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My weekly progress report

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1 year ago #1
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I just completed the first full week of my Tren-E 200 cycle.
Since this is my first real cycle ever I plan on posting a weekly report on how I’m feeling mentally, physically, and or any increases or decreases in my gear (including any add ons).

(a) Physically:
I feel fine, I can already notice physical changes in my muscles and also my skin. The most evident change I noticed is I DONT HAVE ANY BACK PAIN ANYMORE!!!!!!
Getting up out of the bed, off the couch even squat days are normal AF.

(b) Mentally:
Now I read all over the place that I would become aggressive and also a Dick Jerking Sexual T-Rex but I haven’t seen the likes of PornHub all week and even in public I’m looking at women quite the opposite. I’m really on some help an old lady cross the street or rescue some retards cat out of a fig tree type shit. I feel upgraded and more patient, not a Captain Save A Hoe but willfully helpful.

(c) Dosages:
I’ve been doing .5ml eod and like all things my body has quickly adjusted to the gear. I’m doing about 150mg of test every week but I’m about to elevate that to either test-e 300 or something equivalent. This week my winny arrives and I plan on doing no more the 30mg/day, not sure when to start though. My cycle will be 8-12 weeks then I will transfer to just HgH and test regularly.

(d) Source:
Pharmacom Labs is what I’m rockin with and I’m gonna stick to warehouse 1 ( never doing that intentional shit again). I think it’s important to rock with the same lab if it’s working out for you. Also I order through steroidify ( it’s hard finding people on telegram you can trust, matter of fact I don’t trust none of those MFers).

(e) Diet:
I’ve been eating grilled Chicken Breast and some form of green veggie (cabbage, broccoli, Brussel sprout, asparagus). I eat a pasta salad on M, W, F. I make sure I eat a bowl of fruit daily. I previously went from 228 down to 198 in 60 days now I noticed I stay around 202lbs. I really want to get down to 170-175lbs but I’m not sweating it and remaining patient (I know it will come).

Not sure if I should keep adding my weekly reports here or keep making a new one but thanks for reading and any input is much appreciated.

Best Regards

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    Geekmonster 1 year ago
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    Geekmonster 1 year ago
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1 year ago #2
Contributing Member
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-Wasn’t sure where to post this-
Since this is my first real cycle ever I plan on posting a weekly report on how I’m feeling mentally, physically, and or any increases or decreases in my gear (including any add ons).
I just completed the first full week of my Tren-E 200 cycle.
(a) Physically:
I feel fine, I can already notice physical changes in my muscles and also my skin. The most evident change I noticed is I DONT HAVE ANY BACK PAIN ANYMORE!!!!!!
Getting up out of the bed, off the couch even squat days are normal AF.
(b) Mentally:
I read everywhere that I would become aggressive and also a Dick Jerking Sexual T-Rex but I haven’t seen the likes of PornHub all week and even in public I’m looking at women quite the opposite. I’m really on some help an old lady cross the street or rescue some retards cat out of a fig tree type shit. I feel upgraded and more patient, not a Captain Save A Hoe but willfully helpful.
(c) Dosages:
I’ve been doing .5ml eod and like all things my body has quickly adjusted to the gear. I’m doing about 150mg of test every week but I’m about to elevate that to either test-e 300 or something equivalent. This week my winny arrives and I plan on doing no more the 30mg/day, not sure when to start though. My tren cycle will be 8-12 weeks then I will transfer to just HgH and test regularly.
(d) Source:
Pharmacom Labs is what I’m rockin with and I’m gonna stick to warehouse 1 ( never doing that intentional shit again). I think it’s important to rock with the same lab if it’s working out for you. Also I order through steroidify ( it’s hard finding people on telegram you can trust, matter of fact I don’t trust none of those MFers).
(e) Diet:
I’ve been eating grilled Chicken Breast and some form of green veggie (cabbage, broccoli, Brussel sprout, asparagus). I eat a pasta salad on M, W, F. I make sure I eat a bowl of fruit daily. I previously went from 228 down to 198 in 60 days now I noticed I stay around 202lbs. I really want to get down to 170-175lbs but I’m not sweating it and remaining patient (I know it will come).
Not sure if I should keep adding my weekly reports here or keep making a new one but thanks for reading and any input is much appreciated.
Best Regards

1 year ago #3
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This looks like an awesome thread. I've always wanted to use tren but never tried because of all the negative side effects.

