i-Fit4Life.is Reviews - Legit or Fake?

i-Fit4Life.is  Lv. 0
53 reviews
52 Thumbs up   1 Thumbs Down
 7.5k .  International Sources
Communication 4.92
Delivery 4.96
Product Quality 4.91
Pricing 4.9


i-Fit4Life.is was added on Sun, 13th of Sep 2020 17:13. This listing has not been claimed. Currently i-Fit4Life.is holds the Lowest Trust Level i.e. Level 0 Steroid Source.


Are you a legitimate company? We are a professional anabolic steroid online service company that sell and distribute pharmaceutical products. We have been supplying original, high-quality anabolic steroids and bodybuilding related products, prescription-free over the Internet. What is the quality of your products? All our products are 100% genuine. Our products are made from raws


Added Sun, 13th of Sep 2020 17:13
Claimed never
Level Level 0
Rep. not known
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Website i-Fit4Life.is 
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RPM302 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
6 months ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Pleasure in dealing with this supplier. I will definitely be placing another order soon!,

Communication was very clear, always responded to any questions or concerns within 24 hours or less.

Arrived in approximately 4 days. (Sent money on a Sunday, Monday was a holiday, Tuesday money received, Wednesday package sent) Received Friday. Package was discreet and wrapped very securely.

Product ordered
4 x Shreddum
1 x Exemestane
1 x Cabaser,
Shreddum 1cc/day
Aromasin 10mg ED going to try 10mg EoD
Cabaser .5mg E4D,

The gear is strong, giving me some minor side effects like restless sleep and night sweats. However, I've seen a 3% drop in body fat within a week and incredible gains at the gym while staying around 210 lbs. My diet consists of 2.2-3k calories with 300g of protein daily. There's a small lump in my left nipple that hasn't changed much, which I plan to address after my cycle. I've been on a mix of testosterone and trenbolone for a few weeks and plan to adjust the dosage to see further effects, possibly adding some Anavar later on.

blahblah Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 3  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
7 months ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

This review is for the past 3 orders I have placed with iFit starting back in around May of 2016. For each of the orders placed, this source has retained outstanding consistency in each order for all of the categories typically outlined in a review (communication & support, T/A and packaging, and product quality).


Communication & support is excellent. They are both friendly and straight to the point; no beating around the bush. The communication timing was also very good (received a response to any inquiries no later than 24 hours after sending/submitting my ticket).


The T/A is literally out of this world, even for a domestic source. For each of the 3 orders placed, I received my package within 1-2 days of it being marked as shipped. Packaging is also incredibly discreet; you would never suspect a thing. In addition to that, nothing ordered has ever arrived damaged in any shape or form.

Product ordered

1-Test Cypionate
Boldenone Cypionate,


The product qualities for the oils are exceptional, especially for the Boldenone Cypionate. I wasn't a huge fan of the 1-Test Cypionate simply because, at the time, they were using guaiacol to suspend the compound. From what I understand though, iFit is no longer using guaiacol for their compounds, which is a HUGE plus. Aside from that, the 1-Test Cypionate was a game-changing compound to introduce to my arsenal of gear. If you are a rookie or novice to AAS, I highly do NOT recommend using this compound. The effects of 1-Test Cypionate are diverse and vast, exhibiting dialed-down results often experienced from taking compounds such as Boldenone, Halotestin, Primobolin, and Trenbolone. Furthering this, for my first few site rotations, I did experience some fairly extensive, and on a few occasions, crippling, injection pip. Despite the guaiacol and pip though, the results from 1-Test Cypionate were drastic and noticeable at many stages throughout my 15-week use. This compound will most certainly be one that I revisit in the future. NOTE: 1-Test Cypionate, manufactured by iFit or not, crashes heavily and frequently. This is simply the nature of the compound, as it is very difficult to suspend in a solvent.

The Boldenone Cypionate is flat-out awesome. At the time of writing and posting this review, I am currently coming up on week 7 of its use. I have nothing negative to say about this compound, especially iFit's version of it; super smooth to inject and just a very clean-cut and pristinely manufactured item. In addition to that, my appetite and vascularity are at an all-time high, despite also taking high doses of Nandrolone Deconate. If you love Boldenone, then you're going to want to stock your shelves with iFit's Boldenone Cypionate... I guarantee it!,

Lastly, the Anavar... Unfortunately, I cannot say good things about iFit's Anavar. It did nothing for me, despite taking upwards of 100mg/daily. I had a few other very widely recognized and recommended companies to compare to, and I would notice drastic positive results at half the dosage when taking them vs. taking iFit's Anavar.

Despite my personal negative experience with iFit's Anavar, you would be a damn fool to let that keep you from using iFit as a trustworthy source. In fact, after submitting this review, I'm going to be placing my 4th order with them! The oils were fantastic. Finding a domestic source with this type of product quality, as well as their overall customer service and lightning-fast T/A has been a saving grace for me.

