

I don’t even have gyno .. My Doctor explain to me that my testosterone level showed sky high over 1500 from doing testosterone, cypionate, pharmaceutical 200 mg twice a week Sunday & Wednesday. I have never had gyno just a little sensitive but back in those days I was doing a lot more and they where short cycles of 8wks in my 20’s still I never had a problem. I understand the body still needs a some estrogen so I’ll give it a try and cut these tiny little pills in half 0.5 mil. 1-2 x wk and come April when I do bloodwork again, I’ll find out whether it’s working or not right now I’m in my 40’s so I’m trying to be more aware of what’s going on in my body. I want to be careful i’m not interested in having a stroke. Anyways my cycle at this point is a joke compared to my last cycle back in 2010 I’m currently only doing 200 mg of cypionate pharmaceutical quality every Monday & Saturday eating 1,000 + cal every 3hrs .. Im definitely happy with the way my body is bouncing back phenomenal results from just doing a little bit.

1 year ago #10
Administrator Posts: 1017  Reviews: 46  Threads: 89 

500mg is a decent dose but not too much. I personally love 500mg as I don’t see any sides such as gyno etc either. I haven’t used much arimidex during cycle except for once when i was having issues with gyno. Do get your estrogen levels tested as well.

Quoted MrGraham; Post# 3483

I don’t even have gyno .. My Doctor explain to me that my testosterone level showed sky high over 1500 from doing testosterone, cypionate, pharmaceutical 200 mg twice a week Sunday & Wednesday. I have never had gyno just a little sensitive but back in those days I was doing a lot more and they where short cycles of 8wks in my 20’s still I never had a problem. I understand the body still needs a some estrogen so I’ll give it a try and cut these tiny little pills in half 0.5 mil. 1-2 x wk and come April when I do bloodwork again, I’ll find out whether it’s working or not right now I’m in my 40’s so I’m trying to be more aware of what’s going on in my body. I want to be careful i’m not interested in having a stroke. Anyways my cycle at this point is a joke compared to my last cycle back in 2010 I’m currently only doing 200 mg of cypionate pharmaceutical quality every Monday & Saturday eating 1,000 + cal every 3hrs .. Im definitely happy with the way my body is bouncing back phenomenal results from just doing a little bit.

1 year ago #11
Contributing Member
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Thanks for sharing the particulars.

Quoted admin; Post# 3485

500mg is a decent dose but not too much. I personally love 500mg as I don’t see any sides such as gyno etc either. I haven’t used much arimidex during cycle except for once when i was having issues with gyno. Do get your estrogen levels tested as well.

1 year ago #12
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If you are not sure about your estrogen level then these are the symptoms that your level is imbalanced:

  • hair loss
  • decreased focus
  • decreased muscle mass
  • reduced sex drive and less sperm count
  • tiredness
  • fluid retention

If you are using it to control the estrogen level then Arimidex is introduced in week 2 of the cycle and consumed for the entire length of the cycle at 0.5mg twice a week. Try to take these doses at the same time every day for better results.  Arimidex reduced levels of estradiol (a form of estrogen) by about 70% within 24 hoursAfter 2 weeks of treatment, estradiol levels are lowered by 80% approx.

1 year ago #13
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You should take 1mg/eod Arimidex daily and 4iu HGH for the 16-week cycle.

Quoted House; Post# 3396

What is the recommended dosing schedule for Arimidex to control estrogen levels during a cycle of Test E and Deca?

1 year ago #14
Contributing Member
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I think dose of 0.5 mg twice weekly would be prefect. 

Quoted House; Post# 3396

What is the recommended dosing schedule for Arimidex to control estrogen levels during a cycle of Test E and Deca?

1 year ago #15
Super Source Lv. 3
Super Source Lv. 3 Posts: 603  Reviews: 1  Threads: 996 

Very informative, much appreciated .


