Reviews - Legit or Fake?  Lv. 0
16 reviews
12 Thumbs up   4 Thumbs Down
 2.2k .  Russia
Communication 4.05
Delivery 3.66
Product Quality 4.41
Pricing 4.68

History was added on Wed, 15th of Feb 2017 05:11. This listing has not been claimed. Currently holds the Lowest Trust Level i.e. Level 0 Steroid Source.


Added Wed, 15th of Feb 2017 05:11
Claimed never
Level Level 0
Rep. not known
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tiesto24 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I don't recomend this source πŸ‘Ž
Nothing from the order was received 😭

Aggregate  2.03
Communication  2
Delivery  1.1
Quality  2.5
Pricing  2.5

8 days since my first ORDER on ARL, and still nothing, not even a tracking number ...
I have news, but to say: "as soon as possible", "within 48 hours", "tomorrow" ...
pending still nothing ...

it is very tiring ... I relied on this package there are over a month, I sent money from 50jours now ...

Arl do something please ... 50 hours is enough!

thank you anyway.

sic26 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

First off, even with all the business he gets, he always takes care of his customers. I had a little issue with my order, so I emailed him, and he got back to me within 24 hours. That's not a bad thing because of different time zones; I can't complain.


The package arrived pretty fast, in a little under 2 weeks. I was all smiles due to the speedy delivery. And forget about the package not being secure; Arl must love his customers. All my packages were wrapped so tightly that I had to call for backup, lol.

Product ordered

As for the Tren ace and 2Mast E, this is for mast E. I used it throughout my whole cycle just for estrogen control. I ran it kind of high, at 500mg per week, then went up to 600mg because I raised my test. It took a few weeks for the mast E to kick in, but when it did, I felt hardness in my muscles. Plus, I was on the high test; if it wasn't working, my body would have had every estrogen issue. I'm not prone to E2 sides, but I've never run a test this high before, so I knew Mast was keeping it in check. However, I had to lower it back down because my joints were getting sore. I didn't have any fish oil on hand; I ran out. Next time, I'll be more prepared. I'll be ordering from Arl again.
If you haven't tried his gear, you're missing out.

MindPower Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

I have a friend IFBB competitive athletes in top contests using their products!

It was he who told me about the ARL products...

I tested:

Dianabol: strength, vasularisation, recovery, pumps,

Sustanon : in progress
-Deca Durabolin : in progress,

Very very pleased with the results of products!

CAFG Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Hi guys, I'm going to tell you my experience with ARL:,

I've got two packages with them. The firs was:

6x Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml

I use this cycle for a blast and cruise period. I used it two times per week, 0,5ml each. I felt the effects of testo, more strength and more endurance too. I hadn't so much secondary effects, maybe because the dose was small.

In the second cycle I ordered:

2x Winstrol 100tab / 10mg
2xTurinabol 100tab / 10mg
2x Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml
3x Deca Durabolin 200mg/ml
1x Aromasin 25mg(ARL) 60 tabs

I used this cycle for a injury recovery. I had a lot of pain in a shoulder and because of that used deca. I used first some of the testo and deca for recovery and after that I added the rest (winstrol,...). I felt a great improvement in strength, especially when I used winstrol. I had some side effects like spot fever, but it was worth it.

I think I will buy again for a next cycle as I think the value for money is very good. The products I tested do pretty much effect.

The communication was good, they sent me everything in a short time, a couple of weeks, and the package arrived in perfect condition.

Products Ordered:
6x Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml
2x Winstrol 100tab / 10mg
2xTurinabol 100tab / 10mg
2x Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml
3x Deca Durabolin 200mg/ml
1x Aromasin 25mg(ARL) 60 tabs

dxg5three Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I don't recomend this source πŸ‘Ž
Nothing from the order was received 😭

Aggregate  2.2
Communication  1
Delivery  1
Quality  3.5
Pricing  3.3

T/A: Placed an order on 5/21. Didn't get my shipment in the measure of days I was told.