I am greatly looking forward to all of our future business transactions together, iFit. Keep up the excellent work; it is greatly appreciated!

Snuffcore Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
9 months ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.98
Communication  5
Delivery  4.9
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Great all-around gear by far.

Client Services
Very Responsive; they replied to my queries within 20 to 30 minutes. Best customer service I have ever had.

The packaging was discreet and the package arrived quickly. I ordered on Friday and received my parcel on Monday.

My Order
4x Test Cyp 250 and 4x Deca 250.

Using these gears for 5 weeks and can see the results already. I'm currently running 250 test and 250 deca once a week and I can see my strength and fullness are through the roof. This gear is legit, at this dose with the results I am seeing. I will increase the dose to check the results.

Finest source I have ever used. Give him a try without a doubt; you won't be disappointed.

gibs Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
9 months ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Simply the best, best products out there, prices and delivery just amazing!!,

After this review will order Test P and Tren A.
Can not wait to try them!,

Best communication. The status of the order was "ready to ship status." It Did not change for a few days. I opened a ticket, and the status changed to order complete the same day. Received items the next day. Might have forgotten to change the status. Lol (sry for my paranoia) :p,

Super discrete! And fast!!,

Product ordered
I have ordered 4 times already.
RP Test E 250
RP Tren E 250
Tremum E 200
Test E 250 (i-fit)
Masteron E 250

Best product quality and great presentation. I have been a customer since July.

Will totally recommend it to new people on this site. Have already done it to close friends.
Super clean products.
Will stay loyal and continue to buy from the site!

SilverbackOG Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 4  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
10 months ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

I placed an order for ifit test enanthate and deca durabolin.

Answered all questions within a few hours.


It was neatly wrapped. The packaging was simple and discreet.

Products ordered

Ifit test enanthate
Dear Durabolin,


Quality is some of the best I have ever had. No pain. Ran for 12 weeks. Gained approx 10 pounds. That is the best I have looked this far. No labs because it works and is appropriately dosed.

Landed 2 days after payment. Here are some of the cleanest oils you could have. Trust these guys

chris4 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
11 months ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.88
Communication  4.9
Delivery  4.8
Quality  4.9
Pricing  4.9

About a month ago, I got 1 kit of godtropin to try it out, and I was pleasantly delighted!

It was smooth and quick; I received prompt and friendly replies within 2 hours. They guide about the product in detail. Very Knowledgable staff.

It took only 3 days.

Item Ordered
1 kit godtropin

The item I ordered melted off stubborn belly fat and increased my bench by over 50 lbs, and my weight went up 20 lbs just in one month. I noticed after using Gods my gain went through the roof. Additionally, my diet hasn't even needed to change, and it melts the fat off and makes me far more vascular than before.

I will Recommend this to anyone looking for a better source.

randomemail1234 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 3  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
1 year ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

I realise there are many alternatives when selecting a supplier, but finding one that appreciates its clients and is prepared to address their issues and concerns is unusual. But I was pleasantly delighted by my first-order experience with I-Fit, which proved to be the correct selection.

Customer service

I-Fit's great customer service is one of its most notable characteristics. Rather than being regarded as simply another client, I received personalized attention and concern. They took the time to address all of my issues and inquiries, making the purchase experience simple and pleasurable. This amount of commitment and support was very inspiring.

Wide Product Range

I-Fit has an amazing product line, making it a terrific domestic option for all your needs. They provide everything you need to reach your goals, from numerous performance-enhancing items to wellness vitamins.


I must applaud I-Fit for their excellent communication. They reply quickly to communications, leaving no space for questions or concerns. THEY WERE QUICK TO ASSIST WHEN I ASKED FOR IT, resulting in a smooth and stress-free transaction.

Products Ordered

Test E 250mg per week
Test C 250mg per week
Deca 500mg per week
A Remarkable Experience

I'm happy to report that my experience with I-Fit's goods was outstanding. The test injections went off without a hitch, with no post-injection pain (PIP). The oils used were of the highest quality, and I believe them to be the best I've ever used.


I saw a significant improvement in my exercises after introducing their goods into my program. The pumps were powerful, and my skin felt tight, giving me an amazing sensation while exercising. My strength has also greatly increased, allowing me to accomplish greater outcomes.

The pills improved not only my athletic performance but also my general health. My libido increased noticeably, adding to the enjoyment of my personal life.
After this fantastic experience, I can certainly state that I-Fit has earned my consumer loyalty. I intend to continue relying on them for my needs until circumstances force me to do otherwise. Their passion, openness, and commitment to their consumers distinguish them as an industry leader.


