Reviews - Legit or Fake?  Lv. 1
23 reviews
22 Thumbs up   1 Thumbs Down
 3.9k .  International Sources
Communication 4.8
Delivery 4.8
Product Quality 4.83
Pricing 4.79

History was added on Sat, 23rd of May 2020 02:16. This listing was claimed by @Pharmacom_Support on Mon, 26th of Dec 2022 16:02. Currently holds the Beginner's Trust Level i.e. Level 1 Steroid Source.


Basicstero is the only Direct from Manufacturer Pharmacom Labs store.
When ordering from Basicstero, customers can be confident they will receive genuine Pharmacom Labs products.
Regardless of warehouse choice, Basicstero customers are always guaranteed 100% authentic Pharmacom Labs products!
Basicstero is Pharmacom Labs, NOT a reseller.


Added Sat, 23rd of May 2020 02:16
Claimed Mon, 26th of Dec 2022 16:02
Level Level 1
Rep. @Pharmacom_Support
Ships from Various Warehouses around the world (including US)
Ships to Delivery options available to most destinations
MOQ/P not available
TA Varies depending upon Warehouse choice
BitCoin(ΰΈΏ) βœ… Accepted
LiteCoin(Ł) βœ… Accepted
WesternUnion ❌ No
MoneyGram ❌ No
Paypal ❌ No
Credit/Debit Card ❌ No
Bank/Wire Transfer ❌ No
g4m Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
10 months ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Improving customer service

Thank you for your feedback regarding our availability. I'm sorry to hear you've faced difficulties in reaching us. Typically, we respond within 24 hours as a standard practice. However, I appreciate your input and I will address this matter with our support team to ensure an improved service experience moving forward.

jerryinreallife Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
1 year ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Items Ordered

Test e, tren e, eq, test p, tren a, winnie, halo, anavar, mast, and gh

I've used their test e, tren e, eq, for my off-season and their product is top-notch. I'm just starting my prep by running their tren a, test p, winnie, gh, and halo. Everything is going great and their gear is properly dosed.


Communication is great, they usually respond within a few hours always answer all of my questions and don't give you the run around like some of my previous suppliers.


T/A is as good as can be expected. The only issue I ever ran into wasn't on their part but on the postal services. The packaging is great and discreet.
I ran 16 weeks of tests e, tren e, and eq. My goal was to stay lean and add quality off-season muscle so I didn't have to diet so hard for my show. The plan went perfectly, and my goal was exceeded.


Great supplier and I recommend it to anyone who is a serious competitor.

jp82088 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 3  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Basicstero is top notch quality product!!!!!!!,

Communication and support are on point! Emails and questions were answered promptly. Genuinely care about their customers.
T/A was pretty good for international order. 12 days from pay date to arival!

Testosterone Enthenate 300
Sustanon 300

Been running for 6 weeks now and immediately felt the sust at work at about day 4-5. Enthanate has been beat I've used in a long time. No pip with either. Great product. Will be doing bloods soon but no doubt this is quality Gear,

Can't wait to try more product from this company

Dragon76NYC Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Placed about 4 orders all came quickly and I'm very happy with pharmacom products
The packaging looks very professional
Costumer service very helpful they answer all your emails
And most important products are working.

Professional always reply to emails, Prompt shipping nice packaging.

PharmaPrim 100 x 2 for myself
PharmaBold 300 for a friend
Oxandrolonos for a friend

PharmaPrim starting dose was 100mg a week at first had some small side effects little rushes on chest allergy after a week all gone increase the dose to 200mg a week and now taking 150mg twice a week
I\u2019m very happy with results nothing dramatic but muscularity specially in shoulders and arms veins are a lot more visible + little stronger and more endurance, probably will up the dose in a next week to 200mg twice a week.

