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  2. Steroid Cycle Logs
  3. What are the advantages of a low-dose steroid cycle (such as 200-300mg Test. E. per week) over a higher dose cycle?

What are the advantages of a low-dose steroid cycle (such as 200-300mg Test. E. per week) over a higher dose cycle?

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1 month ago #1
Contributing Member
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The advantages of a low-dose steroid cycle (such as 200-300mg Test. E. per week) over a higher dose cycle are as follow:

  1. Fewer side effects
  2. The cycle can be longer
  3. Muscle growth takes time. Ligaments and connective tissue take longer. A lower dose cycle is a slower cycle but means you’ll keep more muscle and be less likely to injure yourself.
    The results you get from steroids are not directly proportional to the dosage. 600mg pw does not give twice the gains of 300. You do get twice the side effects though.
    I have consistently used 250pw for years now. I have found from experience that once I go over 400 or so, I gain nothing more.
    250 per week is fairly safe as long as you look after yourself properly.
    The benefits of using a lower dose are:
  4. Less risk of side effects: low-speed count, acne, hair loss etc
  5. Less suppression of your testosterone production
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    Ziller33 1 month ago
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    Ziller33 1 month ago
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