I'd want to thank I-Fit for their constant dedication to their consumers. I am overjoyed with all they have offered and ecstatic with the results I have had with their goods. They are a dependable and trustworthy source, and I am grateful for everything they have done for me. Thank you for being a genuine firm that keeps its promises without deceit or gimmickry.

MonstrousS Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 4  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
1 year ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Was easy process from start to delivery. Packaging was wrapped tight & secure. Can see and feel quality of the products. They have a returning client.

Order before time was expected. 3 days from ordering.

Items ordered
Test prop
Mass X

No pip
Oil is smooth
Workouts and results so far are on point with the expections.
Strength increased
pumps already improved
Hormones are balanced and feel like a billion bucks.

Bootboy88 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
1 year ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Very pleased with every part of the process dealing with this source! I have ordered so many times with no errors in any aspect, so I figured they deserve an excellent review. Hands down the best source I have come across with superb products at a very reasonable price. Have a customer for life and have brought you many friends of mine also to them and will continue to do so!

Communication was spot on when needed. Apparently my ip was disturbing their site and banned me but within minutes had an email back from them helping with the issue. Other than this there has never been a need to communicate because they're always efficient in all their business!

Packaging is perfect and secure. Tightly packed and very discreet. The FASTEST shipping and delivery from any source ever, literally I have ordered from amazon and have waited longer to receive what I've ordered.

Ifit Test e 250 x4
Vnum tren e 200 x3
Anadrol 30/30mg x2/ 1 free promo
Aromasin 30/10mg x3
Hcg generic X1
Nolvadex 30/25 mg x2
Clomid 30/50 mg x2
Cialis 30/25 mg x1

Test e-500 mg weeks 1-12
Tren e-600 mg weeks 1-10
Anadrol 60 mg Ed weeks 1-4
Hcg 250 ius twice a week weeks 2-12
Aromasin 10mg eod or every third day
Cialis as needed
Pct clomid 100/100/50/50 nolva 50/50/25/25
The products are fantastic and dosed as close to pharmacy grade as I've come acrossed. Test e 250 pins smoother than most I've come across and no pip. Pinning twice a week at 250 mg each time in quads. Oily skin started after third week but rock hard erection started the second! Anadrol oral was very good also. Took 60 mg a day before my workout. Strength gains were insane after two weeks on and weight increased as well as over all size. Added 40 lbs to my bench, went from 275 for one rep to 315 for two! Added 60 to my squats! By the end of four weeks on anadrol I gained 23 lbs started 199 now at 222. The tren e!!! This is some amazing stuff I can workout for like two hours straight and feel like I could stay another three. I have to literally convice myself to leave the gym. Pins smooth as hell and no pip either. I pin it 300 mg twice a week in quads with my test e. So legit I will never run another cycle without it.. only complaint is my damn night sweats and little sleep but no pain no gain!!!!! Cialis I bought just to please the old lady more and let me state this shit is serious. I could stay up all night and never stop if it wasn't for the damn tren killing my cardio! Lol.. the aromasin is so good I crashed my estrogen apparently I was used to under dosed medicine but not the case with this but got bloods and got everything back on track. Was taking 10 mg eod but was too much so started every third day and it works excellent. Oh yeah and the hcg... I love this shit because I like to have my balls not look like shriveled raisins. I am taking it at 250 ius twice a week also for ten weeks. Pct will be spot on just like last time from them.

I will never order from another source as long as they are here. I recommend everyone give them a try and you will not be upset 5/5.

i-fitpharma Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 15  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
1 year ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Was running another sources Sust for eight weeks of my cycle was gonna be twelve. At the eight week mark I introduced ifits tren.First time using tren. Prior eight weeks on cycle was normal. Ten pounds quick.Probaly 5 water 5 weight. Started 1cc tren with 1cc sust at week Eight. EOD. No difference till week 11. Bumped tren to 1.5 and keeping Sust same. Big difference.. Not gonna comment on attitude. Running the same for a total of 16 which is quickly over. Waist size has dropped 1.5 inches body weight is steady if not slowly creeping. I was fluctuating at 187 now 190ish. Anytime I've every used test I've sweat the bed so can't comment on that. Dreams yes get crazy deal with them. Other than that vasicularityosis there. It is a good compound when your head is clear. I've had to double check me a fewtimes. Ive Half assed keeped my diet in check and it works. I can't wait for my next run.

Nonthing more could be asked for. U ask he answers.

When I orderd I fucked it up. Simply reply from him I had to fix it. Sent my sorrys all good. Packaging is packaging . Had it 3 not counting wknds.

Tren A
Tren 100 EOD

Had to bump up to 150 and seeing good results
Exemastane. Had itchy tits from other sources Sust. Took 25 MG EOD for 6 days and it was gone. Now ibttke 25mg a week and seems to work for me.