> Quoted oli; Post# 3481

> Here's a study on using aromasin during PCT by our dear Anthony Roberts.
> Rationale for the Use of Aromasin with Tamoxifen During Post Cycle Therapy
> by: Anthony Roberts
> Aromasin (Exemestane) is one of those weird compounds that nobody really knows what to do with. What we generally hear about it makes it very uninteresting…It’s a third generation Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) just like Arimidex (Anastrozole) and Femera (Letrozole). Both of those two drugs are very efficient at stopping the conversion of androgens into estrogen, and since we have them, why bother with Aromasin? It’s a little harder to get than the other two commonly used aromatase inhibitors, because it’s not in high demand, and there’s never been a readily apparent advantage to using it. And I mean…lets face it: It’s awkward-sounding. Aromasin doesn’t have much of a ring to it, and exemestane is even worse. Arimidex has a bunch of cool abbreviations ("A-dex" or just ‘dex) and even Letrozole is just "Letro" to most people. Where’s the cool nickname for Aromasin/exemestane? A-Sin? E-Stane? It just doesn’t work. It’s the black sheep of AIs. And why do we even need it when we have Letrozole, which is by far the most efficient AI for stopping aromatization (the process by which your body converts testosterone into estrogen)? Letro can reduce estrogen levels by 98% or greater; clinically a dose as low as 100mcgs has been shown to provide maximumaromatase inhibition (2)!
> So why would we need any other AIs? Well, first of all, estrogen is necessary for healthy joints (3) as well as a healthy immune system (4). So getting rid of 98% of the estrogen in your body for an extended period of time may not be the best of ideas. This may be useful on an extreme cutting cycle, leading up to a bodybuilding contest, or if you are particularly prone to gyno, but certainly can’t be used safely for extended periods of time without compromising your joints and immune system.
> That leaves us with Arimidex, which isn’t as potent as Letrozole, but at .5mgs/day will still get rid of around half (50%) of the estrogen in your body. Problem solved, right? Use Arimidex on your typical cycles, and if you are very prone to gyno or are getting ready for a contest, use Letro.
> But what about Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)?
> I think at this point most people are sold on the use of Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) instead of Clomid for post cycle therapy (PCT), since both compete estrogen at the receptor site, both increase serum test levels, and both drugs may also alter blood lipid profiles favorably (6). But since 20mgs of Tamoxifen is equal to 150mgs of clomid for purposes of testosterone elevation, FSH and LH, but Tamoxifen doesn’t decrease the LH response to LHRH (6) I think most people agree to Nolvadex’s superiority for PCT.
> Aromasin with Nolvadex
> I’ve always been in favor of using Nolvadex during PCT, along with an AI, because reducing estrogen levels has been positively correlated with an increase in testosterone (7) so in my mind, it’s be beneficial to increase testosterone by as many mechanisms as possible while trying to recover your endogenous testosterone levels after a cycle. SO which AI do we use? Letro or A-dex? Well, why don’t we just keep using whichever one we used during the cycle, and add in some Nolvadex? Unfortunately, Nolvadex will significantly reduce the blood plasma levels of both Letrozole as well as Arimidex (8). So if we choose to use one of them with our Nolvadex on PCT, we’re throwing away a bit of money as the Nolvadex will be reducing their effectiveness. This, of course, is where Aromasin comes in, at 20-25mgs/day.
> Aromasin, at that dose, will raise your testosterone levels by about 60%, and also help out your free to bound testosterone ratio by lowering levels of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), by about 20% (12)…SHBG is that nasty enzyme that binds to testosterone andrenders it useless for building muscle. But what about using it along with Nolvadex for PCT?
> Difference Between Type-I and Type-II Aromatase Inhibitors
