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2 years ago #1
Junior Member
Junior Member Posts: 3  Reviews: 0  Threads: 1 

I am new here....to everything. I started working out 3 years ago at 62. I've had 4 rotator cuff and bicep tendon repairs over the years. I now get stem cell for my shoulders. Best thing ever! I use specialty bars for everything. Bench ,squat(MARRS bar),trap bar etc. I was on TRT for one year(150mg@week)
I quit because my girlfriend wants kids. I quit cold turkey and after one month my numbers were all normal. I actually felt better when I quit TRT and I also gained some size. Total test settled at about 400. I know weird...right?
I also did 8 weeks of Osterine and MK 677 awhile back while on some leftover Test for a base. The Osterine took every pain and inflammation from my body. It was nothing short of AMAZING!!
I gained strength in the first week. After 4 weeks it seemed to not do much and I doubled it from 7.5 to 15.
Ok,so now I am on Clomid going on 3rd month. After everything I've learned(not much lol) I'm thinking about going back on TRT (200@week) and Turinabol like say 20 mg a day and something for liver. Does this sound OK? It's hard to find info on all this stuff for my age.
Oh,and I'm 5'11" 225. I hate to say about 20%bodyfat.
I am able to be whatever weight I want fairly easy from 185 to 225.
Any suggestions or questions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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    Herman 2 years ago
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    Banjobongoboyo 2 years ago
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2 years ago #2
Source Lv. 1
Source Lv. 1 Posts: 121  Reviews: 0  Threads: 44 

Hello my friend, i have made some post some time ago about TRT You can check maybe you will find some helpful information.

Also regarding your shoulders, i would recommend Infrajet or GFA ( it is new type of bioengineer products) the main function of these products is the synthesis of proteins, which primarily restore tissues, not only muscle but also tendons and ridges. I will try to prepare an article on this product in the near future.

Quoted Herman; Post# 968

I am new here....to everything. I started working out 3 years ago at 62. I've had 4 rotator cuff and bicep tendon repairs over the years. I now get stem cell for my shoulders. Best thing ever! I use specialty bars for everything. Bench ,squat(MARRS bar),trap bar etc. I was on TRT for one year(#@week)
I quit because my girlfriend wants kids. I quit cold turkey and after one month my numbers were all normal. I actually felt better when I quit TRT and I also gained some size. Total test settled at about 400. I know weird...right?
I also did 8 weeks of Osterine and MK 677 awhile back while on some leftover Test for a base. The Osterine took every pain and inflammation from my body. It was nothing short of AMAZING!!
I gained strength in the first week. After 4 weeks it seemed to not do much and I doubled it from 7.5 to 15.
Ok,so now I am on Clomid going on 3rd month. After everything I've learned(not much lol) I'm thinking about going back on TRT (#@week) and Turinabol like say 20 mg a day and something for liver. Does this sound OK? It's hard to find info on all this stuff for my age.
Oh,and I'm 5'11" 225. I hate to say about 20%bodyfat.
I am able to be whatever weight I want fairly easy from 185 to 225.
Any suggestions or questions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

2 years ago #3
Junior Member
Junior Member Posts: 3  Reviews: 0  Threads: 1 

Thank you. I have not heard of these new procedures for shoulders.
Do you feel they are a better option than stem cell? My stem cell is covered btw.
Every 6 months for life. They are also trying something new with braces of some kind. I will find out more soon. I have no pain,but I have weakness. I just kind of hit a barrier at 170 lbs with specialty bar. Strict form,very slow down, pause at bottom.
Squats I'm making gains,deads too.
The reason I was thinking of turinabol with trt is to get past some sticking points.
I am moving VERY slowly and carefully.
I have stacks of all SARMS,but am reluctant to use without more knowledge. I purchased a bunch from Rats Army not knowing they have a shelf life. Lol
I also have an abundance of Test from stock piling on my down time. How do you feel about 200 test (100 twice a week) and 20 or 30 mg of turinabol with a liver protect?
Also I thought of adding a modest amount of Carderine to boost HDL and keep things in line better. Only 6 weeks max for the turinabol and such ,but I would continue the trt.

2 years ago #4
Anastein Posts: 17  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 

Sounds like you've had some ups and downs my friend. TRT is a tough thing to get dialed in properly and find that "sweetspot" where your numbers are good and your body feels great. It sounds like you weren't quite settled in yet before quitting and venturing out into the world of SARMS and peptides. Don't get me wrong, some are useful in the right setting, but they won't replace what your body still needs, and that's testosterone. If fertility is your biggest concern (which I totally understand as my wife wants to start trying for kids next year), then using HCG in conjuction with your TRT regimen will keep your boys full and keep your fertility intact. It acts as a leutenizing hormone mimic, which sends a signal from the brain telling your testes to get to work and start producing their own testosterone, regardless if you're receiving it from an exogenous source. I'd definitely look into that before giving up testosterone therapy altogether, as your numbers show your body needs it.