Cause Low libido? What do you think?

Following this thread

Quoted Geekmonster; Post# 4513

I just completed the first full week of my Tren-E 200 cycle.
Since this is my first real cycle ever I plan on posting a weekly report on how I’m feeling mentally, physically, and or any increases or decreases in my gear (including any add ons).
(a) Physically:
I feel fine, I can already notice physical changes in my muscles and also my skin. The most evident change I noticed is I DONT HAVE ANY BACK PAIN ANYMORE!!!!!!
Getting up out of the bed, off the couch even squat days are normal AF.
(b) Mentally:
Now I read all over the place that I would become aggressive and also a Dick Jerking Sexual T-Rex but I haven’t seen the likes of PornHub all week and even in public I’m looking at women quite the opposite. I’m really on some help an old lady cross the street or rescue some retards cat out of a fig tree type shit. I feel upgraded and more patient, not a Captain Save A Hoe but willfully helpful.
(c) Dosages:
I’ve been doing .5ml eod and like all things my body has quickly adjusted to the gear. I’m doing about 150mg of test every week but I’m about to elevate that to either test-e 300 or something equivalent. This week my winny arrives and I plan on doing no more the 30mg/day, not sure when to start though. My cycle will be 8-12 weeks then I will transfer to just HgH and test regularly.
(d) Source:
Pharmacom Labs is what I’m rockin with and I’m gonna stick to warehouse 1 ( never doing that intentional shit again). I think it’s important to rock with the same lab if it’s working out for you. Also I order through steroidify ( it’s hard finding people on telegram you can trust, matter of fact I don’t trust none of those MFers).
(e) Diet:
I’ve been eating grilled Chicken Breast and some form of green veggie (cabbage, broccoli, Brussel sprout, asparagus). I eat a pasta salad on M, W, F. I make sure I eat a bowl of fruit daily. I previously went from 228 down to 198 in 60 days now I noticed I stay around 202lbs. I really want to get down to 170-175lbs but I’m not sweating it and remaining patient (I know it will come).
Not sure if I should keep adding my weekly reports here or keep making a new one but thanks for reading and any input is much appreciated.
Best Regards

1 year ago #4
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I hope you don't get addicted to it because most people start to misuse it at some point. Are you not doing any sort of physical exercise along with the cycle? What is the quality of your sleep after starting the cycle?

1 year ago #5
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My sleep is fine and it makes me think what the hell am
I really on?

Not sure it’s a bad thing but as far as Labido I’m not a raging horn dog at all in the past week.

I can see it being addictive because it’s like a positive feeling you get on this shit (not the crazy Ultimate Warrior craziness everybody describes)

I work out 6 days a week, (todays leg day) and I use an app called Shred for my workouts.

But for now I’m fine and if I feel like things are starting to get crazy I got ALLL YOU GUYS TO LEAN ON FOR ADVICE!!!!

1 year ago #6
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I can see it causing some kind of Broke Dick Syndrome (I’m keep ya watch on that)

1 year ago #7
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Wait a minute, so there’s people out there that inject this shit and don’t even go work out????

> Quoted Greg; Post# 4533

> I hope you don't get addicted to it because most people start to misuse it at some point. Are you not doing any sort of physical exercise along with the cycle? What is the quality of your sleep after starting the cycle?

1 year ago #8
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You have started a ride on a rollercoaster, bro :P
I felt different every single week. Sometimes you feel like you are on top of the mountain, and sometimes you feel like you are sinking but be consistent because the end results will gonna amaze you! How is your appetite at this point?

1 year ago #9
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My appetite is up but not out of control,sticking to the chicken, fish and green veggies, today was the first day I kind of caught myself thinking about people and things in an unusually negative way (like why the fuq am I thinking about this person?). But I’m making a conscious effort to check myself.

> Quoted unreal89; Post# 4568

> You have started a ride on a rollercoaster, bro :P
> I felt different every single week. Sometimes you feel like you are on top of the mountain, and sometimes you feel like you are sinking but be consistent because the end results will gonna amaze you! How is your appetite at this point?


10 hours ago .  5

Ik kreeg gedetailleerde aanbevelingen over hoe ik de vetverbranders moest gebruiken. Bedankt voor je hulp!


11 hours ago .  5

amazing products that male me feel strong and the development of muscle is crazy. Its a good idea to trust deusmedical


13 hours ago .  5

My first tial order completely satisfied I will order again soon a lot more.