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Pregnyl or HCG Active: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

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2 years ago #1
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Pregnyl or HCG Active: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

Human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG, is not an anabolic/androgenic steroid but a natural protein hormone that develops the placenta of a pregnant woman. The body forms HCG in the placenta after nidation (1). It has luteinizing characteristics since it is quite similar to the luteinizing hormone (LH) in the anterior pituitary gland. During the first 6-8 weeks of a pregnancy formed HCG allows for continued production of estrogens and gestagens.

Later on, the placenta itself produces these two hormones. HCG is manufactured from the urine of pregnant women since it is excreted in unchanged form from the blood via the woman’s urine, passing through the kidneys. Commercial HCG sells as a dry substance. Both men and women can use it. In women, injectable HCG allows for ovulation. It influences the last stages of the development of the ovum, thus stimulating ovulation. It also helps produce estrogens and yellow bodies.

HCG has exogenous characteristics almost identical to those of the luteinizing hormone (LH). The hypophysis produces the luteinizing hormone. Athletes find HCG interesting because of this. In a man the luteinizing hormone stimulates the Leydig’s cells in the testes; this, in turn, stimulates the production of androgenic hormones (testosterone). For this reason, athletes use injectable HCG to increase testosterone production.

Pregnyl or HCG used with steroids

Athletes often use combinations of Pregnyl and anabolic/androgenic steroids during or after treatment. As mentioned, oral and injectable steroids cause negative feedback after a certain level and duration of usage. They signal the hypothalamohypophysial-testicular axis since the steroids give the hypothalamus an incorrect signal. The hypothalamus, in turn, signals the hypophysis to reduce or stop the production of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and of LH. Thus, the testosterone production decreases since the testosterone-producing Leydig’s cells in the testes, due to decreased LH, are no longer sufficiently stimulated.

Pregnyl or HCG Reduce loss of size and strength

Since the body usually needs a certain amount of time to get its testosterone production going again, the athlete, after discontinuing steroid compounds, experiences a difficult transition phase which often goes hand in hand with a considerable loss in both strength and muscle mass. Administering HCG directly after steroid treatment helps to reduce this condition because HCG increases the testosterone production in the testes very quickly and reliably. In the event of testicular atrophy caused by megadoses and very long periods of usage, HCG also helps to quickly bring the testes back to their original condition (size).

Pregnyl or HCG Used in a mid steroid cycle

Occasional injections of HCG during steroid intake can avoid testicular atrophy. Many athletes use Pregnyl for two to three weeks in the middle of their steroid treatment. Athletes observed during this time make their best progress. Gaining both strength and muscle mass. The reasons for this are clear. On the one hand, by taking HCG the athlete’s own testosterone level immediately jumps up and, on the other hand, a large concentration of anabolic substances in the blood is induced by the steroids.

Many bodybuilders, powerlifters, and weightlifters report a lower sex drive at the end of a difficult workout cycle, immediately before or after a competition, and especially toward the end of a steroid treatment. Athletes who have often taken steroids in the past usually accept this fact since they know that it is a temporary condition. Those, however, who are on the juice all year round, who might suffer psychological consequences or who would perhaps risk the breakup of a relationship because of this should consider this drawback when taking Pregnyl in regular intervals. A reduced libido and spermatogenesis due to steroids, in most cases, can be successfully cured by treatment with HCG.

Pregnyl or HCG Post Cycle use

Most athletes, however, use HCG at the end of a treatment in order to avoid a ”crash,” that is, to achieve the best possible transition into ”natural training.” A precondition, however, is that the steroid intake or dosage be reduced slowly and evenly before taking HCG. HCG causes a quick and significant increase of the endogenic plasma-testosterone level. Unfortunately, it is not a perfect remedy to prevent the loss of strength and mass at the end of a steroid treatment. The athlete will only experience a delayed re-adjustment, as has often been observed.

This is also confirmed by the physician Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale in his book Drug Use and Detection in Amateur Sports: ”HCG is used by athletes to try to decrease the negative effects which occur when coming off prolonged doses of anabolic steroids. These athletes believe that by using HCG, they can stimulate their own testes to produce testosterone, thereby getting back to a normal state faster. This, however, is faulty reasoning. Although HCG does stimulate endogenous testosterone production, it does not help in re-establish the normal hypothalamic/pituitary testicular axis.

