Reviews - Legit or Fake?  Lv. 0
27 reviews
24 Thumbs up   3 Thumbs Down
 3.3k .  International Sources
Communication 4.71
Delivery 4.67
Product Quality 4.6
Pricing 4.67

History was added on Tue, 23rd of Mar 2021 14:06. This listing was claimed by @UKBS on Wed, 16th of Feb 2022 00:00. Currently holds the Lowest Trust Level i.e. Level 0 Steroid Source.


If you're looking to buy steroids online, look no further. offer the best in anabolic steroids. We have oral steroids, injectable steroids, pharmaceutical grade medicine, pharmaceutical grade steroids, HGH, HCG, IGF1-LR3/DES, many other peptides, Clenbuterol, thyroid meds (T3/T4), insulin, sexual health meds, sleeping meds, anxiety meds, slimming meds, cognitive enhancement meds, pain meds and many more. We offer world wide shipping. No prescription needed.


Added Tue, 23rd of Mar 2021 14:06
Claimed Wed, 16th of Feb 2022 00:00
Level Level 0
Rep. @UKBS
Ships from UK
Ships to Worldwide
MOQ/P not available
TA International orders about a week. UK next day
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Credit/Debit Card ❌ No
Bank/Wire Transfer ❌ No
manbearpig Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 5  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
6 months ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.75
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  4
Pricing  5

Ukbest has the fastest shipping service.

They offer competitive prices for both large and small orders.

I did over six orders and was never disappointed. Sustanon, boldenone, and oxa were my favorites.
I recently tried veyron, trenbolone, dbol, and masteron, and I was a bit disappointed, as if the product were underdosed. I talked to Lixus about it, and they say they always use the same quality, but maybe it depends on the production lot. I can say that at the moment they only fulfill purchases of hgh kigtropin; I trust only quello.

The UKbest guys are good but it is not their fault if Lixus and veyron damage shoddy products.

Kingofmuscle Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 3  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
7 months ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Thanks to I came across these guys. This was my 1st order and I don't have any complaints.

Communication was the best I have had of the 3 sources I used. I chose the UK because of their legit HGH.

The package took about 7 days to get to West Coast, US. I'm glad that I found Steroidwiki so that it could lead me to the UK.

B-rad Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 0  Reviews: 1  Threads: 0 
1 year ago
I don't recomend this source 👎
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  3.25
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  1
Pricing  2

I used Lixus brand trend products from UK best for years worked great they switched over to their own brand and now I got huge PIP pain and golf ball size lumps every bump.

It is now September 29, 2022 I’ve been trying to reach them for a month but there’s no website coming up anymore can anybody let me know if they close down and why?

jmfb Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.75
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  4

I ordered from this seller about 7 or 8 weeks ago. This is my 5th cycle, the first 2 I received from naps the 2nd 2 I ordered some biogen (i wouldn't recommend biogen to anyone)...we all know why I had to switch spots from Naps. I picked these guys because they were number 1 on this site. I got my gear extremely quick and it came right in my mailbox, which I was pleased that I didn't have to take a trip to the post office. I had a little problem with one of my bottles and they fixed it quickly, very satisfied. So far after 5 weeks of just 300mg of Test E per week I have gained 10 lbs of very lean muscle and my strength gains are very noticeable. I was taking 750mg of Test E per week with Biogen and gained nothing at all. So far I am very pleased. I also picked up gear for a couple of other people. My buddy has been taking 400mg per week of Test 400 (a blend of Test) and he has gained about 15 lbs of muscle and leaned right out. I am actually ordering more today and will continue to use them. There will be another review once my cycle is complete, with pics as well. The gear is quality. The customer service is phenomenal. The turnaround time from order to doorstep is superb. Highly recommended!

Ndog81 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

WOW!!! Great dealings with best as of yet. I have to give best props on a couple notes. Great communication. As good as I have received from any other source. Excellent arrival time, but I really wanna comment on how good they conduct their business. It was my own fault actually, but I accidentally ordered d-bol without looking at the whole page. Well actually I just clicked the "add to cart button" instead of clicking on the picture of the dbol witch wouldve sent me to the description of it and telling me that it was out of stock. Best sent me an email after they collected funds and ASKED me if I would prefer test prop instead of making the decision all on their own to just go ahead and send it anyway. I told them that I would rather wait for them to send the dbol once it was back in stock and they said ok. I thought that was great. I have read so many reports on sources sending replacements without even asking first.

All in all they are as good as any other legit companies, in my opinion, if not one of the best. I think they are great business men, I just have to check out the gear. I will give them 5 stars if the gear is g2g. Be back soon with results.

maverick3168 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.75
Communication  5
Delivery  4.5
Quality  5
Pricing  4.5

Ordered from this source a couple of months back, something turned out badly in the exchange, I made another order they shipped it to me 24 hour delivery, which I suggest, the lone issue I had was with the Lixus dbol, it was not dbol, anyway I had ordered Iran Test, You can discover it in "different items" feline. This poop was genuine, and solid, on the off chance that he has it get and alot of it, the PIP is terrible, however I went from 205 to 240 of every a multi week hitch, It requires 3 weeks max to get to your doorstep, Controlled

Nightbeast Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Same thing on the D-bol. Started last Friday 2x10mg/day and 3x10mg Wed and feeling it. Strength increases already and eating more. Headaches ocassionally (not enough H2O I was told). The mental aspects are there too. All I'm thinking about the weights.
Communication, delivery was also great 👍🏻

Wolverine1 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I don't recomend this source 👎
Nothing from the order was received 😭

Aggregate  2.13
Communication  1
Delivery  1
Quality  2.5
Pricing  4

Did not receive my order or customs letter, its been almost 5 weeks. Seeing the company policy to us no reships no matter what and they could very simply not ship you anything to begin with, I guess I'm out the money. Thanks.