As far as MK-677, I'd be careful with it as it'll definitely help put on mass due to increased hunger and glycogen storage in the body, but yes you do get desensitized to it, and your insulin receptors do too. People often use it in lieu of HGH (growth hormone) for recovery and repair, but it's actually a Ghrelin agonist that interferes with circadian functions such as eating, sleeping, etc. It also has a tendency to cause water retention in the joints, so in your case especially I'd be careful if you begin to notice any tendinitis. I have a torn rotator cuff as well and trust me, it's achy enough without anything exacerbating it.

Good look my friend, I know there's a word of information out there to research and process. If you have any questions, feel free to message me.

2 years ago #5
Junior Member
Junior Member Posts: 3  Reviews: 0  Threads: 1 

Thank you for the great info!
Yes,TRT is something that has to be dialed in. Unfortunately, I have only been referred to a urologist. First,it's the proverbial 200mg pinned every two weeks. Then it's me doing 100 a week on my own. Then it's talk the DR into 150 a week and discard the rest. Ofcourse I just go to 100 mg Monday and 100 mg Thursday. I even had a 10 mil bottle I had to get rid of so I worked my way up to 500 mg a week. Really no substantial difference. I don't understand!!
The Osterine gave me ridiculous strength gains at low dose with a test base within days. It was really miraculous. Also took ALL inflammation out of body and helped my BPH. Yet after a few weeks it didn't seem to do anything and I started getting pain in elbows.
I have NEVER done any PED in my life til I was 64. In my younger days 20s and 30s I could look at weights and gain. Lol.
I am on Terazosin for BPH. Alpha blocker I think. I don't know if that has anything to do with anything. I also have subclinical hypothyroidism. TSH is 5.61. T4 and everything else is normal. No meds.
With abundant research I thought 200 mg a week and 20 or 30 mg of turinabol with liver protect and MAYBE carderine.
I also don't know what verbage,advice etc is allowed on this site. Very new. Any help is appreciated. I am a 110 percent kind of guy. I want substantial gains at 65 and I believe it is possible with a little help. I do not want to get into ANYTHING that would cause damage to my health.
As far as HCG...is it a whole lot better than the Clomid I get prescribed? Also what about Enclomiphine?
My previous girlfriend was 27. My girlfriend now is 42 hasn't had children and might want one. Both biological clocks are ticking I know.
I'm currently going to get a Endo consult as I feel the TRT and Fertility issues are better suited for than urology. These DRs just don't know TRT and I don't think a man Clinic would be covered.

2 years ago #6
Anastein Posts: 17  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 

Yep, I've been through that process myself when I first started TRT and realized that unfortunately most docs don't understand male hormone therapy very well, and the few that do are hesitant to let you take charge of the process yourself. Having you pin once every two weeks is going to have your T levels fluctuating wildly and you'll be dealing with a lot of peaks and troughs between doses. What typically works best is usually taking your dose and splitting it into twice weekly injections (every 3.5 days) to maintain more stable blood testosterone levels. Reason being is that the testosterone doctors will typically prescribe to you is attached to a time-release ester called Cypionate, which is easy to manage because its half-life is pretty close to 7 days. But as you can imagine, taking a compound that loses half its potency within 7 days and waiting 14 days between injections is gonna ut you on a hormonal rollercoaster that ends with you being pretty depleted by the end of the two-week period.

As far as MK-677, there are multiple factors in play here. The strength gains you're feeling aren't from increased testosterone, but increased glycogen stores, and likely increased caloric intake due to the insulin and appetite spike that high levels of Ghrelin create. While yes, it can aid in recovery and help your muscles feel fuller, most of that is water retention in the tissues. That's also the reason you're experiencing elbow pain, as more water is being pushed into the area between the muscle and the soft tissues (tendons, ligaments, etc,). This actually could exacerbate the rotator cuff injury via the same mechanism.

As far as Clomid vs HCG, HCG is much more sustainable long-term and comes with far less side effects (and is also much cheaper.) Clomid is better used after a short steroid cycle to help restart your HPTA, but isn't ideal for long-term use.

As for making gains at your age, it's absolutely possible. I'm 32 and one of my favorite guys to work out with is 57. We're about the same height and build and he keeps up with me no problem. He's in better shape at his age then I was in my early 20s pre-TRT. It absolutely can be done. But before jumping into a bunch of other compounds that may make great additions to a TRT regimen, I'd focus in the testosterone first as that's the foundation you'll be building on. It also lets you get used to how your body responds to altered hormones without adding too many variables into the mix.

