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  3. For what purpose is an anabolic steroid used? Do they harm bodybuilders or an athlete’s health?

For what purpose is an anabolic steroid used? Do they harm bodybuilders or an athlete’s health?

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1 year ago #1
Super Source Lv. 3
Super Source Lv. 3 Posts: 542  Reviews: 1  Threads: 964 

Well, we all know that steroids or anabolic steroids are types of artificial testosterone. It is a hormone that is typically associated with the male body. But the female body also produces testosterone in smaller amounts.
When taken properly, steroids aren't always hazardous. They’re used for a variety of both health and athletic purposes, including:

  • increasing muscle growth as a result of increased protein synthesis in the body
  • increasing muscle endurance and strength.
  • reducing your body fat percentage in general.
  • increased synthesis of red blood cells.
  • improve strength-related sports performance, such as weightlifting.

If steroids are used appropriately under medical supervision, they are not dangerous.

But misuse of steroids can be dangerous. The way they are misused -

Cycling: Taking a lot of steroids and then stopping for a period before resuming.
Stacking: utilise a variety of steroid kinds at the same time, or use several delivery methods (like injections and supplements together).
Pyramiding: Begin with modest dosages and gradually increase the amount before reducing it again.
Plateauing: switching to another steroid and then switching back to keep the steroid from becoming ineffective.

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