PharmaBold and oxandrolonos friend taking it he is happy telling me getting good results and crazy pumps

Kedelicao Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

This is just my second purchase of BASICSTERO (the first one was in the old warehouse in China), in the first one it was OK with the results, the effects of the products are felt immediately (I used PHARMATEST P 100 with PHARMANAN PH 100) and I gained about 6 to 8 lbs of quality dough.
The delivery in both cases was on schedule. I was surprised that in the second order I did not request discreet packaging (I forgot!!) and anyway I arrive without inconvenience. I recommend the BASICSTERO page, so much so that right now I am placing my third order to take advantage of the summer offer.

Easy and effective, they keep us informed by mail. If you request discreet packaging, it is very difficult to be tracked.

In the first order PHARMATEST P 100 with PHARMANAN PH 100, and in the second order PHARMASUST 250 Ampules with PHARMAPRIM 100 and PHARMABOLD 300 (which I still do not use, but I will soon comment on how we are going).

I used the first order of PHARMATEST P 100 with PHARMANAN PH 100 for 8 weeks and the results began to be observed almost immediately.

We are going to place the third order this week, since the summer offer is almost over and it's really worth it.

machopeurns Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

I have been using basicstero for all Pharmacom products to get direct rather than from any authorized reseller. All experiences have been great. 4 orders total so far. Bitcoin payments get discounts and after 3 orders you get a loyalty discount.

1 of 4 orders received so far. 3 were recently placed with 2 of those on the way with tracking. I've only ordered from the International warehouse for the better pricing. First ordered received with no problems and I chose original packing to my Vietnam location at the time.

My 2nd order I chose discreet packaging delivered to the US and should be getting that any day now. I will update with any issues but with all the possibilities with bunk gear, I'm choosing to stay with Pharmacom products for their reputation and ordering direct from the lab (basicstero) to avoid issues as much as possible.

Yes, I am reviewing to be eligible for their store credit, but obviously I wouldn't care about any store credit if I wasn't planning on re-ordering.

Emails sent upon ordering being received, payment being received and order confirmed, package sent out and then a final one with tracking info. Just be patient and wait for each email.

Not much stealth involved with my first order to Vietnam and I didn't choose discreet shipping as I never get issues with orders. My incoming order to the US I chose discreet packaging.

Test E (for TRT; have yet to use as still on vial from another lab)
Anavar (my first ever cycle - I've been lifting for 17+ years natty and have never been so hard and cut up. Blew pass plateaus with ease within a week. Will dab with Tbol and EQ but I'm thinking for the safety profile I may end up doing Anavar for all future cycles. Pharmacom Anavar has a great reputation.)
Isotretinoin (have been using only for a week at a low dose of 20mg and I can't believe I've been tediously managing acne with topicals for 20 years. Still need to see how it goes on with other cycles but it's cleared me up from my Ostarine cycle great for strength and size for beginners btw, but Anavar is my pick for safe PEDs!)
Tbol (on the way)
EQ (on the way)
Winstrol (on the way, but having seconds thoughts about this cycle after learning about high probability of affect on hairloss as I am prone),

Anavar and Accutane: on point - working as intended.

One of my top choices for a trustworthy source

Wienke65 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.5
Communication  4.5
Delivery  4.5
Quality  4.5
Pricing  4.5

I found the ordering process to be very simple and i received my products by express maill within four days of placing my order. My order was placed and no customer support was needed.
The packaging was very secure.

PHARMASTAN 50 Stanozolol

I have been using this product for the last five days and it's vey effectice.

Content is milky white.

Jvd75 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

I have ordered 3 times from this store.

Some background for reference. I’m in my mid 40’s and have been on TRT for 15 years. My TRT dose is 200 mg of Test Cypionate weekly. My levels are typically around 800.

I cruise and blast. My overall muscle weight does not fluctuate due to my age and the fact that I already weigh 275 lbs. Therefore, my β€œgains” are typically more fat loss and muscle hardness and vascularity.

I used this company’s Sust 300. Three shots per week or 900 mg. This is an addition to my normal 200 mg of Test Cypionate. I also use the Provironos, 1 tab per day to keep libido high.

Sust 300 is smooth and consistent. I have used Sustanon many times, even going back to the 90s when I got the redijects from Mexico by Organon.

