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Dave Palumbo's 3 week cleanse

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2 years ago #1
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Saw this on another board so I thought I'd share it here. Dave sends this out to guys for free via email. It's usually done after one has ran heavy/long cycle.


Program is 3-Weeks (21 days) in duration (I would try to stay on this as long as you can)
Must fast (not eat or drink) for 12 hours every day. That means you must eat all your meals within the allowable 12 hours. You MAY drink water outside of that 12 hour period but nothing else. Nothing!
Your body will be releasing many toxins during this time period so make sure you drink lot of water. Alkalinized water is best (if you have availability). Fiji water is alkalinized. Whole Foods sells alkalinized water. I sell a product called the ION POD (404 Not Found): you just add tap water to it and in 5 minutes you have alkalinized water (drink at least 7-10 glasses of this per day during this detox)
You may feel “strange” or you may have “interesting” bathroom habits. That’s a sign that you’re detoxing. Don’t get nervous or panic.

No Coffee
No Dairy
No Red Meat
No Wheat (read labels carefully)
No Eggs
No Protein Shakes
No sugary fruits
No alcohol

DIET (4 meals per day: Choose 1 PROTEIN and 1 CARBOHYDRATE plus 1 VEGETABLE for each meal):
*****5oz protein and 40g carbs per meal (men)
*****4oz protein and 30g carbs per meal (women)

Baked or Broiled or Poached Fish (white fish is best)
Lean chicken breast
brown rice
sweet potatoes
any veggies

kale salad (kale, cucumbers, celery with 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar)
Fresh steamed or raw (even better) green beans
Fresh steamed or raw asparagus
Fresh steamed or raw broccoli

extra virgin olive oil or macadamia nut oil (1 tablespoon of either 3x per day)


a. Psyllium fiber supplement (2x per day) *** FIBERLYZE is excellent choice. Fiber pulls the released toxins out of the body (very important). www.speciesnutrition.com (call my office at 516-280-6112 and you can order it for my client pricing)

b. Probiotic

customprobiotics.com 6-in1 strain is great
Bubbie’s Sauerkraut—have a few servings per day
Coconut Kefir (don’t use milk-based Kefir)

c.Fruit and Vegetable Extract
JUICE PLUS+ contains all the valuable nutrients of whole fruits and vegetables-- without the sugar Balanced Diet - Whole Food Based Nutrition | Juice Plus+
(2 pills of the GARDEN BLEND in morning and 2 pills of the ORCHARD BLEND at night).

d. Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar (with “Mother”): Take 1 tablespoon in 8oz water 3-5x per day (great detoxifier)

e. Kidney Stuff (kidney detox): 1-2 servings per day: Purchase: 404 Not Found

f. Milk Thistle (liver detox): 1000mg 2x per day

g. Raw Cacao (terrific anti-oxidant, polyphenolic, and total body detoxifier
a. Dave Palumbo’s Raw Cacao Bars (2-3 squares per day): Shop Dave Palumbo

b. Dave Palumbo Raw Cacao Drink Mix (1-2 servings per day)

h, Vitamin D3: 5000IU 1x per day
i. V-MINERALYZE: It contains high levels of chelated (amino acid bound) calcium, magnesium, and other essential minerals such as iron (studies show that most athletes-- men and women-- are iron deficient which can lead to low RBC counts), zinc (helps raise testosterone levels), selenium (great antioxidant), iodide (important for proper thyroid function), copper, manganese, chromium (necessary for proper insulin sensitivity), molybdenum, potassium (necessary to maintain proper intramuscular fluid balance), boron, silica (great for the joints), PLUS VITAMIN D (essential to pretty much every organ in your body). Plus it has a full array of Vitamin C, B-complex, Blueberry extract and lycopene. DOSE: 5 pill 2x per day

j. OMEGALYZE (it contains 2600mg Evening Primrose Oil and 3000mg Omega-3 Fish Oil per day—30 day supply in one bottle). A great value and it’s al

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    Ziller33 2 years ago
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    Ziller33 2 years ago
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