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Sources info

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1 year ago #1
Junior Member
Junior Member Posts: 39  Reviews: 4  Threads: 3 

Whuz hapen'n Yall?!
I know I'm a noob on here and to PED's but I would like to contribute to the board. Now that I'm on the forum I see there are a few verified sources and reviews. One of the big things that drew me to this forum was the "source talk" section. On other forums source talk seems to be very taboo. I found it frustrating that some would claim a source to be good and some would say the same one is a scam. I learned terms like "shill" and "selective scamming". Every time I though I would find a legit source, I would find something negative. Some theorize that sources badmouth each other with fake reviews. The level of distrust of sources from what seems to be veterans made me more apprehensive. I even considered brewing my own gear but it still comes back to whether or not the raws are good. It circles back to a quality source!
So like any noob, I purchased gear from several sources hoping one would be good. I tried roid test in hopes of feeling more comfortable with what I'm going to inject in my body. It costed nearly as much as the gear and was not as conclusive or comforting as I had hoped.
So how can this lost noob contribute? I purchased from three different sources that are not sponsored on this board. I have no connection to them and have not tried the gear. I just had surgery yesterday, so I need to recover a few weeks and get back into shape somewhat before attempting my first cycle. I will send them off to a real lab and report back with the results. On many of the boards Janoshik seems to be the go to for blind testing. I've also seen a few things saying he is a scammer as well. Can anyone confirm that he is an acceptable lab for testing or is there another lab that's more trusted by this forum?
I hope by doing this, I am not stepping on the toes of any of our sponsored sources. I did buy this gear before becoming a member and will have to get it tested anyway, so I though why not share my findings? It could turn out to be cat piss after all. Then they can be added to the "Shit List". I love that, by the way!
Jano charges $120 per compound, so I'm only sending off two or three out of seven compounds at a time. I've never dealt with these sources before and there's no guarantee that they will honor any refund or replacement if it comes back unfavorable. With that said I will get these tests done without any expectation of recouping any costs ,so I can only afford to send 2 or 3 at a time.
I hope someone can find value in this and again I hope this doesn't offend any of the sponsored sources. I just think the more sources I have, the more power I have as a consumer. I don't like to be dependent on any one source and like the freedom to be able to get what I want when I want.

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    Hanuman 1 year ago
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    somatropin.shop 1 year ago
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1 year ago #2
Administrator Posts: 1017  Reviews: 46  Threads: 89 

If any source is not listed on this board, just add it using: https://steroidwiki.com/add-source
The most common method to know if you're receiving real gear is to know & trust your source. Don't buy from any other source except for the reputable one's, they are in the top for several reason.

1 year ago #3
Anastein Posts: 17  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 

@Hanuman you bring up a lot of good points that often aren't addressed enough in the world of finding sources. In all honestly, there never has been and I doubt there ever will be a source that doesn't have at least a few people calling them a scammer of accusing them of selling bad gear. There's a lot of competition out there, and sources will trash each other just to give themselves a leg up and hopefully drive business their way. There are many great sources out there, but the most cost efficient way to obtain gear by far is to homebrew. If you research and do it correctly, it's much easier than people think. Plus you know exactly what you're putting into your body and don't have worry about the trial and error of using different sources. Not to mention testosterone raws are INCREDIBLY cheap, and you can easily obtain ingredients like MCT oil, BA, BB, etc. as easily as ordering on Amazon. You'll need to invest in equipment such as beakers, media bottles, micron particle sterilization filters, etc. also but it's a small price to pay if you plan on using gear long-term and you want it to be of the highest quality possible.

Of course I say this not to take away from the great sources that do exist out there, and the convenience factor of having your gear pre-made and ready to go is a great feeling. But no matter how awesome a source is, somebody will always have something negative to say, usually because of ulterior motives.

1 year ago #4
Junior Member
Junior Member Posts: 39  Reviews: 4  Threads: 3 

Will do.
And yes, that's why I'm here. I bought the gear before I found this forum.

Quoted admin; Post# 1308

If any source is not listed on this board, just add it using: https://steroidwiki.com/add-source
The most common method to know if you're receiving real gear is to know & trust your source. Don't buy from any other source except for the reputable one's, they are in the top for several reason.

1 year ago #5
Junior Member
Junior Member Posts: 39  Reviews: 4  Threads: 3 

Thanks for confirming this. Too much information can sometimes be worse than not enough and it seems like when you dig you hear good things but dig some more and hear bad, dig some more and find more conflicting information. That's why this shit should just be legal and regulated. You would know exactly what you are getting.

Quoted Banjobongoboyo; Post# 1317

#@Hanuman you bring up a lot of good points that often aren't addressed enough in the world of finding sources. In all honestly, there never has been and I doubt there ever will be a source that doesn't have at least a few people calling them a scammer of accusing them of selling bad gear. There's a lot of competition out there, and sources will trash each other just to give themselves a leg up and hopefully drive business their way.

1 year ago #6
Junior Member
Junior Member Posts: 39  Reviews: 4  Threads: 3 

I did research this heavily. I am a bit of a perfectionist and would want to buy the best equipment, but like you said after the initial investment it would be the safest and least expensive route. I don't know if I'm ready to take that route just yet.

