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The best cardio training apps

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1 year ago #1
Super Source Lv. 3
Super Source Lv. 3 Posts: 541  Reviews: 1  Threads: 963 

Are you stuck in quarantine and bailing on cardio just because you can’t meet your gym trainer? Well, that is no reason to do so when you have free cardio training apps. 

Cardio training apps save you time and money to go to the gym. It is now possible to get expert guidance on the click of a few buttons on your smartphone. They also assist you in ways a trainer cannot, for e.g., recording and saving your daily workout.
Mentioned below are some apps available on both IOS and android that you can use easily to keep up with your cardio regimen. 
1.Runtastic Be it running, cycling, or jogging, Runtastic has got it covered. This app allows you to set goals, record routes in real-time by a built-in GPS.
It even lets you share your successes with your friends. What a fantastic incentive!
2.Mytraining workout training log
This app comes with a set of helpful training videos, a routine log, and a handy calendar feature. 
The best part, however, is the chat feature. You can open the chat-box and speak to an experienced coach in minutes!
3.Daily workout fitness trainer 
This app allows you to choose the area of your physique you’d like to target, and the app offers an effective 5 to 30-minute workout that fits your bill.
Download it, pick a discipline, and get working.
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