The hypothalamus and pituitary are still in a refractory state after prolonged steroid usage. It remains this way during HCG use. The exogenous HCG still suppresses the endogenous LH production.

Pregnyl or HCG The re-adjustment period

The athlete must still go through an adjustment period once they stop the HCG. HCG use merely delayed this. Experienced athletes often take Clomid and Clenbuterol following HCG or they immediately begin another steroid treatment. Some take HCG merely to get off the ”steroids” for at least two to three weeks.

Unfortunately, many bodybuilders are still of the opinion that HCG helps them get harder during competition preparation. They believe it is because HCG breaks down subcutaneous fat. Exposing indentations and vascularity. A look at the book The Practical Use of Anabolic Steroids with Athletes by Dr. Robert Kerr should eliminate all doubts: The HCG package insert states clearly that HCG ”has no known effect of fat mobilization, appetite or sense of hunger, or body fat distribution.” It further states, ”HCG has not been demonstrated to be effective adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity, it does not increase fat losses beyond that resulting from caloric restriction.”

A remarkable characteristic of HCG is its biphasic response. The American physician Dr. William N. Taylor writes in his book, Anabolic Steroids and the Athlete: ‘Apparently, regardless of the dose used, a biphasic response of plasma testosterone to a single injection to HCG has been reported. The initial peaked rise in plasma testosterone levels occurs approximately two hours after the single injection of HCG, and the second peaked level occurs some 48 to 96 hours after the initial single HCG injection. Throughout this period the mean plasma testosterone level is elevated, and both the magnitude of the peak values and the magnitude of the mean plasma levels seem to be dose-dependent in at least some studies.”

Pregnyl or HCG Dosage

Thus the question arises: what dosage is needed in order to obtain a sufficiently high testosterone level? Since neither scientific nor medical literature indicates the usage of HCG in athletes, one can only start with empirical data. To avoid reliance on speculation we refer to the book Anabolic Steroids and the Athlete. By Dr. William N. Taylor.

In the chapter HCG and its Function in Men one reads: ”In 1980, Padron et al. reported that in normal men the administration of 6000 IU of HCG in a single injection resulted in elevated testosterone levels for six days after the injection.” Also, in the same chapter, Taylor writes that at a dosage of 1500 IU the pharma testosterone level increases by 250—300% (2.5-3 fold) compared to the initial value. These combined observations and with general empirical values, one concludes that athletes should inject one HCG every 5 days.

Pregnyl or HCG Frequency of injections

The testosterone level, as explained, remains considerably elevated for several days. It’s unnecessary to inject HCG more than once every 5 days. The relative dose is at the discretion of the athlete. They should consider previous steroids used, the amount used and the duration of use. As well as the strength of the various steroid compounds. As we know, the elevation of the HCG-caused level depends on the dosage. Thus, athletes who take highly androgenic steroids for more than three months will need high a dosage. For athletes, the effective dosage is 2000-5000 IU per injection. Injected every 5 days.

Pregnyl or HCG Avoid long-term use

You should take Pregnyl only for a few weeks. We are of the opinion that intake for more than 4 weeks is neither necessary nor sensible. If male athletes take Pregnyl is over many weeks and in high dosages, it’s possible that the testes will respond poorly to a later intake of Pregnyl. Reducing the release of the body’s own LH. This could result in a permanent inadequate gonadal function.

B. Phillips, Anabolic Reference Guide, 5th issue: ”Cycles on the HCG should be kept down to around 3 weeks at a time with an off cycle of at least a month in between. For example, one might use the HCG for 2 or 3 weeks in the middle of a cycle, and for 2 or 3 weeks at the end of a cycle. People have speculated, that the prolonged use of HCG, could permanently suppress the body’s own production of gonadotropins. This is why short cycles are the best way to go.”

Dr. William N. Taylor, Anabolic Steroids and the Athlete state”…that large doses of Pregnyl produce what is speculated to be a transient loss of testicular receptors for HCG, which gives rise to a desensitization of the testes to HCG.”

