AthletesPharmacy.TO Reviews - Legit or Fake?

AthletesPharmacy.TO  Lv. 0
18 reviews
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 1.6k .  International Sources
Communication 4.81
Delivery 4.92
Product Quality 4.8
Pricing 4.76


AthletesPharmacy.TO was added on Sat, 23rd of May 2020 02:16. This listing has not been claimed. Currently AthletesPharmacy.TO holds the Lowest Trust Level i.e. Level 0 Steroid Source.


Added Sat, 23rd of May 2020 02:16
Claimed never
Level Level 0
Rep. not known
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Website AthletesPharmacy.TO 
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gdog20035 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.8
Communication  4.8
Delivery  5
Quality  4.9
Pricing  4.5

a long review isn't necessary i will just be straight to the point. ordered the hcg. It came in the expected amount of time and worked great, definitely good to go stuff. Although this is a U.S. supplier the package came from india which looked slightly sketchy. that being said, the website said the company was indian so i guess that means the stuff was shipped from there. I misunderstood that. But can't complain to much because i got my stuff quick and it worked great:),

No communication was necessary.

3xHCG 5000iu

ProjectBuff Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.65
Communication  4.8
Delivery  4.9
Quality  4.2
Pricing  4.7

This was my 4th order with AP, and as usual, everything went smooth... I'm once again very pleased.

Communication was second to none... AP even reminded me that steroidswiki members got a 10% discount and took it off my total...

I ordered on 1/23/21, funds were picked up the next day... I received my first pack on 2/10/21 and my second on 2/11/21... Not bad coming from half way around the world... Packaging was perfect, no broken vials and no broken tabs.

3 Pregnyl HCG 5000iu's, KP Proviron, KP Nolvadex, KP Clomid, KP Aromasin, Ventolin (albuterol 4mg), and syringes.

First of all, the Aromasin is awesome... Took 25mg ED for three days then cut back to 12.5 ED... Slightly swolen nipples and soreness were gone in 3 days, and the small lumps are now totally gone after 7 days... Started the Nolvadex a week ago at 20mg ED and also switched to the KP Clomid which I am taking at 25mg ED... Now 19 days post cycle and haven't lost anything so far as I can tell... Was going to take the Proviron but don't feel as though I need it... The albuterol is kick ass... Don't think I'll be getting anymore Clen... Albuterol seems cleaner and doesn't give me the shakes and heart flutters that Clen does... Great Products.

Very Happy once again... Thanks AP!!!

spoon69 Avatar
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3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.65
Communication  4.8
Delivery  4.9
Quality  4.8
Pricing  4.1

ok this is another long over due review and im sorry for the delay bro had some family issues but im back.

i got in on a promo from athletespharmacy and never reviewed so this is a review on those products. when i got in on the promo there was a small issue with my order ticket but these guys jumped right on it and got it taken care of fast as shit. great service and as always the kalpa gear was fire.thanks for the chance to try you guys out and i will be ordering again in the future no doubt.

was very fast and always great to communicate with.

everything came very discrete and in a timely maner.

kalpa test cyp
kalpa aromasin,

the aromasin was really good i was having a issue with my ai and i switched to this and it cleared up perfectly.
the cyp i gave to a buddy who was short on a cycle and he feel in love said it was some of the best test he had tried.

sorry for the delay bro

levelup Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.93
Communication  4.9
Delivery  5
Quality  4.8
Pricing  5

This review is long past due... A few months prior competitor drug store reached me about winning the Kalpa lottery. I got a couple of containers of test e to test and some winny tabs.

First thing first, communication is first class. He kept in contact with me continually all through the entire delivery measure and really took an opportunity to affirm that I got it. Top score communication

TA was just shy of 3 weeks, and it showed up that very day he said it was going to. Bundling was extremely secure.

My Order
Kalpa test e and Kalpa winny

Presently, on to the quality... Kalpa is unquestionably first in class. I exchanged over during my voyage from another ugl, and inside about fourteen days saw a smidgen more strength and some increment in moxie. The oil is smooth and pip, too, which is consistently an or more. At the point when I began my impact that is the point at which the fun week 3, I began to hold only a tad of water, and bp had a notification or increment; furthermore, the weight began going ahead. What's more, what to say about the's overall quite intense. By about seven days, the back siphons were crazy. I was wearing a weight belt turned down during the entirety of my exercises. It likewise began hauling the swell out, and the joints were quite dry. All and all, competitors' drug store was an extraordinary source to bargain with and had an incredible determination. I will unquestionably be working together with him again later on.

WaresMyBalls Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 5  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5
Orals by Winstrol tabs 50mg, Exemestane25mg, Sildenafil 100mg,

Communication was first class! In the event that they don't deliver, I let my group know, and on the off chance that I do, I review. There was a few sort of issue with their site, I haven't a sign 'cause I never needed to check... they just kept me educated consistently. Whatever it was, they worked it out quite expeditiously, and they delivered well before I had required it, so I was happy. I think they are first-rate.

