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My first cycle, need help

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1 year ago #1
Junior Member
Junior Member Posts: 4  Reviews: 0  Threads: 1 

Hey guys,
I have been training since I was 16 and am now 26 was natty until recently! I am after some assistance as my libido has taken a massive hit and I want to get it back!

This is my first cycle and I have been running test e! My cycle has been

Week 1: 300mg test e, dosed at 150mg bi weekly
Week 2: 300mg test e, dosed at 150mg bi weekly
Week 3: 300mg test e, dosed at 150mg bi weekly, test prop 100mg, split into 3 dosages

I’m on to week 4 and will be continuing the same dosage as week 3. After this week I will just continue with test e 400mg / week until I complete 16 weeks!

For the last couple of weeks I have noticed that I have zero libido and need your guys advice on what I should do and where to go from here!

I have 1mg arimidex on hand, but wanting to know how I should be taking this and the dosage. I’ve read a lot of different things so just want some opinions!

I have just done bloods today and waiting for the results to see if my E2 is high!

Let me know what you guys reckon

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    Crashbandicoot 1 year ago
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1 year ago #2
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Hey brother it would be best to look at lab work before throwing anything else in the mix.

I personally do not like adex. It’s very temperamental and causes one heck of a rebound when it’s discontinued. I recommend exemastane aka Aromasin. It’s a suicidal inhibitor, meaning it doesn’t cause an E2 rebound.

I want to tell you great job on tour cycle doses. I was never a person who took more than 400mg of anything. I always stuck to the 300mg range. It benefited my health greatly.

When did you notice your libido gone?

1 year ago #3
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Arimidex is powerful stuff!

Arimidex is typically initiated in week two of the cycle and taken for the entire length of the cycle at 0.5mg twice a week. It will balance the estrogen levels; if you consume it too much, you will feel terrible because it may lead to low libido. Arimidex, when consumed properly, has shown that it increases the testosterone level in the body. A high testosterone level in the body is responsible for maintaining youthfulness in men. Get your blood work done immediately to figure out what's wrong.

1 year ago #4
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The results of your blood work will likely provide your answers. But give it some more time, as you are in week 3. Moreover, you can take clomid as pct 50mg twice a week as it helps to increase estrogens. I have heard about propecia as well, do your research on that too.

Quoted Crashbandicoot; Post# 4396

Hey guys,
I have been training since I was 16 and am now 26 was natty until recently! I am after some assistance as my libido has taken a massive hit and I want to get it back!
This is my first cycle and I have been running test e! My cycle has been
Week 1: 300mg test e, dosed at 150mg bi weekly
Week 2: 300mg test e, dosed at 150mg bi weekly
Week 3: 300mg test e, dosed at 150mg bi weekly, test prop 100mg, split into 3 dosages
I’m on to week 4 and will be continuing the same dosage as week 3. After this week I will just continue with test e 400mg / week until I complete 16 weeks!
For the last couple of weeks I have noticed that I have zero libido and need your guys advice on what I should do and where to go from here!
I have 1mg arimidex on hand, but wanting to know how I should be taking this and the dosage. I’ve read a lot of different things so just want some opinions!
I have just done bloods today and waiting for the results to see if my E2 is high!
Let me know what you guys reckon

1 year ago #5
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Hey Brother!! Don't worry since you've already done blood tests to check your hormone levels, it's a good idea to wait for the results. Till then discuss this situation with a healthcare professional who can provide appropriate guidance based on those results. They will be able to assess your hormone profile and determine if any adjustments to your cycle or medication are necessary.

