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Lose weight in 3 steps

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22 days ago #1
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Following are the three steps through which you can lose weight.

1- Control your calorie intake

The most important step is this one. To establish the calorie deficit necessary for fat reduction, you must eat fewer calories per day than your body expels.
First, use an online calculator to determine your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE), accounting for your age, height, weight, and level of exercise. You may use this to predict how many calories you'll need each day to maintain your weight.
Then take that figure and cut it by 300โ€“500 calories. This places you in a safe, sustained calorie deficit that will help you lose 0.5โ€“1 lb every week.
Lastly, monitor your food consumption with a calorie counting tool to make sure you regulate your portion sizes and make wise food choices to meet your daily calorie goals.

2- Prioritize protein

Maintaining muscle mass, which increases metabolism, during weight loss depends on eating enough protein. Additionally, it helps you feel fuller on fewer calories for longer.
Every day, try to consume 0.6โ€“1 grammes of protein per pound of body weight. reputable sources consist of:

  • Lean meats, such as turkey, chicken, and lean beef
  • Seafood and fish
  • Eggs
  • Greek yoghurt
  • powdered protein

Additionally, don't be frightened of fats because they offer you sustained energy. Nuts, avocados, and olive oil are good sources of healthy fats.

3- Stay active

Although eating is the most important factor in weight reduction, you should also exercise often to boost your metabolism and increase your level of fitness
Set aside a combination of:

  • Two to three times a week of strength training to gain lean muscle
  • HIIT cardio once or twice a week to effectively burn calories
  • Daily movement like walking to hit your step goals

Over time, your body will be forced to pull from its fat stores in that calorie deficit state. Just keep tracking, making smart food choices, and exercising regularly.

Edited: 22 days ago by oli
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    aisgood 25 days ago
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    oli 22 days ago
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22 days ago #2
Contributing Member
Contributing Member Posts: 358  Reviews: 1  Threads: 18 

Thanks for the info, useful for beginners.


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