Reviews - Legit or Fake?  Lv. 0
116 reviews
100 Thumbs up   23 Thumbs Down
 17.7k .  International Sources
Communication 4.44
Delivery 4.4
Product Quality 4.51
Pricing 4.57

History was added on Thu, 12th of Aug 2021 10:45. This listing has not been claimed. Currently holds the Lowest Trust Level i.e. Level 0 Steroid Source.


NapsGear.Org is an advanced online pharmacy working with the industry's leading suppliers. Each supplier goes through a review process of quality control and maintenance of reputation before we allow them in our store.


Added Thu, 12th of Aug 2021 10:45
Claimed never
Level Level 0
Rep. not known
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MOQ/P not available
TA not available
BitCoin(ΰΈΏ) ❌ No
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Credit/Debit Card ❌ No
Bank/Wire Transfer ❌ No
sdt1 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 months ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  3.5
Communication  3
Delivery  3
Quality  4
Pricing  4

Hey Naps, I'm feeling just as unhappy as everyone else.


Thanks for keeping up with the posts and replies. If things turn out well eventually, it'll say a lot. I'm frustrated and eager, like everyone else, but I do value your service during this waiting time. To everyone else, we all know this situation isn't great, but let's keep it classy. There's a chance they could disappear with our money at any time, especially in this scenario. Yet, that hasn't happened. The site's still up, and they're still responding.

scarvalho1 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 0  Reviews: 2  Threads: 1 
4 months ago
I don't recomend this source πŸ‘Ž
Partial Order was received 😒

Aggregate  2
Communication  1
Delivery  1
Quality  3
Pricing  3

**I can't believe after 2 years of good service NapsGear staff suddenly vanished, stopped fullfiling orders and support stopped answering ALL tickets, and emails. The fact that despite all this they continue to accept new orders is even most troubling.

**I really want to know what happened to them, and why they suddenly disappeared and left all customers high and dry. **

I had been loyal customer of NapsGear for 2 years and placed many many orders with them. I never really had any problems. However everything seemed to change 2 months ago, NapsGear started experiencing lots of problems, such as order delays, shipping delays, missing tracking numbers...etc. support was not very helpful. But I let it got since since in past they had reliable.
But then 3.5 weeks ago it got as worse as it could possibly get:
NapsGear seemingly disappeared with all customers money, similar to those crypto scams that wait to have a lot of customers before disappearing.
NapsGear suddenly stopped fulling orders, stopped answering ALL support tickets, stopped all communication, but---and this part is key--they continue to update the website with promotions and ACCEPT new orders (as in continue to allow people to send them money) while having ZERO interest in actually fullfiling any orders.
Just like the crypto scams, they one day stopped allowing withdrawals, but unsurprisingly continued to allow people to add money to system and invest more money....just not remove. This is exactly what's happening.

This is EXTREMELY DISHEARTENING. I had been loyal customer, and even vocal supporter that convinced multiple influencers to back naps. Wow I sure feel like stupid asshole now.
I have tried to log 6 different support tickets about my missing packages, unshipped orders.... etc, never any response. I realize I got beat for my $400.

I would like to still hold out hope that maybe they got raided and unable to reply....but then they would of put some announcement on website and temporarily halt new orders. Unfortunately this reeks hard of a scam. 😟☹️ 😭

Does ANYONE have any info on why NapsGear staff suddenly vanished? Or did they get raided? Or are they simply trying to run away with our money as it seems? I would appreciate ANY info at all

I only know what I can deduce, and although some of it is brutally obvious, it still doesn't explain why now, and/or what truly happened to make it so sudden.I am still holding on to the thinnest slice of hope that they will come back eventually and reimburse us... although I will probably have more luck seeking the same from a brick wall.

For the time being I personally have been using, and I** am very pleasantly surprised with their excellent support and really good website.**
The only thing is, not OSGEAR and not any other website has the amount and massive variety of medications that NapsGear had, such as:
my Asthma meds (Duolin Inhaler, Forticort Inhaler), Propranolol (for Blood Pressure), anti inflammatory like Dexamethasone & Hydrocortisone....etc.Still for ALL of the things people need most often, OSGEAR is by far best. They even have the best and most useful website and with cleanest information. I highly recommend OSGEAR to anyone looking for replacement to Naps....just please be nice to their support staff, that is the one thing I learned , if you are rude they will not be as helpful. But this is true basically anyone.

Sveto4ka Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
7 months ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

I have used Naps for several orders and found great success with each one.

