EuroKing-Gear.CO Reviews - Legit or Fake?

EuroKing-Gear.CO  Lv. 0
32 reviews
29 Thumbs up   3 Thumbs Down
Communication 4.62
Delivery 4.34
Product Quality 5
Pricing 4.97


EuroKing-Gear.CO was added on Sat, 23rd of May 2020 02:16. This listing has not been claimed. Currently EuroKing-Gear.CO holds the Lowest Trust Level i.e. Level 0 Steroid Source.


Added Sat, 23rd of May 2020 02:16
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Level Level 0
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Website EuroKing-Gear.CO 
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r00t3d Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.75
Communication  5
Delivery  4.4
Quality  5
Pricing  4.6

Requested my pack in January (2021) got it inside 31 days. Ran multi week cycle, incredible increases, extraordinary item, will buy once more.

When I requested back in January (2021) EKG was as yet utilizing the old site which had a ton of issues, from that point forward he has moved to the new site. The requesting cycle was to some degree convoluted on the grounds that there was a mistake with the beneficiary of the cash move anyway in the wake of reaching Euro Lord about the issue with on his end I had the option to figure it out and resend the cash move to someone else without issue. For a first time purchaser (as I was) this can be alarming however I kept quiet and contact with EKG and everything turned out great. He generally react my PM on here or his site inside 24 hours like his approach said.

There was some postponement due to public occasions when I requested my pack anyway it still went in close vicinity to the multi day guaranteed time span. The bundling was acceptable no issues, exceptionally attentive. A portion of my request was absent from the first pack I got, they had really stirred up a portion of my request and shipped me other stuff that I didn't structure. At the point when I informed EKG concerning the mistake they let me keep the additional items they sent on mishap and shipped me out the following day the remainder of my request, I got it around fourteen days afterward. A+ Client support from EKG, quick shipment on rest of my request no deferrals or horse crap from him.

Tren E 10ml Winged serpent Pharma
Test Cyp 10ml Winged serpent Pharma
Clen Mythical beast Pharma
Nolva Mythical serpent Pharma
Clomid Mythical beast Pharma,

Included on mishap in my pack was,

Winstrol 50mg Mythical beast Pharma
Test Sust 10ml Winged serpent Pharma,

I wound up using everything in my cycle (four months) when EKG said I could keep the additional stuff and didn't have to send it back to him. Item effectiveness and experience was A+++++++ made heaps of gains, was all that I had trusted it would be and merited the cash. The quality was acceptable no terrible PIP aside from with the sust (to be expected).

The metal top on the my vial of tren had nearly come right off the glass when simply eliminating the plastic top, this was somewhat disturbing yet it didn't fall off enough to break any seals or let the stuff get debased however I could of seen this being a major issue in the event that it fell off. Despite the fact that it didn't occur it was near it yet I'm certain in the event that I had enlightened EKG regarding this he would of traded the item however for me I just utilized it in any case.

now my PCT complete from the cycle and had bloods, my common test is back on track so even the PCT gear is affirmed 100% genuine from EKG/Winged serpent Pharma.

If you're a n00b and have issues with your request, send EKG a PM on here and on his site, continuously reference your request # so he can track your items and installment. Show restraint. Recollect that he say multi day shipping ensure. He is genuine. I did about a time of examination before I decided to buy with EKG and despite the fact that he has a ton of clients he generally set aside effort to answer me by and by and investigate my issues in any event, something so basic as I lost my secret word to his site.

jack_wade Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 4  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5
This review is for the Gen-shi Anadrol I got from Euroking.

Client Services: Good communication as usual.

Shipping: Item was safely and circumspectly bundled. Shown up inside about fourteen days after putting in my request.

Product: Gen-shi Anadrol 50,

My Experience with product's quality: This was my first involvement in the Gen-shi brand anadrol. I went with my common portion of 100mg for an aggregate of about a month. The portions were equally split for morning and evening. Inside the initial fourteen days, I acquired around 8lbs in generally speaking bodyweight. The majority of this coming from water maintenance/glycogen. I was continuously lifting all the more every week and was ready to build my cardio yield. I encountered some side effects like; sleek skin and migraines. My hunger remained uneffected.

I have been utilizing Euroking for quite a long time and have consistently been happy with the assistance I've gotten.
jsoc_rock Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

This review is for certain items I ordered during one of their deals.