> To understand why Aromasin may be useful in conjunction with Nolvadex while both Letro and A-dex suffer reduced effectiveness, we’ll need to first understand the differences between a Type-I and Type-II Aromatase Inhibitor. Type I inhibitors (like Aromasin) are actually steroidal compounds, while typeII inhibitors (like Letro and A-dex) are non-steroidal drugs. Hence, androgenic side effects are very possible with Type-I AIs, and they should probably be avoided by women. Of course, there are some similarities between the two types of AIs…both type I & type II AIs mimic normal substrates (essentially androgens), allowing them to compete with the substrate for access to the binding site on the aromatase enzyme. After this binding, the next step is where things differ greatly for the two different types of AI’s. In the case of a type-I AI, the noncompetitive inhibitor will bind, and the enzyme initiates a sequence of hydroxylation; this hydroxylation produces an unbreakable covalent bond between the inhibitor and the enzyme protein. Now, enzyme activity is permanently blocked; even if all unattached inhibitor is removed. Aromatase enzyme activity can only be restored by new enzyme synthesis. Now, on the other hand, competitive inhibitors, called type II AI’s, reversibly bind to the active enzyme site, and one of two things can happen:
> 1.) either no enzyme activity is triggered or
> 2.) the enzyme is somehow triggered without effect.
> The type II inhibitor can now actually disassociate from the binding site, eventually allowing renewed competition between the inhibitor and the substrate for binding to the site. This means that the effectiveness of competitive aromatase inhibitors depends on the relative concentrations and affinities of both the inhibitor and the substrate, while this is not so for noncompetitive inhibitors. Aromasin is a type-I inhibitor, meaning that once it has done its job, and deactivated the aromatase enzyme, we don’t need it anymore. Letrozole and Arimidex actually need to remain present to continue their effects. This is possibly why Nolvadex does notalter the pharmacokinetics of Aromasin (11).
> Conclusion
> Before we close the book on Aromasin, it’s worth noting that you can (and should) still use one of the non-steroidal AIs during your cycle to reduce estrogen, if necessary. When you are ready for PCT, you can then switch over to Aromasin and still experience the full effects of an AI, since there is no cross-over tolerance experienced between steroidal and non-steroidal AIs (9). Since Aromasin is about 65% efficient at suppressing estrogen (10), it’s certainly a very powerful agent, especially considering you won’t experience reduced effectiveness because of your concurrent use of Nolvadex or from any sort of tolerance developed by using other AIs on your cycle(9). There is also a decent amount of preclinical data suggesting that Aromasin has a beneficial effect on bone mineral metabolism that is not seen with non-steroidal agents, and it may also have beneficial effects on lipid metabolism that are not found in the non-steroidal Letro and A-dex (9).
> Finally, as we’re going to be using Nolvadex for PCT anyway, and we ought to be using an AI with it for maximum recovery…I think Aromasin- considering it’s compatibility with Nolvadex and beneficial effects on bone mineral content and lipid profile, has finally stopped being the black sheep of AIs and found a home in our cycles.
> References:
> 1. Clin Cancer Res. 2005 Apr 15;11(8):2809-21.
> 2. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1995 Sep;80(9):2658-60.
> 3. [Clinical aspects of estrogen and bone metabolism] Clin Calcium. 2002 Sep;12(9):1246-51. Japanese.
> 4. Science, Vol 283, Issue 5406, 1277-1278 ,26 February 1999
> 5. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000 Jul;85(7):2370-7, "Estrogen Suppression in Males"
> 6. Fertil Steril. 1978 Mar;29(3):320-7
> 7. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Mar;89(3):1174-80
> 8. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2001 Dec;79(1-5):85-91.
> 9. The Oncologist, Vol. 9, No. 2, 126–136, April 2004
> 10. Zilembo N., Noberasco C., Bajetta E., Martinetti A., Mariani L., Orefici S. Endocrinological and clinical evaluation of exemestane, a new steroidal aromatase inhibitor. Br. J. Cancer, 72: 1007-1012, 1995
> 11. Clinical Cancer Research Vol. 10, 1943-1948, March 2004
> 12. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 88, No. 12 5951-5956

1 year ago #16
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