Customer service
The Naps representative is always helpful; whenever I've sent a PM, they've responded quickly and politely.

Packaging is solid and discreet. In my last package, it took some effort to unwrap, but everything inside was completely intact.

Products I ordered

GP Test-E
GP Clomid
GP Aromasin
GP Proviron
GP Var

I've found GP oils to be very smooth and easy to inject, and this order is no different. I have to be careful not to push the plunger too quickly. I experienced no significant post-injection pain (PIP), maybe just a slight discomfort to the touch the next day.

The Test-E did its job well; I experienced oily skin, night sweats, acne, and increased libido as my levels rose. The Aromasin/Proviron combination helped maintain my estrogen levels and stabilize my mood and temper, especially as I tend to get a little hot-headed on higher doses of tests. Towards the end of my cycle, the Var helped cut back on some of the fat gained from my diet, and the increase in vascularity and strength was evident.

Naps has consistently been my go-to source for all my AAS needs. I've been using them for years and plan to continue doing so. Their customer service, promos, incentives, and quality products are why I keep coming back and growing."

johnwayne17 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
7 months ago
I don't recomend this source πŸ‘Ž
Nothing from the order was received 😭

Aggregate  2
Communication  2
Delivery  2
Quality  2
Pricing  2

Disappointment with Forum Guidelines

It seems like discussing naps is off-limits here now, which I understand follows the rules. However, if we're strictly sticking to reviews, what do I reviewβ€”products I never received? Can we label naps as a scam? Their continual excuses have kept me waiting since June. I'm not furious at naps anymore; rather, I'm concerned our forum will become overly censored.

Concerns about Censorship
I understand that some reviews had to be removedβ€”they ranged from pure negativity to irrelevant topics unrelated to reviewing or naps. But I want to share my personal experience with naps to highlight that they might be misleading people, and others must know. Is that considered a reasonable review?

Feel free to add your touch or modify it further!

JKS1984 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
7 months ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

This is my review of the products I used from naps for my 12-week bulk.

I've been a customer of Naps for almost 8 years now I have had some problems this isn't a business that always goes smoothly but Naps has always made sure that everything I have ever ordered has made it to me no matter what the situation was. I will always be a customer of naps, especially for all my pharma-grade products. I have always gotten my pharma products from naps but this batch of Bayer testoviron was authenticated by Bayer themselves to be authentic. I never had doubts but it's nice to have that piece of mind.
Communication with naps in my opinion is great you just put in a ticket and you get an answer, About as simple as it gets. Their staff is always extremely friendly with me and I'm on a first-name basis with one employee that is the one who answers my tickets also the naps rep here on Steroidwiki is a great guy who has helped me on multiple occasions also.
Every place I have ever gotten has been packed amazingly. I would never be able to pick out the package that had my pac in it if you were to put 3 in front of me. It is so inconspicuous its great never had a love letter in all 8yrs. I believe I'm very lucky to have never gotten one but it also shows that it's very stealthy even large orders.
Products ordered
30 Bayer testoviron amps
10 GP Proviron
6 GP exemestane
6 GP nolvadex
3 GP clomiphene
100 formed 50mg clomiphene by Cipla
8 GP turinabol
I have always enjoyed Geneza Pharma products they always pin smooth without pip and their orals are as good as it get in my opinion.

1-12 testoviron 500mgs a wk this is my favorite test it pins with absolutely no pip and is a very reputable brand I believe that pharma grade test is the way to go I truly believe that this test is what helped me lean out during a bulk. I'm sure the fasted mourning cardio also helped but a good test is a must during a cycle and this bayer tstoviron did not disappoint as usual.

1-6 GP tbol this tbol at first I thought was a waste I'm used to using DBOL and thought tbol wasn't for me but after about 3 weeks I could feel everything kicking in and when I dropped the tbol After week 6 I noticed a difference. So I will be using tbol again I do enjoy the light gains and strength compared to taking dbol which bloats me heavily and spikes my BP. I had no issues with my BP while using tbol

1-12 GP proviron is a great compound it frees up a lot of tests so less is more I also used it up to week 10 as the only anti-estrogen I needed. I can usually control my Astro with 50mgs a day but I believe that the hcg I was using spiked my Astro and I started to use the aromasin from GP that I had just in case of this and it worked great and turned things around. I also started taking GP Nolvadex to make sure that any gyno issues would be stopped in their tracks. They were and now as I'm towards the end of my pct and everything is going extremely well blood work is scheduled for 5 weeks from now.

pct 1-4 GP clomiphene and nolvadex normal pct protocol and I've had no negative side effects so I'm once again very happy with all the GP products I used during this cycle.