I was relying on homegrown really being homegrown and placed my confidence in the way that I could get my item inside a reasonable time span as this would have been a continuation of my present cycle.

Client-Services: Messaged ARL, and they disclosed to me nothing has been shipped and they may send it globally.

I'm really sort of disheartened.

Spartans Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I don't recomend this source πŸ‘Ž
Nothing from the order was received 😭

Aggregate  2.92
Communication  1
Delivery  1
Quality  4.7
Pricing  5

I ordered some stuff from arl around 45 days prior. I got no reaction for quite a while; at that point, They made one apology and said they would give me some additional stuff.

Weeks have passed, and I still have not received anything, and they won't react back to me when I request an estimated arrival time. Now I feel like they beat me, and I couldn't prescribe them to anybody later.

On the off chance that they do wind up coming through and have a reason why they are late, at that point, I will abnegate my review.

Andara Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 3  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

A review of the items I got from a new promotion from ARL. Love them!

ARL continuously answered within a day and a half, requiring very little communication.

Took around 10 days, counting the ideal opportunity for an instalment to be sent/received. Shipping was fast and effective, and the bundling was first-class and firmly wrapped.

Items Ordered: 5x-Test E1 x-Sustanon 4 x-Dbol 10mg.

Fantastic! Within a couple of days, the dbol had shot my weight up marginally, and among it and the test, my cycle was going incredibly well. I have acquired strength on each lift, including help work; what's more, the dbol has given me some Crazy siphons. Besides that, the oil is the smoothest I have at any point utilized. PIP is scarcely there, stays about a day and doesn't hinder exercises or everyday exercises.

10/10 and two approvals for ARL. Amazing prices in any event, when the promotions aren't going on and at the point when they are, indeed, you'd be a numb skull not to be a piece of them. I will certainly be ordering here for years to come.

Unlight13 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Quality and Services
As expressed before, I got 97/100 Clenbuterol and 57/60 Aromasin. ARL sent me two more FULL jugs of each for a little mix-up.

ARL will deal with you smoothly!

Items Requested
TEST E 100ml, TEST P 100, lMASTERON P 100ml, Clenbuterol 40mcg tabs, 97/100 +100, 10/15/16, Aromasin 25mg, 57/60 + 60 10/15/16 Proviron 25mg 60/60Viagra 12/12

TheRuhler Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Super cordial and fast reactions.

Items look more pleasant than previously, and quality sure hasn't endured.

Fast and simple. This source did much planning to secure the items.

My Order
Cyp, tenant, sus, bold and, tren pro, nandrolone dec, prop, arl adex,

Loved them previously, and damn sure love them now.
Love the modest WU expense of going to China :)

bundlz Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.8
Communication  5
Delivery  4.2
Quality  5
Pricing  5
Review for Anabolic Exploration Labs Russia

For the main request, communication and upholding were on top. I dont know whether the promotion had something to do with it.

T/A took around 7 workdays to Europe, so all out 10 - 12 days. Everything I ordered was wrapped up, nothing broken or proficiently stuffed.

Item Requested
2 x tren A3 x mast prop3 x test prop1 x nolva For me 2 x d7 npp 2 x tren e 2 x test e For sibling.

I began my multi-week cycle with 1ml test prop 100mg eod1ml pole prop 100mg eod1ml tren a 76mg. Pinning went smoothly; I stuck in the chest glutes shoulders. There was no pip at all from these 3 mixes together Following fourteen days of my cycle I changed from tren that I got from another source that is recorded here oils were absolutely different the tren from arl resembled crimson corroded oil the other dull yellow so changed to from brand following fourteen days the ARL is dosed 75 mg the other 100 didnt saw any different and on the other hand the arl made me sweat like a pony when I was preparing from that other brand its was like more night sweats and substantial dreams + that tren gave me irritated feet it was slaughtering me so I exchanged back on the joy train. The pole is making me dry and hard to look at veins everywhere when I'm preparing It's insane.. great test prop not at all like a great test prop Strength gains are setting off to the rooftop. I'm in the last days of my cycle now, and I have to keep down a little I cannot lie any longer I'm not on roids arl just screwed me over in my locale hah the other items where ordered for my more seasoned siblings fall cycle consequently won't be reviewed in light of the fact that he's not on the board.