A companion of mine and I joined an orderMe: Mythical Beast Pharma Sust 350, DECA 300, OxymethaloneFriend: Winged serpent Pharma Test E, Clen and DbolBoth of us ran multi-week cycles,

Communication: There was none required except when I made a few inquiries. They were answered within 12 hours which was MORE than palatable to me!

Shipping: I got the pack in 11 days, which is extraordinary for an abroad source!!! Everything was discrete and firmly wrapped. Nothing is broken, obliterated or missing!,

Products: Winged serpent Pharma Sust 350, DECA 300, OxymethaloneFriend: Mythical beast Pharma Test E, Clen and DbolBoth of us ran multi-week cycles

Quality of products:
Dragon Pharma Oxymetholone: Crazy siphons, strength supports, red platelet tally, platelet increment, some acne,l and as I would like to think similarly as solid as what my Dr Endorsed me while I was on chemo.Dragon Pharma Sustanon 350: WOW is all I need to say about this! Kicks in part of the way through the second week ran it at 700mg per week (2ml), and I began creating muscles I didn't realize I had haha. Indeed, even basic activities created more earnest muscles and also fat misfortune!!! I dropped a great deal of water weight and made Genuine additions. I had never eaten at a Hooters, yet we had a lovely worker who remained at our table to visit with us. She continued folding her hand over my arm. She even asked ME for my telephone number to remain in contact! My companions were stunned and generally annoyed at my prosperity in the eatery! Haha. The young ladies there inquired as to whether I lift. I playfully said just when I drink lager and lift my beverage to my mouth, haha! Having that control to rule discussions and be effective with women was awesome! Have NOT utilized the DECA at this point that is destined to be for a future cycle.

My companion was BLOWN AWAY by the items. He utilized 500mg of Test e for 15 weeks and a month of dbol to launch his cycle. He acquired 24 lbs and just lost 2 lbs during his pct! He utilized 80mcg of clean daily, which he said was insane. The side effects were intense. He dropped practically 3% body fat and was more torn and characterized. He, too, said the acknowledgement was awesome. The sensation of prosperity while on these items was through the rooftop! As I would see it, I felt like the Mass! I have date number 3 with an exquisite blonde Friday night. My certainty is through the rooftop, and I recuperated much muscle from what I lost during chemo, acquiring 26 lbs just losing 3 lbs during my pct! I was unable to be more joyful with these items and with EuroKing!,

Conclusion: I trust you stay around and ascend through the positions here, sibling, since you Have the right to!!! Don't wonder whether or not to take a stab at EuroKing you will not be baffled, I guarantee! My objection was the EO in the Residue 350 for around 12 hours post-infusion. I felt influenza-like, yet I was alright after around 12 hours.

Danabolic Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5
Easy to work with and top quality items.

Client-Service: The source returned all messages rapidly and replied to all inquiries I had. Exceptionally supportive.

Shipping: Packaging was circumspect what's more, the turnaround was extremely short. Fourteen days from the request until I got things.

Items: Kalpa anavar 10mg tabs,

Quality: Use items for about two months at 20mg per day. The quality was extraordinary! Saw sees in my lower arms after the first week. After that, I made sluggish yet consistent additions while getting less fatty everywhere on my body. Removed a ton of water weight while on my cycle.

Happy with the items, T/A and communication. Extremely simple to arrange and get things with this source. Anticipating my next cycle with this source.
njh228 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5


They, at last, consented to resend, they have consistently been acceptable as far as I might be concerned, and they followed their arrangement as expressed on their site precisely as expressed.

I have utilized them multiple times before without occurrence.

BRIAN1980 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5
This is a review for the covertness test e 400, tren 200, and Winstrol.

Communication was extraordinary once a ticket is made or then again a pm is sent I generally get an answer within 24 hours.

Shipping: I have requested from the ruler on many occasions throughout the long term and his T/A is generally 10 days or less however on this event it took somewhat over a month toward the east coast US.

Items: Stealth tren e, test e 400, Winstrol.

Quality: I ran the test @ 200mg/week and the tren @ 600mg/week and the most recent a month and a half I ran the Winny @ 50mg/day. This is the first occasion when I have increased the tren recent/week and the strength gains from the extra 200 were stunning. I have recently completed my multi-week cycle and I'm greater, more grounded, and more slender than I have at any point been so I can securely say that the covertness gear is genuine and I will put another mass request with the Ruler very soon.

mobigga Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Shipping: I've been managing Euro for quite a while and never had an issue however once and it was with the mail administration holding up the bundle for seven days they disdain my bundle.
Communication: This person has consistently been on point with extraordinary items.
Product Quality: it's for Genuine will consistently be a client with this guy!!!!