I will always be a naps customer until they let me down and I truly believe that will never happen.

During this cycle I gained 16lbs total over the 12 weeks I was using the test nearing the end of my pct holding 8lbs I think this is good and I believe it could be better but that's me and my diet not any of the gear I used because all of it did exactly what I expected from it. From the great gains in strength even with me recovering from a ruptured bicep. I was bulking and leaned out so good I started at 200lbs and was gaining size losing bf% and putting on muscle. I could only have asked for another 4lbs of muscle I will work on gaining in my next cycle.

jawofthegods Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 3  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
10 months ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.93
Communication  5
Delivery  4.9
Quality  4.9
Pricing  4.9

I am posting a review for Bayer Proviron.

As a general rule, I never contact foreign suppliers before at least a month has passed from when I last needed to contact naps because I am aware that international orders may take some time.

Around 3 weeks TA. Packaged tight and secure.

Product Ordered
Bayer/Schering proviron, Greece.

I use Proviron while "cruising"/trt mode on 200mg of test weekly to maintain my estrogen and the desired sex drive. I take 25mg in the morning; if I go any higher than that, I have mild prostate issues. I usually use it for a month and then take a break for a month. I've been feeling so on just test and proviron that I haven't run a "cycle" in about a year. 25mg first thing in the morning seems to keep the water off me, keep my sex drive enhanced and knock out any estrogen-related side effects of the test; pretty much exactly what I'm looking for.

conk Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
10 months ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.93
Communication  4.9
Delivery  4.9
Quality  4.9
Pricing  5

Naps are a great source as compared to other sources. They offer a unique selection and I always order from them.

I receive updated notifications about tracking numbers and onsite support if required.

Packaging is discreet! Naps goes to great lengths to get an order through. He has split up packs and packaged them securely. I have yet to have a tab or vial break in transit.

My request
GP Test E, GP Test C, GP Deca, and GP Anavar

GP Test E/C: Cruise on GP Test often. I can always maintain my testosterone levels at the high end of normal. I have yet to experience PIP. When I blast testosterone at 500mg per week, I have face oil spread on my cell phone, raging wood and an overall great feeling.
GP Deca: I blew up on GP Deca. It is one of the few times people in my life called me out for steroid use, and they weren't taking any other source than it has to be steroid wiki. My joints never ached. I put on around 25 pounds and then dosed at 500mg weekly.
GP Var: This compound was dosed very well, maybe slightly over. I experienced bad heartburn, minimal water retention and muscle hardness that had me flexing in the mirror randomly throughout the day.

musk7788 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
10 months ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.75
Communication  4.9
Delivery  5
Quality  4.1
Pricing  5

My friends and trainer recommended Naps; this will be my 1st time utilizing the steroid from an online source. My experience with them turned out good; they replaced my lost package quickly.

Client Services were superb and very responsive. They reply within 24 hours max, and usually, I get a response in 5 minutes. I am ordering again from them to add more items to my stock.

Secured and super discreet. They cover the package with bubble wrap so the vials are not damaged.

My Request
Clenbuterol and GP Andromix

I still have not experienced the best results yet because I'm trying to find out the right dose of Clen. I might add T3 and Anavar to see if this combo provides me desired results.

Tk Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 3  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
11 months ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Best Source, Hands Down!

Communication: None required

T/A: It took 6 days to reach after the payment has done.

Items Requested: Test, EQ, Deca, Anadrol, Dbol, Clen and HGH

Everything was perfect. I found this as the best source online.

They serve as an example for all other suppliers!!

ruff4eva Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
11 months ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Just completed my cycle from the Naps product. I was waiting to finish everything before I post a review. I am satisfied with the services and the products they offer. All the products were of high quality and first-class.

Excellent client services; they always keep me updated at each step.

It took 2 to 3 weeks to reach the US. Packaging was secure and discreet.

Items Ordered: 3 x GP Turan (Turinabol), 3 x GP Test Enanth 250, 3 x GP Mast 200 (Masteron), 3 x GP Clen (clenbuterol), 2 x GP Exemestane (Aromasin), 2 x GP Clomiphene (Clomid), 2 x GP Nolva (Nolvadex), 3 x Ketotifen (Zaditen) 1mg and 2 x HCG Pregnyl 5000iu

Excellent quality, gained about 8-10 leans lbs. Each product has incredible potency. I got perfect results from all of them.


