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Hello bros and broettes

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1 year ago #1
Junior Member
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I'm new here so please let me in and allow me to learn from you.
I have just brewed my first 10g test E...Now I'm a very careful person and id like to do my stuff with care and would normally pay attention to details all along the way... but despite all that my final product came out cloudy and was left unmixed. here are the steps...

As this was my second try after my first failure (my first try I couldn't even get the powder melt thoroughly due to not heating it and it was dumb coz I thought BB would be the melting agent, little did I know that it's rather just a dissolving agent) So here's the second time...

Here's my set up:
WechatIMG304.jpegI weighed 10g on my scale
WechatIMG306.jpegPlaced the 10ml beaker with the powder in it on the hot plate mixer and put the thermometer stick right inside it.
WechatIMG307.jpegAdded BB and set the heating to the melting point which is 33.5 ( my hot plate will continue heating the substance up to 48 after it reaches the melting point coz the plate is still hot, which sometimes is annoying but in this case I found it convenient lol) the powder melted and it was so clear I was 100% sure it was okay to move on to the next step (oil)
WechatIMG309.jpegI measure the oil (22ml) and added to the liquid:
WechatIMG312.jpegI let the magnet stirrer do it's work for 10 minutes on 48c temperature before I drew up the mixture into a 20ml syringe and placing the 22um filter on the syringe:
WechatIMG313.jpeg filled up 4 vials ( I had to change to a new filter every 2 vials)WechatIMG314.jpegWechatIMG315.jpegCrimped them up.
WechatIMG316.jpegWechatIMG317.jpegThey were all clear and nothing seemed unmixed until I placed them in the fridge to sit,
they turned out cloudy and unmixed like half oil and half something else...

so folks where did I go wrong?
Did I have to stir longer and heat it up with higher temperature before the filtration process?

In advance: Thank you very much for your time and I appreciate you guys for letting me in and replying to this thread of mine .

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    Labwork 1 year ago
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    oli 1 year ago
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1 year ago #2
Contributing Member
Contributing Member Posts: 358  Reviews: 1  Threads: 18 

Take a look at: https://steroidwiki.com/forum/topic/1226-my-homebrew.html


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