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Beginners on GEAR

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1 year ago #1
Junior Member
Junior Member Posts: 6  Reviews: 1  Threads: 1 

I see this a lot where people plan to get on GEAR, but have a misconception about how they work. Some people start their first cycle and think that they will magically will get big by itself. Truth is that you need to have a good plan. Should hit the GYM for a while with solid workouts and good diet for your goals. Try to reach your max natural potential then do some good research plan ahead of time so that when you are on your first cycle you could see some good results. Get advice from that big dude you know he will share some of his knowledge with you. If you do everything you suppose to and don’t see the results then you might know whats going on. Research and plan in accordance with your goals.

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    GYM_Skull 1 year ago
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    Greg 1 year ago
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1 year ago #2
Administrator Posts: 1003  Reviews: 46  Threads: 88 

I completely agree with your post about the misconception around the use of steroids or "gear" in bodybuilding. It's important for people to understand that these substances do not work as magic pills that will automatically give them the physique they desire. Instead, they should be seen as a supplement to a solid workout plan and diet.

You make an excellent point about the importance of reaching your natural potential first before considering the use of steroids. It's essential to have a solid foundation of consistent training and a balanced diet to maximize your body's potential before considering any performance-enhancing substances.
Additionally, researching and planning ahead of time is crucial to avoid any potential risks and side effects of using steroids. Seeking advice from experienced and knowledgeable bodybuilders is also an excellent way to learn more about the safe and effective use of these substances.

Overall, it's essential to have a clear understanding of the risks and benefits of using steroids and to approach their use with caution and responsibility.

Thanks for sharing this valuable insight!

Quoted GYM_Skull; Post# 3777

I see this a lot where people plan to get on GEAR, but have a misconception about how they work. Some people start their first cycle and think that they will magically will get big by itself. Truth is that you need to have a good plan. Should hit the GYM for a while with solid workouts and good diet for your goals. Try to reach your max natural potential then do some good research plan ahead of time so that when you are on your first cycle you could see some good results. Get advice from that big dude you know he will share some of his knowledge with you. If you do everything you suppose to and don’t see the results then you might know whats going on. Research and plan in accordance with your goals.

1 year ago #3
Contributing Member
Contributing Member Posts: 178  Reviews: 0  Threads: 22 

That's so true, people have this misconception that GEARS will work like magic and hence they get disappointed when the results are not quick. A good diet and proper workout really matter. There are no side effects of initiating a proper diet and exercising in your routine meanwhile using steroids can come with various side effects. Some common side effects of GEARS and steroids can be:
CfEyhZjWQAQLz1d.jpgBTE, thank you @GYM_Skull for starting this topic here and educating people with this!


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5 hours ago .  5

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