Ifit4 life seems to me as a really good internet freind. Seems to care more about the science than money. All emails answers promptly and all around good man

Huljvshbdjk Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
1 year ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

I have browsed forums for a while but never had a desire to post until now. I received my 2nd order from I-fit today. On both orders I received my order within 4 days. Discreet package and exactly what I ordered. I am amazed at the quality of service they've provided. I would definitely recommend.

I had a little trouble with the bitcoin payment on my first order and wrote to change up my order a bit. They responded within a couple hours and got my order straightened out.

Package was discreet and in my mailbox within 3-4 business days.

2 Tren Ace
3 winny tabs
(Had test prop from a local supplier.)

The quality was exactly what I expected. The tren had me sweating like a fat girl within a few days and within a couple weeks the strength gains were great and the visual results were noticeable by coworkers.

Leaveit Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Total Professional Guy here. Placed many orders and have not had a problem. Gear is some of the best I've had. I always have faith when I place an order that I will receive what I ordered. Customer service skills are top notch. I actually think this guy is quicker than amazon prime.

A+++ . He responds Fast and answers any questions. He always seems to have a quick turn around time with any customer service issues. When I send a question I know I will have a swift response.

Careful, discreet, and FAST! Only problem I had was one of the packages of T-bol somehow opened up from the bottom without me opening it. No biggie though! All the packages I ordered arrived days after payment was completed. Upon opening, all items were individually wrapped, bubbled, and secured professionally. No Breakage whatsoever!

Tren Ace
Test E

No Pip Whatsover.The gear is very smooth. Some of the best Ive had. Already a few weeks in Tbol is kicking in. Massive Pumps. Vein Popping out of my Arm already. Wife said I already look bigger. Test-e and EQ are Good 2 go. My lifts already have gone up a good 10 lbs. Aromasin is good. They are dosed at 10mg which is perfect for e0d.


ymdude42 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Started using 2yrs ago for my cycles. I have tried other sources and have not received better service then ifit offers.

The public relations is prompt with response to answering question and updating order status.

test cyp

Product works excellent good workouts sex drive and with proper diet lean gains. My weight fluctuates between 235 and 245 depending on diet and my goals on cycle. with ifits product ive been able to reach goals
and am pleased
P.S. My wife is too

irongame427 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 8  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

This review is for his Sust 250, Tren Ace 100, Pharma Anapolon

6 x sut 250
2 x tren ace
1 x cialis (free)
4 x anapolon

1 of the best communication here on steroidswiki you cant ask for, usually get back to you in 1 hour or so. His support is the best, he answer all questions and concern very open no BS and lies like others i know. Ordering is super easy, place the order from website and he gets back to you with payment info in couple of hours.

Very well packed TA is 2-3 day from day i place the order, cant get any better.

i used ed shot of 0.75cc sust and 0.5cc tren for about 3 months, tren the last 2 amoths, change in my body were out of this world, i can see them every week, always feeling good and libido up. PIP whats that?lol with Ifits gear there is nonexistent. Tren has a lil burn like all the good tren but is gone in 30 minutes or so.
Forgot to mention that also took anapolo 15 day on and off for the first 2 months. Pumps were amazing and strenght up to the roof.
I was able to achieve my goals with the help of Ifits and a very good coach that found here in steroidswiki, Thanks man for taken care of me, i could've done it without u guys.

And about his cialis wow, never tried that shit before, with only 1 pill your libido and hardness last for 2 days, i was able to do it 2 times in a row something similar as when i was 15, wife send a big thanks bro. now she wants me to take it every time we are together lol.

Let me tell you guys if you haven't used iftis gear you are missing something real good.
Service and quality A+, the guy treat you like family and help you out all the way. I wish i found him before.
Hopefully you get verified pretty soon and can post pics and labs from you.

Buffstuff Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 3  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Some of the best gear I have used so far. Going on about 11 weeks and just keep making gains. Also know 3 others using this line and they all have nothing but good things to say and all have had good results so far!

Communication awesome any questions I have had I get a very fast reply.

Looks like normal mail safely packed so it won't brake place order and 4 days later it's in my hands!

TestE 250 RP
deca250 X-massum
100 poviron anavar t3

Good quality I hit about 3cc mix of stuff twice a week going on 11weeks.

If this says something I can get all this stuff local for the same price but I rather pay the extra in shipping to get from I-fit4life Due to the fact that it is bottled, labeled more like a pro and the quality is on point. not just some home made operation.


7 hours ago .  5

Ik kreeg gedetailleerde aanbevelingen over hoe ik de vetverbranders moest gebruiken. Bedankt voor je hulp!


8 hours ago .  5

amazing products that male me feel strong and the development of muscle is crazy. Its a good idea to trust deusmedical


10 hours ago .  5

My first tial order completely satisfied I will order again soon a lot more.