Quoted Banjobongoboyo; Post# 1317
There are many great sources out there, but the most cost efficient way to obtain gear by far is to homebrew. If you research and do it correctly, it's much easier than people think. Plus you know exactly what you're putting into your body and don't have worry about the trial and error of using different sources. Not to mention testosterone raws are INCREDIBLY cheap, and you can easily obtain ingredients like MCT oil, BA, BB, etc. as easily as ordering on Amazon. You'll need to invest in equipment such as beakers, media bottles, micron particle sterilization filters, etc. also but it's a small price to pay if you plan on using gear long-term and you want it to be of the highest quality possible.

1 year ago #7
Junior Member
Junior Member Posts: 39  Reviews: 4  Threads: 3 

OK Yall, the results from one of three sources came back as good. Here's the link of my review. I've got two more to do.

1 year ago #8
Contributing Member
Contributing Member Posts: 366  Reviews: 1  Threads: 18 

You found the source you were lookin for?

1 year ago #9
Junior Member
Junior Member Posts: 39  Reviews: 4  Threads: 3 

My apologies if I don't understand the question. I wasn't looking for any source in particular.

One my primary reasons for joining this forum was because most forums won't talk about sources. Guys on many forums say things like "do the work" and "I'm not spoon feeding sources". I ordered products from three different sources before joining this forum. I did many hours over weeks of combing many forums before doing so. It's hard to tell some times who's a "shill" (a word I recently learned from these forums), also there's people who remark about others "kissing source ass", or "gear whores" who post good reviews because they received free gear. I'm sure everyone on here at some point or another at least considered home brew just because of all the conflicting information. I also learned terms like "selective scamming". There's also what would seem like sources posting fake negative reviews of each other. It's very frustrating. This is something you are going to inject into your body.

Between the gear and the testing, it was over $700. After it came back good, I contacted this source and asked if I could get any credit since my expenses benefited them. They came back a little irritated and asked why would I do my own test if they already posted their own test results! LOL! I explained that they could send good stuff to the lab and shit to me (as if they didn't know). They gave me a $50 credit which is about what you would get back for paying crypto on moderate order. With that said, I'm pretty sure that means I'm not a gear whore, or not a good one at least. Haha!

I have some primo and var from a domestic source called colonial that I will send off and post and another source from Thailand called Cat pharma. They were actually the first order I made. There wasn't a lot of information on them but my logic was, since steroids are legal in Thailand and can be purchased at smaller pharmacies I should have a decent chance at getting good stuff. TBH, the packaging on both look a little cheap, so we'll see what the test comes back with.

It will be a while before I test the other two just due to the expense. Fedex to Jano was like $140, plus $120 per substance blind test.

Quoted oli; Post# 1445

You found the source you were lookin for?

1 year ago #10
Contributing Member
Contributing Member Posts: 77  Reviews: 0  Threads: 13 

Looks like you are catching up on lingo. True you need trust in the source before injecting anything from him in your body. Long back when i was starting i skeptically placed two very small orders like a 100 bucks each with two different sources an d ended up throwing gear from one due tp lack of trust. but after a while i was injecting everything lol.
Cimmunities like this one serves as a place where like minded ppl can safely discuss the issues and ideas that they might not be able to speak of in the gym or the dinner table.

Quoted Hanuman; Post# 1475

My apologies if I don't understand the question. I wasn't looking for any source in particular.
One my primary reasons for joining this forum was because most forums won't talk about sources. Guys on many forums say things like "do the work" and "I'm not spoon feeding sources". I ordered products from three different sources before joining this forum. I did many hours over weeks of combing many forums before doing so. It's hard to tell some times who's a "shill" (a word I recently learned from these forums), also there's people who remark about others "kissing source ass", or "gear whores" who post good reviews because they received free gear. I'm sure everyone on here at some point or another at least considered home brew just because of all the conflicting information. I also learned terms like "selective scamming". There's also what would seem like sources posting fake negative reviews of each other. It's very frustrating. This is something you are going to inject into your body.
Between the gear and the testing, it was over $700. After it came back good, I contacted this source and asked if I could get any credit since my expenses benefited them. They came back a little irritated and asked why would I do my own test if they already posted their own test results! LOL! I explained that they could send good stuff to the lab and shit to me (as if they didn't know). They gave me a $50 credit which is about what you would get back for paying crypto on moderate order. With that said, I'm pretty sure that means I'm not a gear whore, or not a good one at least. Haha!
I have some primo and var from a domestic source called colonial that I will send off and post and another source from Thailand called Cat pharma. They were actually the first order I made. There wasn't a lot of information on them but my logic was, since steroids are legal in Thailand and can be purchased at smaller pharmacies I should have a decent chance at getting good stuff. TBH, the packaging on both look a little cheap, so we'll see what the test comes back with.
It will be a while before I test the other two just due to the expense. Fedex to Jano was like $140, plus $120 per substance blind test.

1 year ago #11
Source Lv. 1
Source Lv. 1 Posts: 9  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 

Try us if you still looking for a source, and you will never regret it


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