Jackedup67 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
11 months ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Here is a review of a couple of orders. I used the gear from both orders during this cycle.


Communication is good. I do like that they send notification emails throughout the whole ordering process through


I received one of the packs 5 days after the funds were picked up and the other in 12 days (including weekends). The packaging was good. I have never received any broken vials or amps from Naps.

Product ordered

GP Andromix
GP var
GP Proviron
GP Deca
UpJohn Caber
2cc eod Andromix
50 mg var ed
50 mg proviron ed
375 mg deca once a week
5caber every 3 days


All the gear was fantastic. I went from 14% to below 10%. I went from 250 lbs to 260 lbs. Strength went through the roof. I had minimal pip from the andromix. The prop in the andro was very noticeable in my libido every shot. I didn't get any mistakes from the tren. A little night sweaty, but that was it. Between the mast, var, and tren I had veins and strength I didn't know I had. This was my first cycle in 13yrs. I used to compete at the local level in my mid/early 20's. The transformation I made during this cycle was astounding. I will have to post my before and after pics (once I figure out how to block my face out.

Needless to say, I am thrilled with Nap's quality and service.

Hayd Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 4  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
11 months ago

Partial Order was received 😒

Aggregate  3.75
Communication  3.1
Delivery  2
Quality  4.9
Pricing  5

Shipping Services
My Canadian domestic came in today from NapsGear; it took a week.

I'm still having trouble finding information about AccordoRX, but I'll give it a shot because it seems legitimate (and ought to be given the price).

I'm still waiting for 2 orders, and I have given up on them.

acemon Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 5  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
11 months ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

I am reviewing for Bayer Testoviron Depot.

Price: Affordable

Communication: there was no need, I received my tracking details just after I placed the order.

T/A: 2 weeks

My Order: 50 Testoviron Depot Bayer

Quality and Experience
I took 500 mg a week for 15 weeks. The oil was thick, but the results were fantastic. Pharma gear is unbeatable. I gained 22 lbs in 15 weeks. I noticed an increase in strength and my appetite. Later, at the end of the cycle, my weight increased to 90 lbs on my bench and 140 lbs on my squat. I felt my libido become strong, my pumps at the gym increased and my overall health was getting amazing.
Naps is a top-notch source!

CrackedScull Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
1 year ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.98
Communication  5
Delivery  4.9
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Napsgear has a variety of items one can take advantage of. There are deals and discounts for every week.
Authentic Website!

Communication: The process was smooth, and professional representatives handled clients without hassle.

T/A: It took 17 days to deliver, which is a speedy delivery considering the region I am in). Items were well packed and received in perfect condition!

Order: Enantat 250, Oxandrolone (100 tabs) 10mg, Altamofen (Nolvadex) 20mg and GP Exemestane (Aromasin).

Quality and Experience: Increased strength from Ocandrolone after three days of consumption. My physique did not puff up because I took one Aromasin pill every three days. All I required for my PCT, which successfully increased my body Test, was Nolvadex. Test E started to show up the results just after a week.

All the products are genuine and lab-tested, proven by my massive fat loss and muscle gain.

mr_greygoose Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
1 year ago
I recomend this source πŸ‘
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.98
Communication  5
Delivery  4.9
Quality  5
Pricing  5

I'm a regular customer of this source since last year and all I can say is WHOA!

Thanks Nap!
Customer Support:
Customer Support is very professional! Got replies within 24 hours.

Received my parcel in 2 weeks for East Coast, packaging is secure and top notch.

T3, GP Exemestane (Aromasin) (Exemestane), GP Letrozole (Femara) (Letrozole), GP Proviron (Mesterolone), Enantat 250 (Testosterone Enanthate), and EQ 300 (Boldenone Undecylenate)

I love their uniformity in supplying quality items. My favourite brands, Alpha Pharma and Geneza Pharmaceuticals, have been performing exceptionally well just a few weeks ofΒ the cycle, and I have noticed a gain in strength and quality muscle.

It will always be number 1 source for me. I can say it without any doubt that they will continue to provide best quality services in future.


11 hours ago .  5

Ik kreeg gedetailleerde aanbevelingen over hoe ik de vetverbranders moest gebruiken. Bedankt voor je hulp!


12 hours ago .  5

amazing products that male me feel strong and the development of muscle is crazy. Its a good idea to trust deusmedical


13 hours ago .  5

My first tial order completely satisfied I will order again soon a lot more.