FOR ME, the Sust 300 gives me a feeling of well being. I get strength increase, mild water retention, and slight increase in blood pressure. The 4 types of test in this blend allow for a nice consistency. The peaks hit at different times, so you are feeling good almost all the time. There is no crash where you are craving your next shot.

I had labs done after a month, my levels came back at greater than 1500. That was as high as the lab would read up to.

I increased to 4 shots per week, 1200 mgs, mid cycle.

A month later I redid labs with the more sensitive blood test, my total T levels were 4700. Wow! Needless to say, the product is HIGH quality and not underdosed. I wasn’t expecting levels to be that high, so I dropped back down to 900 mgs a week.

After the full 12 week blast, I had weighed 283. Again, keep in mind my age and that I also had significant fat loss, and increased definition. For me, it’s not all about pure bulk weight gain.

Always great. They had some short delays recently but these were due to postal and not them. Anytime I have had to email them I get a response within a day.

Packing always discreet and careful. I have never received a damaged order.

Sust 300
Also have Tren A, but have not used yet.

Top quality, very potent. Backed up,with labs, this is not just my opinion.

Order with confidence. These guys are the best lab and source I have used in over 15 years.

exoticnfit Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Frank has some amazing products and well worth the wait for international purchase.

The quality of product rivals some of the pharma I have used in the past and with the added bonus of having one of if not THE BEST promo offer marketing strategy I will be a long time customer.

Very experienced dosage levels and why I do not post them in open/public viewing areas.

T/A is within 8-12days (all 3 orders),


PROVI is doing its job of keeping libido on point and working synergistically with other compounds. Came off pharma version to Pharmacom and thus far equaled experience.

EQ is fantastic...and did not notice any difference or change when changing from another high quality brand but recently stopped and will be starting back up again weeks from now. Watch your RBC count depending on weekly dose!!!,

NOLT - Yeah, the fast acting compounds give you a great kickstart with the slower acting (this is a 4 ester Nandrolone Compound). Great inflammatory response (added pop/fullness) without much PIP,

The remaining compounds will be updated once enough time has passed or started. Just recently switched from pharma Test C to Enan of Pharmacom and expecting great results with the change.

Would love to see the USA domestic warehouse have actual promos instead of giveaways.

The promos for the international store are amazing and keep me coming back for more since being a recent customer.

Accurately dosed gear based on my research and proving why they are NUMBER 1 on the list.

TrenAllDay Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 6  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.63
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  4.6
Pricing  3.9

2 very fast transactions with us domestic. no communication was really needed, but i did email a question and it was responded to in less than 24 hours.

one order had a t/a of 3 days and the other order had a t/a of just 2 days, ordered sunday night and received wednesday. packaged well.

we all know pharmacom quality is some of the best, if not THE best. tabs always nicely pressed. i used 20mg per day. i always use GW on cycle for the positive benefits it has on lipids. my cholesterol was in bad shape (from the gear, when off gear my diet keeps my lipids in good range) and after starting the gw at 20mg, it put my hdl and ldl back in to normal range. this was all checked by blood tests and confirmed, i also did one of those home cholesterol tests, which only shows total cholesterol, and after starting the gw my total cholesterol dropped by around 120 ish points and took me out of the danger zone. didnt want that ride into the danger zone.
also had the cardio benefits of gw but im no cardio king so my use for gw is mostly for my lipids on cycle.

will always use these guys for any PC gear i need since theyre domestic and quick.

5percent4life Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Basicstero is my go-to hotspot for Pharmacon. Presently that they are tolerating WU again its back to them I go. Continuously top-quality items at reasonable costs. Generally probably the best source ive utilized.


Communication and backing are consistently excellent with Basicstero. They rush to email any updates and consistently answer questions within 24 hours.