I don't actually have a clue how to rate this. Bundling was as would be normal, I'm cool with it. I live in where we are permitted to have it, so I don't have all these amusing assumptions. I got my stuff, and it was in first-rate condition. I recollect it was wrapped firmly, which I generally appreciate with things that clatter, so that considers an or more.

Products Requested
Winstrol tabs 50mg, Exemestane25mg, Sildenafil 100mg

After accomplishment with the Sildenafil, I made an extremely unsafe move as I'm at present hitting 500mg test week after week, and I dropped my aromasin instead of the stuff from AthletesPharmacy. A choice I don't mess with as sides from the test DO hit me... all things considered, after three weeks at test dosages over 500mg and totally NOTHING really near gyno, irritated nips, and so on, I had likewise been running Pole, however, I dropped it too for the Stanozolol they sent.
Stanoxyl 50 (Winstrol tabs): Exactly what I anticipate... drying out, even on high portion test (which is an irreconcilable situation) and vascularity. I want to be on a cutting cycle. However, this is a doomed great source, so that I will get one more pass at it.

Great Occupations, folks!

K-E-A Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 3  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

This was my sixth order from AP, and as usual, they came through without a hitch. I can genuinely say that I have never managed with a more solid, polite, and proficient source devoted to satisfying their clients. Each item I have at any point got from them has been genuine, TA is on point for a non-homegrown source, what not questions are replied to in an opportune way.

Communication with AP has consistently been incredible. I never trust that days or weeks will hear back from a PM or email; however, now and then, in practically no time and certainly within 24 hours, they keep on addressing until all inquiries or requests are completely cleared up.

The items came 19 days after I ordered and sent the assets. Not terrible for an abroad source.

3 KP Clomid, 1 KP Arom, 1 KP Avar, 6 Pregnyl HCG, 2 Gen-Shi GHRP-6, 2 Gen-Shi GHRP-2, 10 jugs of Gen-Shi bac water- 5ml, and 2 Mythical serpent Pharma Test E250.

Been post-cycle for 5 months, and I've been utilizing the GHRP-6 for about a month at 100mcg multiple times a day. It gives me a general feeling of prosperity. I know this sounds SO antique' yet for this situation, it is simply evident. It appeared to improve my mindset, unquestionably assisted with my rest, expanded my craving, and appeared to enormously diminish joint agony. Just began working out after a while of being too occupied to even think about getting to the rec center, however, this go round, it appears to be such a great deal simpler to get back fit as a fiddle. Body fat additionally reduced. What's more, I've really shed around 6 pounds, yet everything is by all accounts fat. My spouse has been taking 10mg of KP Avar and 20mcg of AP's KP (Clen from a past order) for around 3 weeks, and the upgrades are observable. She is likewise utilizing the HCG for consuming fewer calories/weight reduction purposes also has shed 9 pounds as of now. I took the KP Arom at 12.5mgs ED when I first got the order to dispose of these minuscule unnoticeable knots in my pecs, and within seven days, they were totally gone. Beginning on GHRP-2 today, and I'm anticipating the outcomes. The most observable thing about my constitution that I can see is I look more characterized, more siphoned and less fatty.

Great items. Amazing source. Much obliged AP.

frankthetank Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

This is a review for Kalpa Tren E.

Excellent communication and backing.

T/A was about 10 days quite well stuffed.

My Order
Got some kalpa tren e

The Kalpa tren was excellent, like any remaining Kalpa items that I've tried. I was utilizing 800mg of Tren for seven days, incredible strength gains got hard and parts of acid reflux, which I get with any great Tren. Love it.

I prescribe AP to anybody. Incredible items

gueroflex806 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.82
Communication  4.6
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  4.7

I made and request most recent two months prior request of letro and test e and Dbol. Everything came sooner than anticipated: truly decent individuals.

Good communication.

Really snappy shipping. Package firmly and safely.

Item Requested
kalpha test c Kalpha letroand dp dbol.

Really great quality, letro is more grounded than any fluid I have at any point attempted.

Thank AthletesPharmacy for everything. Will be requesting more

IrishMack Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 4  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.9
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  4.6
Pricing  5

This review is for Kalpa Pharm Testoxyl Cyp.

Communication is consistently uncommon with this source. At whatever point I pose an inquiry, I find a solution within a couple of hours, another reason I'm quite a while client,

Packaging is consistently up to standard with no chance of any messed up vials or pills. T/A is too great with it being around 8-13 days; I say that as, at times, I would get my bundle in 8 days and on different occasions, it would be 13.

Order: 10 Testoxyl Cyp by Kalpa Pharm,

The quality is great, as I have never seen any issues besides one specific bunch that had some inordinate pip; however, Ahtlete tended to it by sending me substitutions from another bunch that dealt with the issue. I won't ever inquire about the substitution; I simply need to tell them of the issue, and that is incredible client care!

