
Larry Wheels is MAD

Recently, the powerlifter posted videos of his training including 3 squats at 375kg (827 pounds) as well as 6 deadlifts weighing 344.7kg (760 pounds). The Monster Wheels didn't stop there and smashed his personal best in the squat yesterday. In a video posted ...

Treating Gynecomastia (Man Boobs)

Gynecomastia is a condition that many people suffer from today, it induces low body confidence and self-esteem in an individual because it affects the general appearance of the body. Gynecomastia has many causes, and it may appear at different ages for differe ...

Mr. Olympia 2021 Qualifiers

The 57th Mr. Olympia 2021 is set to take place October 7th-10th, in Orlando, Florida. This is the current list of athletes who are qualified for the contest, as well as the point standings for those still hoping for an invitation. Each week the list of athl ...

Big Ramy ramming up for Olympia 21

As the 2021 Olympia approaches, Big Ramy confirms his spot as the favourite. Mamdouh Elssbiay, an Egyptian IFBB PRO bodybuilder, more famously known by his nickname Big Ramy successfully secured the first position at Mr Olympia 2020 and intends to do a back-to ...

Michal Krizo: Man with the Perfect Physique

Krizo has an impressive physique and would undoubtedly be a favorite for any competition. On the other hand, some bodybuilders outside the league still show off an extraordinary physique. The same is the case of the Slovakian athlete Michal Krizo.

Who is the real Ronnie Coleman?

I still remember the first tape I bought, it was the one from the 2001 Mr Olympia competition where he narrowly won in front of Jay Cutler. I knew him from his tape “The Unbelievable” and that made me want to know more. There was such a motivation coming ...

Ronnie Coleman's Daily Hell!

Why Ronnie Coleman is in a wheel chair? What happened to Ronnie Coleman? Primarily known for his athletic performances and his Mr. Olympia titles, Ronnie Coleman is also known for his numerous injuries and major surgeries.

Testosterone's role in Bodybuilding

Whether you are a bodybuilding guru or just getting started to maximize your results, you must have heard about the importance of testosterone! Most athletes seek to raise their testosterone levels in order to improve their performance and boost their muscle g ...

Top 10 Foods to BUILD MUSCLES

As a matter of fact there is not one specific type of food that is useful for building muscles but many many options. It is necessary when building muscles to eat variety of foods which are rich in nutrients, and to consume the right amount of proteins, carboh ...

Greatest Bodybuilding Quotes Ever

Bodybuilding Quotes, Workout motivational quotes, Gym Quotes, Fitness Quotes. Everyone loves bodybuilding. Nowadays, every young person wishes for his body to be fit and attractive. To boast six pack abs, make his muscles appear chiseled and carved. But Achiev ...

3 Tips for beginner bodybuilders

Some people may believe that only by going to the gym and dragging weights will have remarkable results. But that is not entirely that simple. Like any sport, bodybuilding has many elements understood only by practice and determination. A natural bodybuilder n ...