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  3. HIIT vs LISS


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1 year ago #1
Super Source Lv. 3
Super Source Lv. 3 Posts: 541  Reviews: 1  Threads: 963 

Choosing between the types of cardio workout according to their intensity, can be quite overwhelming. To be precise, there are two types of cardio workouts if we sort them based on intensity.
HIIT (High-intensity interval training):聽HIIT workouts usually combine short bursts of intense exercise and period of rest or lower-intensity exercise.
LISS (Low-intensity steady state):聽LISS is mostly associated with cardio activities that require more extended sessions of low-intensity exercise. Examples include running, cycling, brisk walking, swimming, etc.聽

However, there is more to these differences to help you decide the type of cardio workout you want or need:
路\聽Both types provide common benefits to people in many ways, so whatever intensity suits you better or you are comfortable with will help you decide on what type of cardio you should go for.
路\聽The second difference is duration. With HIIT, you can be done with your daily workout quota much faster than LISS. LISS, on the other hand, gives you time to think and reflect on your daily thoughts. You can always add both in your weekly schedule considering your workload.聽
路\聽The most important and determining difference is the amount of calories burnt. Research shows that HIIT burst slightly more calories than LISS, so if you have a big event coming up and want to fit in your clothes, you know which type to for.
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