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  3. Will I gain 35lbs+ from just 1 Cycle of Anabolics?

Will I gain 35lbs+ from just 1 Cycle of Anabolics?

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2 years ago #1
Contributing Member
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Hi everyone. I have a question (well a few actually) and thought this might be a knowledgeable place to post it: I'm a fairly skinny guy but I've managed to put on about 35lbs/15kg of muscle Naturally since I started to work out over the past 5+ years....

  1. I'm considering doing just 1 cycle of anabolics with a proper PCT and blood work done pre, during and post cycle to gain(and keep)another 15kg/35lbs.

  2. Which compounds would you suggest I use, in what quantity?

  3. How much of those gains will be permanent as I'll continue to lift naturally, with a solid diet, rest and training about 5 times a week.

  4. Will there be any permanent side affects? Considering I'll be running ancillary medication (liver,kidney, heart support) in conjunction with the anabolics?

Also, How do I AVOID these side affects?

NOTE: Im not competing, so I don't want to keep taking gear hence the "1 cycle". I just want to have an aesthetic physique and still be healthy. I don't want Gyno, Acne, ED or any of those things.
Current stats: Age 32 Current Bodyweight: 70kg Height 5ft8" Diet: moderately dailed in with some creatine and protein supps here and there.
Thanks in Advance.

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    ugfreaker 2 years ago
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    Ziller33 2 years ago
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2 years ago #2
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Without proper reading you won't be able to pack much. I suggest you do your reading first, it'll help clear doubts for you.

  1. Getting bigger or leaner isn't just steroids or workout. To pack like 15kg you need a combination of Diet Plan, Workout, Rest and some Juice. 15kg is a big target but because it is going to be your first cycle, you'll be able to pack around 5-7kg of muscle with excellent diet etc. More or less it comes down to the handwork you are willing to put in.
  2. For sample first cycles, see the cycles thread. As an example I would suggest Test-E 500mg - 750mg/week, 200mg - 300mg / week Deca Durabolin with Danabol 12 Week cycle. There's much more to a cycle do your reading.
  3. Gains are permanent as long as you maintain a healthy diet, sleep and workout regiment. Muscle memory is permanent.
  4. Yes you'll go natty but this ain't a huge issue. Test-E, Deca and Danabol are relatively safe but it won't be wrong to use some liver support. Specially with danabol, don't forget to taper off the dosage and don't exceed its usage beyond a continuous period of 4 - 6 weeks. Read of hepatoxicity of danabol under the articles section.
  5. Side effects can be avoided in different way. The first thing is to know your body and identify the issues etc. As i said you must do more reading before jumping into this shit.

Quoted ugfreaker; Post# 312

Hi everyone. I have a question (well a few actually) and thought this might be a knowledgeable place to post it: I'm a fairly skinny guy but I've managed to put on about 35lbs/15kg of muscle Naturally since I started to work out over the past 5+ years....

  1. I'm considering doing just 1 cycle of anabolics with a proper PCT and blood work done pre, during and post cycle to gain(and keep)another 15kg/35lbs.
  2. Which compounds would you suggest I use, in what quantity?
  3. How much of those gains will be permanent as I'll continue to lift naturally, with a solid diet, rest and training about 5 times a week.
  4. Will there be any permanent side affects? Considering I'll be running ancillary medication (liver,kidney, heart support) in conjunction with the anabolics?

Also, How do I AVOID these side affects?
NOTE: Im not competing, so I don't want to keep taking gear hence the "1 cycle". I just want to have an aesthetic physique and still be healthy. I don't want Gyno, Acne, ED or any of those things.
Current stats: Age 32 Current Bodyweight: 70kg Height 5ft8" Diet: moderately dailed in with some creatine and protein supps here and there.
Thanks in Advance.


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