Pregnyl or HCG Similar effects to testosterone

Pregnyl can in part cause side effects similar to those of injectable testosterone. Higher testosterone production also goes hand in hand with an elevated estrogen level which could result in gynecomastia. This could manifest itself in a temporary growth of breasts or reinforce already existing breast growth in men. Farsighted athletes thus combine Pregnyl with an anti-estrogen like Tamoxifen. Male athletes also report more frequent erections and an increased sexual desire. In high doses, it can cause acne vulgaris and the storing of minerals and water. Water retention is possible through Pregnyl use and could give the muscles a puffy, watery appearance.

Athletes who have already increased their endogenous testosterone level by taking Clomid and intend subsequently to take HCG could experience considerable water retention and distinct feminization symptoms (gynecomastia, tendency toward fat deposits on the hips). This is due to the fact that high testosterone leads to a high conversion rate to estrogens. In very young athletes Pregnyl can cause an early stunting of growth by closing the epiphyseal growth plates. The intake of Pregnyl can cause swings and high blood pressure. Dr. Bob Goldman in his book Death in the Locker Room notes: ”One interesting aspect is that with abuse of this drug men might finally realize what it feels like to be pregnant, for with enough use, they may experience nausea, vomiting, and ”morning sickness” syndrome women enjoy…”

They speculated a few years ago whether active HCG could transmit the AIDS virus. It was shown, however, that this is not in any way possible.

Pregnyl or HCG Bridging

Pregnyl is also suitable as ”over the bridge” doping before a competition with doping controls. This was especially common in the former East Germany which had centrally guided doping practices. As the author Brigitte Berendonk lays open several times in her book Doping: ”These over bridging recommendations in the habilitation paper by Riedel, 1986, for the jumping disciplines of track and field athletics, already given in his dosage suggestions (on p.205), were mildly beautified compared to reality… This HCG regulating hormone which was taken to increase the body’s own testosterone synthesis, in practice was often used in amounts above the 3000 IUs recommended by Riedel. Riedel, on another occasion, suggests injections of up to 4000 IU every 5th day (see p. 33) and all the fraud protocols had in common that the last amount of 3000 IU.

Athletes injected Pregnyl on the day before the competition (track and field) or even on the day of the competition (Dr. Lathan’s practice with the weightlifters of East Germany). The reason was that the East Germans had discovered (Clausnitzer et al. 1982; Riedel 1986) that when the testosterone level was increased by the intake of HCG the critical T/E quotient was hardly changed and discovery through testing became impossible.” HCG and the already discussed Clomid are options for increasing the endogenous testosterone concentration without a pronounced change of the T/E ratio.

Pregnyl or HCG Administration

HCG’s form of administration is also unusual. The substance chorion-gonadotropin is a white powdery, freeze-dried substance. The powder usually looks compressed. Based on the low structural stability of this compress it can easily fall apart. Thus giving the impression of a reduced volume. This is, however, insignificant since there is neither a loss in effect nor a loss of substance. Each package, for each HCG ampule, includes another ampule with an injection solution containing isotonic sodium chloride. You inject this liquid into the HCG ampule and mixed with the dried substance. The solution is then ready for use. You inject it intramuscularly.

If you injected only part of the substance, store the rest in the refrigerator. You should keep it out of light and below a temperature of 25° C.

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2 years ago #2
Administrator Posts: 1017  Reviews: 46  Threads: 89 

Thanks for the awesome article. Much appreciated

2 years ago #3
Source Posts: 184  Reviews: 0  Threads: 2 

Nice read. Thank you for sharing

2 years ago #4
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HCG Faqs

1)What is HCG?
Hcg stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin.

2)Where does hcg come from?
It is extracted from the urine of pregnant women.

3)Is hcg a scheduled medication?
No, its similar to clomid and liquidex as far as US laws go. However you would need a prescription to purchase legally in the US.

4)What is hcg normally used for?
It is used to help females get pregnant, and can be used to stimulate testosterone production in males.

5)How does hcg work?
Hcg mimics LH(leutenizing hormone). The presence of LH causes the Leydig cells in the gonads to produce testosterone. This effect also restores the size of the testes rather quickly if they were suppressed from a cycle.