Xheavyx Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I don't recomend this source 👎
Nothing from the order was received 😭

Aggregate  3
Communication  1
Delivery  1
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Shipping Services: I requested July sixth and it shipped on the fifteenth.
I keep minding the assessed delivery dates and they have progressively changed from August first to in the long run September fifth starting today.

Communication: I'm not certain if that is ordinary or not but rather I haven't got a reaction from the help site.

This is my first request and I'm somewhat at a misfortune at this moment.

schilke24 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Client-Service: No issue. That message just came out today.
Product: It appears as if the deals were amazingly famous.

MusicMan Avatar
Contributing Member Posts: 53  Reviews: 0  Threads: 7 
3 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Product: DP Cypionat 250 has consistently been something that I was keen on attempting,

Source's Services: Euro King is reliable in his follow-up to my PMs and incredible Client support given by this source.

Shipping: Pack regularly takes around 15 business days. However, it is well worth the stand-by and incredibly cautious.

First and chief CYP is my #1 test besides TNE in oil. I have attempted various CYPs, and I can genuinely say that this DP CYP 250 is of excellent. The DP line for CYP is as great as some other accessible CYP, so Im extremely happy with the fruition of my multi-week run requiring 500mg per week. My water weight went up, which is why I am inclined toward CYP over the other accessible tests; honestly, CYP consistently gives me the ideal outcomes, and this DP line is currently one of my top picks. Throughout my experience, I acquired a particularly required 22 lbs, and my solidarity has continuously expanded. The smooth and clear oils give 0 PIP, which is a reward considering I remain predictable in my sticking timetable. My moxie has been raised since the main week, and I didn't get any sleek skin or inflammation. The psychological edge has been incredible, permitting me to impact through my exercises while feeling solid and siphoned, and my recuperation from those exercises has been additionally extraordinary, permitting me to hit certain muscles on various occasions each week. The oils are smooth, and I generally anticipated the following pin as Im making incredible gains in the exercise centre. Indeed again, I acquired some water weight, yet that permits me to look greater and more grounded, which is why CYP is my top pick. This DP CYP was a can anticipate me as Euroking offers a few exceptional promotions, which I was anxious to get on board with the fleeting trend. The most amazing aspect about working with Euro king, in addition to the fact that he has incredible DP CYP 250, yet his Client care is genuinely allied to its own. On the off chance that I at any point had an issue, EK is consistently the first to listen to me at that point and gives a great answer to my request. So yes, I recommend this DP CYP 250 for its usability, results demonstrated by us, and for simply being an extraordinary expansion to my mission for a superior build for myself. I would not hesitate to load up on this item as it's better than normal as I would see it. Everything I can say is that I'm happy with the item, the results, and the way that the oils never gave me any PIP tossing my system messed up; extremely predictable compound and worth the time and exertion.

DP CYP is extraordinary, predictable, and turned out outstandingly for me; thank you EK

luky17 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5
The items are extraordinary! The Mythical serpent pharma is exceptionally smooth. The help is generally excellent too.

Communication is alright. The backing is awesome.

Products: Dragon pharma enanthate 250 is amazing. Low pip great additions. Kalpa turanaxyl with its extraordinary strength gains through the rooftop. Incredibly hard and veins all over.

Quality: Dragon pharma enanthate 250 is extraordinary. great increases. Did 500mg every week for 12 weeks Kalpa turanaxyl with extraordinary strength gains through the rooftop. Incredibly hard and veins all over. Ran this for about a month, week 1 at 20 mg daily and afterwards weeks 2 3 4 at 40mg every day. Acquired 26 strong lbs

shiningstar Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

This was my first time having a go at Euroking, I was very blessed to get the liberal promotion of 20 amps of Tren Expert by Singani. This was an extraordinary offer and I feel the 20 amps was a decent sum to really figure out the item quality and use for an important term. The actual item just as the general experience with this source, surpassed my assumptions.

Client Services: The communication was extraordinary, and all inquiries were replied to and taken care of rapidly and well disposed of. For the first time with this source, I discovered them to be awesome at what they do and made my request a straightforward cycle that was straightforward and went smoothly.

Delivery Services: This class was wonderful as the T/An and bundling came firmly and safely wrapped; thus circumspect you would have no clue with respect to the bundle substance. There was no harm to the things requested, and everything was unblemished and came quickly IMO for a promotion and was shown up route speedier than I expected, which is consistently pleasant.