Exposed Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.65
Communication  4.8
Delivery  4.8
Quality  4.8
Pricing  4.2

Order was shipped last monday right before they went on vacation. Arrived in my mailbox yesterday. Exactly one week delivery time to west coast USA. Picked up some Tri tren (lixus) and Mast enanthate 200 (veyron). Currently 10 weeks into a lixus eq cycle. Felt the sides 4 weeks in, increased hunger and gyno even came up (yes, gyno on eq at 600mgEW). But it took about 8 weeks to really start feeling the benefits from lixus eq. Strength is slightly up, but BF is down, my veins are screaming and when Im doing cardio, I feel like I can run for ever and run incredibly fast. Anyway, picked up the masteron to help counter the gyno (along with letro). Going to start running it next monday. As always, UKBest is awesome! (2nd time ordering from them). Their usual form of payment was not available so they gave me an alternative form of payment which I actually preferred. It was cheaper and I was able to submit it from the comfort of my couch.
Good looking out bro.

Bozdawg Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 3  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
2 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.98
Communication  5
Delivery  4.9
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Simply the best source I've used, never a problem with customs. I have gone for the lixus brand gear and have used the dbols which are working as they should and the Sust300 blend which is working great for me midway through my cycle. Very happy with this source and will use every time.

Catalyst Avatar
Contributing Member Posts: 163  Reviews: 0  Threads: 25 
2 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Many orders I've made in the past ! UKBS is one of the best :),

Always fast and frandly ! Super fast some days within a few hours If not next morning.

Packing was always great ! and the delivery was always fast :),

Fortis sustanon,
testolic !!,

Please excuse my English, it is not my first language and I have a limited vocabulary, so my review might be not as detailed as I would like,

All the 2 produkts was exellent !! Excellent pumps during workouts. I have more power and can push longer and harder in the gym.

Now i am tacking the fortis sustanon 750 per week !!,
great PUMP,
much more libido ( one of the best sustanon i have ever taken ),
more power in my workaut !!,
always want eat haha ( its hard becouse i jut try to eat clean ),

I just can say i love the fortis susternon and its really one off the best i have ever tried !,

After the suternon i will take one more time testolic from ukbs,

The terstolic too was very good ! more engery, its transformation my body harder ! and i lose water !,

I can just say execellnt service and communication !!,

All the 2 produkts was exellent!!,

next order will be soon i am sure :)

VV2 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.78
Communication  4.8
Delivery  4.8
Quality  4.7
Pricing  4.8

Could be helpful for people in Saudi Arabia to know .. Payment transferred on 10th May .. shipped on 14th (weekend was in between) .. checked mail box and received on 21st (could have been received before) .. packaging was fine as bubble envelope was used but contents were slightly stressed without damage, so if extra bubble wrap was added, it would have made it better .. envelope looks to be opened then closed with tape .. could be by customs .. products looks to be legit .. not yet used .. answering emails in between was great.
I recommend UKBS and would order from them again.

Pete302 Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  4.5
Communication  4.6
Delivery  4.6
Quality  4.8
Pricing  4

Highly recommend UKBS, Communication and support was on point.

A bombs, Well 2 weeks into my gear I gotta say that their stuff is really good and highly recommend them. I will definitely order from ukbs again.

Venom Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 2  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

Placed 2 orders with UKBEST. First bundle was seized by Blue-penciled traditions. This is the first run through in more than 7 months and 14 bundles that this has occurred from the UK. My subsequent bundle showed up 4 days after.... free from any danger to a similar location. Roll the dice. I will in any case order from this site and rate them 5 stars. Best prices for LIxus items and HGH I have ever scene. Quick client care and shipping.

oldgymrat Avatar
Junior Member Posts: 1  Reviews: 0  Threads: 0 
3 years ago
I recomend this source 👍
Complete Order was Received 😍

Aggregate  5
Communication  5
Delivery  5
Quality  5
Pricing  5

It gives the idea that I didn't give sufficient data in my past review. For my situation it's somewhat more hard to portray constructive outcomes of a cycle as I not, at this point go off cycle. Subsequently I presently don't get generous weight gains and that surge I got 30 quite a while back from my first cycles does not exist anymore. Notwithstanding, to attempt to give more elaboration, this specific cycle is for me a moderate building cycle and followed summer utilization of Equipoise, Parabolan and Masterone. I lost no strength when moving to Test C, Deca and A-50. A little water maintenance was noted in any case, once more, not out of the ordinary. What is most likely similarly as significant a reaction from me is that on the uncommon event when I do go off cycle (voyaging abroad) I can tell the distinction. Following three weeks I get back to the exercise center, my loads are definitely down, joints hurt (I'm very nearly 60) and I feel delicate and unmotivated. With my utilization of AAS, the best reaction I can give without going into this reasoning each time is that my solidarity and inspiration levels are unaffected. Does this bode well now?,

Very great as usual. At the point when data or explanation are required, they react inside 24 hours.

This is a reposting of a past post that was considered not enlightening enough. This specific cycle was Test-C, Deca and Anadrol 50


11 hours ago .  5

Ik kreeg gedetailleerde aanbevelingen over hoe ik de vetverbranders moest gebruiken. Bedankt voor je hulp!


12 hours ago .  5

amazing products that male me feel strong and the development of muscle is crazy. Its a good idea to trust deusmedical


14 hours ago .  5

My first tial order completely satisfied I will order again soon a lot more.