T/A was around 3 weeks after the ship date. Nothing to grumble about there. As common bundling was exceptionally careful and securely wrapped. Its undeniable they invest wholeheartedly in their bundling,

Product ordered

Sust 250Deca 300Pharmamix 1Anadrol, Use this for powerlifting meets always.12 weeksWeek 1 - 12: 2ccs pharmamix 1, 1cc sust, 2cc decaWeek 9-12: 50mg anadrolAlways experience moderate mass gains with insane strength.

Excellent source. Safe and reasonable. Energetically suggest.
MulDivision23 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Long time client. These folks are incredible!

Fast and consistent help. Messages and the pm framework here are both incredible approaches to working with these folks.

Client Services
Fast and it's prudent

My Order
Test e caber tren e

Fast increment in sex drive and strength. Week one everything began kicking in. Night sweats outrageous hostility in the exercise centre. The caber is all set. Parcels of mental markers for genuine caber and they were there. Others all acquired around 15 strong with this cycle!

I love these folks! Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 6  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.92
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  4.7

This review is for Pharma blend 6.


I had no issues during my request so I didn’t need to connect for help. Basicstero worked hard keeping me refreshed on the situation with my request from the time it was put until it was received so communication was strong.

From putting my request to delivery required 5 days from the stockroom I decided to arrange from. The bundling was proficient and very serene. All things in the bundle were secure.

Pharma Blend 6 Quality
I am amazingly satisfied with the item's quality. I went from running precisely the same chemicals from another lab to blend 6 keeping diet, exercise, and measurement no different either way. My exercise was intended to keep up where my body presently stands and not make forward progress for individual reasons. Following multiple weeks I saw that I was gaining positive headway in my build which amazed me. I have kept on seeing striking change through the initial five weeks of my Blend 6 run.

The entire involvement in basic stereo is equivalent to any buy produced using The entire experience was quick furthermore, simple.

noTea4u Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

I made my first request with these folks and everything went very easily. Bitcoin was simple, and items came bundled well and quickly.

The communication was extraordinary. I had no issues in any case, was told of the installment, and things were shipped the following day.
Products came in under about fourteen days. No deferrals or anything,
My Order
Test E 500 Tren E 200 Pharma Blend M300 Anavar 10 Sibutramine 15 Proviron,
I've just been utilizing it for about fourteen days; however, I can tell the Anavar is genuine. Strength is up. Sibutramine is on point- I just utilized it 1 day up until this point and had zero cravings. Oils are somewhat thicker than I'm used to and will not move through a 28g with 3ml barrel, however, I'm happy as I probably am aware I have genuine items.

RThoads Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Excellent quality and administration.

I have requested from Basicstero on various occasions, and I keep on being impressed. Communications have been astounding, going from helping me see how to utilize BTC to settling worries about the aftereffects of a LabMax test.
Great communication and upholding. I related through various private messages and messages for issues, for example, utilizing BitCoin, item availability, and quality. Each time, I was fulfilled by the assistance I got.

The T/A was precise and true to form; one must consider factors outside of the source's control, for example, separation; a bundle must travel; with everything considered, the T/A was on point. The packaging was spotless, discrete, and secure.

Test-E, Test-P, NPP Vard Bol EQ Deca

Very high calibre and clean. I impact and voyage for well longer than a year and just had any eminent PIP 2 or multiple times (this is over in a real sense 100s of pins). The last impact was Test-P/NPP/Var, and in about two months I was up 12 lb with, in any event, 9 or 10 value retainable increases, and all huge lifts were fundamentally up - numerous new PRs. My GF enjoyed low portion prop and Var with ZERO negative side and a part of positives. Currently, I am cruising on Test-E/EQ low measurements and arranging a multi-week Test/EQ/Deca impact/cycle very soon.


20 minutes ago .  4.75

It brings me a strong human being.confedent and determenation.was a right thing to visit the site and buy the product.very good products.try it your self


34 minutes ago .  5

I highly recommend this store for having a good quality and a very fast delivery!!!the products was so effective!!! I will ordered againπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


14 hours ago .  5

Ik kreeg gedetailleerde aanbevelingen over hoe ik de vetverbranders moest gebruiken. Bedankt voor je hulp!