Products: 20 Amps-Singani Tren Expert.

Quality: This is the main piece of the requesting experience, particularly when attempting another source. It was my first run with EK, yet additionally, my first time truly utilizing the Singani brand; however, I had heard incredible things, and I was truly happy immediately that I picked the Tren Pro. I began at 100mg eod as this timetable, even with the acetic acid derivation, is fine for me. I was likewise utilizing pole prop and test prop from another source that I had begun simultaneously. First pin, tasted the tren and needed to back my breathing off and afterwards had a couple of minor hacks that were not under any condition too cruel or uncomfortable. This was trailed by a couple more hacks on pins, yet not to visit. Into the main week, I was feeling too aggressive in the exercise centre and having great sweat-soaked exercises. I felt the increment in body temp for the day, anyway didn't get that awful with night sweats or dreams, and I infrequently get these sides very hard in any case. This tren felt truly solid to the extent of fat consumption. However, I was on a perfect eating routine that is somewhat on the higher side of carbs to remain full and keeping in mind that running this tren, I could see my midriff getting tight, particularly after waking. Every one of my lifts was at a significant level, and hitting 315 for reps of 12 to 15 was feeling simple on the sloping seat. My strength continued improving, and I was, moreover, truly laser sharp engaged. I truly like the way this tren made me feel, yet it was the way that it made me noticeably look way better following half a month that prevailed upon me. A ton of Tren can give you all the sides and the psychological edge of Tren and make you somewhat more grounded. However, toward the end, it resembles wtf I appear to be identical. This tren worked great at body arrangement and assisted me with getting less fatty and vascular. Generally, I think this was a decent strong item that I would arrange once more. also, it can add to just a modest bunch of tren worth recurrent use. I need to attempt the remainder of the Singani brand if this is the manner by which extraordinary their tren expert is.

My Experience: This source was a joy to manage, even before utilizing them simply being a piece of this local area. I've seen that EK is a decent fella and an example worth following with his acts and the liberality he's appeared to individuals. The way he conveys top-quality items is significantly more explanation I'd suggest utilizing him. This was one of the numerous orders to accompany EK.

I'm happy I utilized this source. Much obliged, Euro king!

kaoticsolja Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Nothing from the order was received 😭

Aggregate  4
Communication  5
Delivery  1
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Shipping & Communication: Order January 10th..waited assessed shipping time...then held up an extra 30 days...then got advised to stand by 10 more...still nothing and now the site is down...will inform you as to whether I hear back

DivineH Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.85
Communication  5
Delivery  4.4
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Product: Review for Genshi promotion Anavar 10mgsI

Quality of Product: been utilizing the Anavar at 50 mg every day for the last 3 weeks. The medication functions as intended. It gives me the hardness and dry look that I anticipate from quality var. It's encouraging me to drop the additional water of the lower mid-region and the siphons in the exercise centre are spot on. veins are coming out pleasantly and combined with a great eating regimen and cardio is an executioner combo.

Very happy with this var and I would definitely get it over and over.

Communication: He is very good. always hits me up within a day.

Packing was tight and secure and secrecy.

Items: 5xAnavar 54 pills a container,

I have been utilizing 50 mg a day for 3 weeks now. The quality is awesome. good siphons and strength with a dry hard look in the mirror.

I recommend Euroking and his genshi Line.

freedom1981 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Review for their promotion 8 months prior so I took as much time as is needed to utilize the products, and they merit more than one review from me.

Communication: To be straightforward was no need at all, not in the slightest degree,

Shipping: I don't recall how it was before 8 months back however, all I know was the vials were entirely protected.

Items: 5 vials sust 350mg mythical serpent pharma,

Quality: So I utilized at that point in convention eod 75 mg since they were 350 sust, not 250, and it's the most ideal route for sust with deca from another source. When I started my cycle, I was 101 kg after little activity. I began it in January, so to be straightforward, acne slaughtered me and I sleek skin was somewhat embarrassed about it m however, within few months, I got up from 101kg to 118 kg so was excessive for me in light of the fact that the uniform begins to be tide and they start calling me new mass, so I have faith in them,

thank you, euro ruler, and standing by additional from you


11 hours ago .  5

Ik kreeg gedetailleerde aanbevelingen over hoe ik de vetverbranders moest gebruiken. Bedankt voor je hulp!


12 hours ago .  5

amazing products that male me feel strong and the development of muscle is crazy. Its a good idea to trust deusmedical


13 hours ago .  5

My first tial order completely satisfied I will order again soon a lot more.