2 years ago #7
Administrator Posts: 1017  Reviews: 46  Threads: 89 

Welcome @Herman & @Banjobongoboyo on board.
@Banjobongoboyo Thanks 🙏🏻 for sharing your knowledge & helping a brother out. That is some excellent 👌🏻 info & advise up there.

Much appreciated.

2 years ago #8
Anastein Posts: 17  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 

Glad I can help out. I know starting TRT can seem like a chaotic process and I'm always happy to give pointers as I've been down that road myself and learned the hard way that doctors don't always have the best knowledge base when it comes to male endocrinology. Sometimes we just have to figure this stuff out for ourselves and find out what works and what doesn't. @Herman best of luck to you my friend and happy gains 💪 Feel free to shoot me a message anytime if you have questions.

2 years ago #9
Junior Member
Junior Member Posts: 3  Reviews: 0  Threads: 1 

The only reason I'm not doing TRT now is because of Fertility. Urologist has me on Clomid for 3 months for testosterone and Fertility. I get tested next month for both.
If my Fertility is no more,then ofcourse I will not have a worry.
Yes,I know I can make gains and I have. I'm just at a place I'm not hardly making any. I also wonder if it has to do with interrupted sleep. I have to get up to urinate atleast 4 times per night due to BPH.
My arms are 17.25 inches cold and 18 pumped. Legs are 28 in cold and 29 pumped. I can't seem to rise above.
These numbers stay the same natty or on TRT.
My goal would be say 30 inch thighs and atleast 18.5 inch biceps at 10 to 12% bodyfat. At 65 I'm not sure if I have time to make those gains natty. Lol.
I do consider a modest dose of TRT natty because if one's Test is at a high normal level I consider it natty.

Quoted Banjobongoboyo; Post# 977

Yep, I've been through that process myself when I first started TRT and realized that unfortunately most docs don't understand male hormone therapy very well, and the few that do are hesitant to let you take charge of the process yourself. Having you pin once every two weeks is going to have your T levels fluctuating wildly and you'll be dealing with a lot of peaks and troughs between doses. What typically works best is usually taking your dose and splitting it into twice weekly injections (every 3.5 days) to maintain more stable blood testosterone levels. Reason being is that the testosterone doctors will typically prescribe to you is attached to a time-release ester called Cypionate, which is easy to manage because its half-life is pretty close to 7 days. But as you can imagine, taking a compound that loses half its potency within 7 days and waiting 14 days between injections is gonna ut you on a hormonal rollercoaster that ends with you being pretty depleted by the end of the two-week period.
As far as MK-677, there are multiple factors in play here. The strength gains you're feeling aren't from increased testosterone, but increased glycogen stores, and likely increased caloric intake due to the insulin and appetite spike that high levels of Ghrelin create. While yes, it can aid in recovery and help your muscles feel fuller, most of that is water retention in the tissues. That's also the reason you're experiencing elbow pain, as more water is being pushed into the area between the muscle and the soft tissues (tendons, ligaments, etc,). This actually could exacerbate the rotator cuff injury via the same mechanism.
As far as Clomid vs HCG, HCG is much more sustainable long-term and comes with far less side effects (and is also much cheaper.) Clomid is better used after a short steroid cycle to help restart your HPTA, but isn't ideal for long-term use.
As for making gains at your age, it's absolutely possible. I'm 32 and one of my favorite guys to work out with is 57. We're about the same height and build and he keeps up with me no problem. He's in better shape at his age then I was in my early 20s pre-TRT. It absolutely can be done. But before jumping into a bunch of other compounds that may make great additions to a TRT regimen, I'd focus in the testosterone first as that's the foundation you'll be building on. It also lets you get used to how your body responds to altered hormones without adding too many variables into the mix.

2 years ago #10
Contributing Member
Contributing Member Posts: 366  Reviews: 1  Threads: 18 

Excellent advise mate. Keep up the good work.

Quoted Banjobongoboyo; Post# 979

Glad I can help out. I know starting TRT can seem like a chaotic process and I'm always happy to give pointers as I've been down that road myself and learned the hard way that doctors don't always have the best knowledge base when it comes to male endocrinology. Sometimes we just have to figure this stuff out for ourselves and find out what works and what doesn't. #@Herman best of luck to you my friend and happy gains 💪 Feel free to shoot me a message anytime if you have questions.

2 years ago #11
Source Lv. 1
Source Lv. 1 Posts: 121  Reviews: 0  Threads: 44 

 @Banjobongoboyo Thanks buddy for helpful information and welcome on board!

2 years ago #12
Anastein Posts: 17  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 

Anytime! Much appreciated 💪


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