Quoted Crashbandicoot; Post# 4396

Hey guys,
I have been training since I was 16 and am now 26 was natty until recently! I am after some assistance as my libido has taken a massive hit and I want to get it back!
This is my first cycle and I have been running test e! My cycle has been
Week 1: 300mg test e, dosed at 150mg bi weekly
Week 2: 300mg test e, dosed at 150mg bi weekly
Week 3: 300mg test e, dosed at 150mg bi weekly, test prop 100mg, split into 3 dosages
I’m on to week 4 and will be continuing the same dosage as week 3. After this week I will just continue with test e 400mg / week until I complete 16 weeks!
For the last couple of weeks I have noticed that I have zero libido and need your guys advice on what I should do and where to go from here!
I have 1mg arimidex on hand, but wanting to know how I should be taking this and the dosage. I’ve read a lot of different things so just want some opinions!
I have just done bloods today and waiting for the results to see if my E2 is high!
Let me know what you guys reckon

1 year ago #6
Junior Member
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Quoted Pcushion; Post# 4415

Hey brother it would be best to look at lab work before throwing anything else in the mix.
I personally do not like adex. It’s very temperamental and causes one heck of a rebound when it’s discontinued. I recommend exemastane aka Aromasin. It’s a suicidal inhibitor, meaning it doesn’t cause an E2 rebound.
I want to tell you great job on tour cycle doses. I was never a person who took more than 400mg of anything. I always stuck to the 300mg range. It benefited my health greatly.
When did you notice your libido gone?

Hey mate,
Just waiting on blood results still!

Yeah I’ve heard people say they like adex and some say aromasin!! I’ll do some research and see what I think, since it’s my first cycle it’s all a learning curve atm!

I noticed my libido change probably on week 2 I’d say and that was only at 300mg!

I won’t be going any higher than 400mg and if I feel it’s too much I’ll taper back down to 300mg for the duration!

If my e2 is low what do I do then?

If my e2 is high do I then just split my adex up to .50mg day after pin? Unless I switch to aromasin then what will the dosage be on that?

Thanks for your help

1 year ago #7
Junior Member
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Quoted AncientAlien; Post# 4429

The results of your blood work will likely provide your answers. But give it some more time, as you are in week 3. Moreover, you can take clomid as pct 50mg twice a week as it helps to increase estrogens. I have heard about propecia as well, do your research on that too.

I have some Nolva on hand 20mg, is it best to get clomid too or is Nolva just as fine?

1 year ago #8
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If it’s taken twice weekly how is it recommended to take? As in day after pinning and seperate 3 days apart or? I’m currently pinning Monday pm Thursday am

Quoted 7gothic; Post# 4428

Arimidex is powerful stuff!

Arimidex is typically initiated in week two of the cycle and taken for the entire length of the cycle at 0.5mg twice a week. It will balance the estrogen levels; if you consume it too much, you will feel terrible because it may lead to low libido. Arimidex, when consumed properly, has shown that it increases the testosterone level in the body. A high testosterone level in the body is responsible for maintaining youthfulness in men. Get your blood work done immediately to figure out what's wrong.

1 year ago #9
Contributing Member
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Have you considered consulting with a healthcare professional who specializes in hormone management to discuss your concerns about libido and the usage of Arimidex? They could provide personalized advice based on your blood test results and help address your situation.

Quoted Crashbandicoot; Post# 4396

Hey guys,
I have been training since I was 16 and am now 26 was natty until recently! I am after some assistance as my libido has taken a massive hit and I want to get it back!
This is my first cycle and I have been running test e! My cycle has been
Week 1: 300mg test e, dosed at 150mg bi weekly
Week 2: 300mg test e, dosed at 150mg bi weekly
Week 3: 300mg test e, dosed at 150mg bi weekly, test prop 100mg, split into 3 dosages
I’m on to week 4 and will be continuing the same dosage as week 3. After this week I will just continue with test e 400mg / week until I complete 16 weeks!
For the last couple of weeks I have noticed that I have zero libido and need your guys advice on what I should do and where to go from here!
I have 1mg arimidex on hand, but wanting to know how I should be taking this and the dosage. I’ve read a lot of different things so just want some opinions!
I have just done bloods today and waiting for the results to see if my E2 is high!
Let me know what you guys reckon

1 year ago #10
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If your e2 gets too low you need to pull back on whatever AI you choose to take. Like I said before adex is much more temperamental. With adex it’s easier to get e2 excessively low.