6)What should hcg be used for?
Hcg is commonly used by bodybuilders on either very heavy or very long cycles, when the hpta gets severely suppressed. Although hcg can be used in almost any cycle, the benefits are most pronounced on heavy/long ones.

7)How do you take it?
You can take it IM or Sub-q.

8)Can I use hcg only for Pct?
No you shouldn't. It is better than nothing, but clomid or nolva are far better plans. Since hcg mimics lh, your body wont begin producing its own lh, as it sees no need to because test levels are high. You stop the hcg, your balls stop making test until your body begins producing adequate levels of its own lh, and that may take a while if you don't use clomid or nolvadex to stimulate lh production. The use of Clomid or Nolvadex should also be continued at least 2 weeks after hcg is discontinued to avoid the hcg causing problems.

9)Can I use hcg during cycle and when?
Yes you can, imo to best benefit from Hcg is to run it by the last 3-4 weeks of your steroid cycle. Do not run hcg if your getting signs of gyno, hcg will make it worst, so becarful.

10)How much Hcg is needed during cycle and/or pct?
For pct a minimum of 10,000iu's hcg is needed. When you have a proper pct planned with a serm and an AI, and you want to run hcg during the last 4 weeks of your cycle, then you might only need 5,000iu's.
An anti-estrogen (Nolva, etc.) is to be used with hcg during your last 4 weeks of cycle.

11)What dose do you run hcg at?
Hcg is best dosed at 500iu and/or 1000iu, more than that can cause too much aromatization, and some people wont react to less than 500iu. So during the last 4 weeks of a cycle, you shoot 500iu of hcg twice a week or 1000iu once a week. For pct, 500iu ed or 1000iu eod.

12)Can hcg be used w/out steroids to boost test production above baseline?
Yes. It is not recommended however. Continued use of hcg will desensitize the leydig cells to lh, meaning once you stop using the hcg as an artificial lh, you will crash bad. The natural lh production once restored by using nolvadex or clomid, may not be as effective as it once was. To boost natural test above baseline, anastrozole, nolvadex and clomid are better choices.

13)How long does hcg boost testosterone for?
Hcg can boost testosterone for up to 5 days following the last dose, although the drugs halflife is very short, and its no longer active at that point.

14)Can hcg cause gyno?
Yes. Estrogen is elevated by two ways from hcg use. Primarily from the sharp rise in testosterone, which allows more testosterone to aromatize to estrogen. Secondly hcg can cause a small amount of estrogen to be produced which is not from the result of aromatizing, and this is the reason that a combination of an anti aromatize such as liquidex/arimidex/letrozole and a estrogen receptor blocker such as nolvadex are ideally used. The nolvadex may also offer some additional benefit to help avoid a negative estrogen feedback to the hpta during hcg therapy, which would otherwise slightly lessen the effectiveness of the therapy.

15)How does hcg come packaged?
You get 2 vials or amps, 1 has the powdered hcg in it, and the other has a diluent in it(solvent). The diluent is typically bacteriostatic water, or sterile water w/ .09% sodium chloride. ***ending on the brand and version, the package commonly comes w/ enough diluent to make concentrations ranging from 250-10,000iu per ml.

If your package is 5000iu, and you add 1ml diluent, you have 5000iu per ml.
If you add 5ml diluent, you final mix is then 1000iu per ml.
If you add 10ml diluent, then 500iu per ml and so on.

This is simple math, and you don't wanna screw it up, know what dose you are taking!

If your package doesn't include enough diluent to make the concentration you want, you have 2 options to make it easy to accurately measure your doses.

1-buy some insulin syringes, U-100 type. On the graduated markings, the 100iu mark is equal to 1ml, the 50iu is .5ml etc. THIS DOES NOT MEAN IF YOU FILL IT TO THE 100IU MARK THAT YOU ARE TAKING 100IU OF HCG! Iu's are not a measurement of volume or weight, they are a measure of effectiveness for a desired response from specific drugs/compounds. Every compound is different. These are insulin syringes, and they are made for insulin-not hcg. Insulin is the same iu concentration per ml everytime(if its u100 type), hcg is not. Imagine if you made your hcg 10,000iu per ml. if you fill the insulin syringe up to 100iu mark, you now have 10,000iu in there! Not good. You must understand this.
So if you had 5000iu per ml, and wanted to take a 500iu shot, you would inject 10iu on the insulin syringe scale.