I have been quite a while client of this source, and this is on the grounds that they remain by their items sold and will work with you if there are any issues.

K-E-A Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 3  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.95
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  4.8
Pricing  5

Ordered a few unique sorts of Viagra from AP. Got all that I requested; the session is $530 worth. They were courteous, and they addressed every one of my inquiries. For those of you pondering, yes, their items kick ass... Impressed... Much appreciated, AP. I will definitely be a return client.

Great uphold and communication.

TA was about typical for worldwide orders. The packaging was superb.

Item Requested

Been utilizing the session for seven days. Item quality is comparable to what one could anticipate.

Will use it once more

WaresMyBalls Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 5  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.57
Communication  4.2
Delivery  5
Quality  4.1
Pricing  5

Excellent Administration, Incredibly Dependable T/A Period, And A Joy Utilizing Your Oils ! I Got In On Competitors Promotion I was Very Blessed To Recieve Test P and Test E From AP! Subsequent to Utilizing His Rigging I Can Vouch That It Is In reality Extraordinary Rigging! The Test P Had Helped My Vitality Ten times ! Sex Drive, Sleek Skin, And Simply Made them feel Like A Monster In The Exercise center!

AP And I Have Stayed In Contact, He Is An Outstanding Person With Stand Up Help ! I Was Extremely Satisfied When He Restored My Messages Within 24 Hours Time!

T/A Was Around 14 Days Europe To USA, Can't Beat That!

Item Order
Test PTest E,

As I Referenced In The Presentation, I Definately Would State His Rigging Is A great idea To Go. I Felt The Prop Kick In Following 2 Hours It Was Awesome!

BostonGeorge Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.6
Communication  4.3
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  4.1

AP is a decent source, on the off chance that you haven't attempted them there is an extraordinary spot to test.

Didn't need to communicate. However, AP kept updates coming.

The package was discreet and well-planned. T/A was around fourteen days.

Items Requested
I got in on the promotion for the Kalpa Dbol 50-50 mg,

Quality of Items
Used it as a launch and felt the solid siphons in the main week. Did what Dbol does: awesome siphons also, great muscle completion.

AP is a decent spot and merits being in the main 10

gueroflex806 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

I made a request recently two months back. I requested Letro, Test E and Dbol. Everything came sooner than anticipated, truly pleasant individuals.

Good communication.

Really brisk shipping. The package was firm and safe.

My Request
kalpha test c Kalpha letro and dp dbol,

Really great quality, letro is more grounded than any fluid I have at any point attempted.

Thank AthletesPharmacy for everything. I'll be requesting more

AthletesPharmacy Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Product Requested
I requested my first primo cycle from AP and I am very intrigued with the two his client care and his apparatus.

Client Services
He addressed my PM's lighting quickly and I had the option to submit my request easily.

Delivery of my rigging was complimentary of that, I had my primo within seven days! Ideal bundling too, AP completes it and is done right.

I've been on cycle for two months and the increases I have made are visible and I was unable to be more happy with my advancement. Never noticed any PIP, smooth to infuse.

It was definitely a decent choice to pick AP.

AthletesPharmacy Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.77
Communication  5
Delivery  4.9
Quality  5
Pricing  4.2

My Order: I have been gathering as much Kalpa Pharm as possible recently.

Order Quality: I have run Kalpa Prop and EQ and had incredible outcomes from both. So whenever I was allowed the chance to attempt some more Kalpa from AP I have chosen I needed to get Kalpa Dbol. Managing AP was so damn simple it was crazy.

Services: The site was anything but difficult to explore and pushing the request through on AP's end took one day.
T/A: After 14 days my consideration pack was on my doorstep.

Quality: My mate was biting the dust to attempt the Kalpa Dbol so I let him run a few. He has been on it for seven days as of now. Following two days he let me know he was encountering cerebral pains and as every one of you who knows Dbol know that is a decent sign that it's GTG. He is on 30mg every day and he continues saying how he is cherishing it up until this point.
I will refresh this review with my very own involvement for an additional couple of weeks when I start my own run. As we as a whole know the Kalpa Pharm setup is one strong compound after another and Kalpa has made a major sprinkle in the Market. AP's administration was the best in class.

T/A: The TA was as brisk or faster than some Household sources.
Pricing: AP's cost for his Kalpa is directly in accordance with different Sources who stock Kalpa.

Top-quality apparatus from a top quality Source.


51 minutes ago .  4.75

It brings me a strong human being.confedent and determenation.was a right thing to visit the site and buy the product.very good products.try it your self


1 hour ago .  5

I highly recommend this store for having a good quality and a very fast delivery!!!the products was so effective!!! I will ordered againπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


15 hours ago .  5

Ik kreeg gedetailleerde aanbevelingen over hoe ik de vetverbranders moest gebruiken. Bedankt voor je hulp!