Doses are best based of lab work. That said 25mg of Aro twice a week is a pretty universal dose. I have never needed to take the Aro higher. It is extremely effective if it’s real. I always used to take my AI on the same day as my injection.

I can’t offer any advice on adex dosing. I have only used it one time many years back. That’s how is discovered it was so temperamental.

Post your labs up when you get them. I would love to check them out.

The other option if e2 control is needed would be to run nolva or torem the whole cycle. It’s much more user friendly. 20mg a day.

Quoted Crashbandicoot; Post# 4441

Hey mate,
Just waiting on blood results still!
Yeah I’ve heard people say they like adex and some say aromasin!! I’ll do some research and see what I think, since it’s my first cycle it’s all a learning curve atm!
I noticed my libido change probably on week 2 I’d say and that was only at 300mg!
I won’t be going any higher than 400mg and if I feel it’s too much I’ll taper back down to 300mg for the duration!
If my e2 is low what do I do then?
If my e2 is high do I then just split my adex up to .50mg day after pin? Unless I switch to aromasin then what will the dosage be on that?
Thanks for your help

1 year ago #11
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Quoted Pcushion; Post# 4460

If your e2 gets too low you need to pull back on whatever AI you choose to take. Like I said before adex is much more temperamental. With adex it’s easier to get e2 excessively low.
Doses are best based of lab work. That said 25mg of Aro twice a week is a pretty universal dose. I have never needed to take the Aro higher. It is extremely effective if it’s real. I always used to take my AI on the same day as my injection.
I can’t offer any advice on adex dosing. I have only used it one time many years back. That’s how is discovered it was so temperamental.
Post your labs up when you get them. I would love to check them out.
The other option if e2 control is needed would be to run nolva or torem the whole cycle. It’s much more user friendly. 20mg a day.

1 year ago #12
Junior Member
Junior Member Posts: 9  Reviews: 2  Threads: 0 

Great answer!
I am estro prone and over the years I have found that 3x12mg aromasin is best for me if Im on 500+mg of test.

Maybe you can help with something. My gyno flares up whenever I add HGH. I have read that some people get that. Raising AI would solve that? Does the hgh/gyno thing makes sense?

Quoted Pcushion; Post# 4460

If your e2 gets too low you need to pull back on whatever AI you choose to take. Like I said before adex is much more temperamental. With adex it’s easier to get e2 excessively low.
Doses are best based of lab work. That said 25mg of Aro twice a week is a pretty universal dose. I have never needed to take the Aro higher. It is extremely effective if it’s real. I always used to take my AI on the same day as my injection.
I can’t offer any advice on adex dosing. I have only used it one time many years back. That’s how is discovered it was so temperamental.
Post your labs up when you get them. I would love to check them out.
The other option if e2 control is needed would be to run nolva or torem the whole cycle. It’s much more user friendly. 20mg a day.

8 months ago #13
Banned Posts: 10  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 

It seems like you might be referring to your first menstrual cycle. If that's the case, here are some general tips:

  1. Hygiene: Use sanitary pads, tampons, or menstrual cups to manage your flow. Change them regularly to maintain good hygiene.
  2. Pain Relief: If you experience menstrual cramps, over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen may help. Consult with a healthcare professional before using any medication.
  3. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, which can help alleviate some symptoms.
  4. Rest and Relaxation: If you're feeling fatigued or uncomfortable, take some time to rest and relax.
  5. Track Your Cycle: Consider using a period tracker app to monitor your menstrual cycle. This can help you anticipate your next period and understand your body's patterns.
  6. Talk to Someone: If you have concerns or questions, talk to a trusted adult, a healthcare professional, or a school nurse. They can provide guidance and answer any questions you may have.


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