ARL has great products. Everything was on top I plan to purchase from this source again later. So I'll be hanging tight for that promotion to load up once more... I'm coming after your primo haha
Handsumhustlaa23 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5
Have utilized this hotspot for over 2 years now. One of the best I've gone over. Whether it is prices or quality, they are both first class.

24-48 hours reaction time is not terrible because everybody gets occupied.

Always get tracking # following scarcely any days after affirming.

My Order:
Sus, deca, and Dbol

Quality of items:
Ran sus at 750 deca at 400 and dbol at 40mgs. I launched the Dbol weight shot and felt I could eat a house. Deca keeps the joints on the money and quality upgrades, too, even at this low portion.

I won't utilize another source besides these brothers.
solairs Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.7
Communication  5
Delivery  4.3
Quality  4.5
Pricing  5

First time I have requested from ARL, and I'm not disillusioned at all. I'll most likely make different requests soon in light of the fact that I'm fulfilled with the quality/price and backing.

Very great communication addressed all my emails rapidly.

Very much stuffed; I got my request in 7 to 8 days.

Items Requested
10x10 ml Test E1x100 ml Tren Ace5x10 ml Parabolan

It is a good quality item, with no torment post-infusion. The quality and weight go up without adjusting my eating regimen and preparation.

It appears I've discovered my new source ;)

bigstuff Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I don't recomend this source πŸ‘Ž
Nothing from the order was received 😭

Aggregate  1.75
Communication  1
Delivery  1
Quality  1
Pricing  4

I requested it back in April and never received it.

He said he would swap and send extra for the jumble up, but he stayed away forever any longer messages I sent a PM and never replied.

From what I see from joins his stuff is awful and he has singles out who to trick wouldn't use him he lies and a cheat

wallabokkie Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.88
Communication  4.8
Delivery  5
Quality  4.7
Pricing  5

Items and their Quality
Alright, I saw a decent increment in quality and size utilizing their TestP and NPP (I haven't utilized the Tren, however). The pip was negligible, and I discovered the rigging to be on target quality shrewd. I likewise saw an average BF decline with those two mixes.

So, all things considered, I am happy with their administration. Furthermore, items

kaos364 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.5
Communication  5
Delivery  3
Quality  5
Pricing  5

This survey is for households.

Before I start I have to express gratitude toward NITTI, he is one of the most supportive individuals I've addressed in my life lol.

Items Requested
I requested some Prop and Tren.

Requesting was simple. Cash was gotten the following day and they disclosed to me following would go inside 48 hours. So, when I got the following, it said that the bundle proved unable to be found in the framework, I reached Nitti, who previously addressed my other 10 inquiries, and he said to get him all the data and it would be arranged as quickly as possible.

So before I even get the opportunity to send the data, I check the following again and what do ya know, the pack is in NY as of now! It was a blunder on the postal administration's part. So the entire cycle was around 5 days, including Sunday!

The prop and tren were so smooth, there was NO PIP the following day, and I haven't stuck anything in around 4 a long time now. Try not to stop for a second to arrange through the residential line. What's more, any questions you have are addressed in minutes through PM.

These folks are the genuine article!


38 minutes ago .  4.75

It brings me a strong human being.confedent and determenation.was a right thing to visit the site and buy the product.very good products.try it your self


52 minutes ago .  5

I highly recommend this store for having a good quality and a very fast delivery!!!the products was so effective!!! I will ordered againπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


14 hours ago .  5

Ik kreeg gedetailleerde aanbevelingen over hoe ik de vetverbranders moest gebruiken. Bedankt voor je hulp!