2-buy some bacteriostatic water off the internet, its easily found. Simply add more to dilute it to the desired conscentration. Making lower concentrations are easier and more accurately dosed. Then it can accurately be measured w/ a regular syringe.

Mix the two together, they dissolve very easily. Hcg can be very unstable and to make sure to not shake it and let it foam.... Be careful when reconsituting it . Be gentle and run the bac water down the side of the vial not allowing to foam up... Keep things sterile folks. Unused hcg can be refrigerated and is ok to use within 30 days after the initial mixing.

Remember: Store hcg at controlled room temperature (59° to 86°F)(15° to 30°C). After reconstituting store in refrigerator (36° to 46°F) (2° to 8°C).

A detectable rise in hcg is seen in 2 h; peak levels are reached in 6 h and remain at this level for 36 h.

hcg levels begin to decline at 48hrs and approach baseline at 72 h.

2 years ago #5
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Thread moved

2 years ago #6
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Thought i'll share the below information/article about HCG and the types of injections for it.

It is our opinion that HCG is probably one of the most misunderstood and misused compounds in bodybuilding. Hopefully this information will go some way towards rectifying that for the members of SteroidsWiki.com. HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin and is not a steroid, but a natural peptide hormone which develops in the placenta of pregnant women during pregnancy to controls the mother's hormones. (Incidentally, this is the reason you may hear of people testing for growth hormone (HGH) with a pregnancy testing kit - If their HGH shows 'pregnant', they've been ripped-off with cheaper HCG - but we digress slightly).

Its action in the male body is like that of LH, stimulating the Leydig cells in the testes to produce testosterone even in the absence of endogenous LH. HCG is therefore used during longer or heavier steroid cycles to maintain testicular size and condition, or to bring atrophied (shrunken) testicles back up to their original condition in preparation for post-cycle Clomid therapy. This process is necessary because atrophied testicles produce reduced levels of natural testosterone, this situation should be rectified prior to post-cycle Clomid therapy.

HCG administration post-cycle is common practice among bodybuilders in the belief that it will aid the natural testosterone recovery, but this theory is unfounded and also counterproductive. The rapid rise in both testosterone, and thus oestrogen due to aromatisation, from the administration of HCG causes further inhibition of the HPTA (Hypothalamic/Pituitary/Testicular Axis - feedback loop discussed above); this actually worsens the recovery situation. HCG does not restore the natural testosterone production.

The typically observed dosing of 2000 to 5000IU every 4 to 5 days causes such an increase in oestrogen levels via aromatisation of the natural testosterone that this has been responsible for many cases of gynecomastia.

From the above discussion it is clear that HCG is best used during a cycle, either to:

1) Avoid testicular atrophy, or
2) Rectify the problem of an existing testicular atrophy.

Doses of HCG
Smaller doses, more frequently during a cycle will give best overall results with least unwanted side effects. Somewhere between 500iu and 1000iu per day would be best over about a two-week period. These doses are sufficient to avoid/rectify testicular atrophy without increasing oestrogen levels too dramatically and risking gynecomastia. This dosing schedule also avoids the risk of permanently down-regulating the LH receptors in the testes.

Presentation and Administration of HCG
Synthetic HCG is often known as Pregnyl (generic name) and is available in 2500iu and 5000iu (not ideal for the above doses!). Administration of the compound is either by intra-muscular or subcutaneous injection. It comes as a powder which needs to be mixed with the sterile water. The powder is temperature-sensitive prior to mixing and should not be exposed to direct heat. After mixing, it should be kept refrigerated and used within a few weeks - though there are sterility issues which need to be considered after mixing.

1 year ago #7
Super Source Lv. 3
Super Source Lv. 3 Posts: 603  Reviews: 1  Threads: 996 

Very detailed and informative, much appreciated



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