Orgasteron steroid profile


Orgasteron, known by its chemical name norethandrolone, is a substance that holds a significant place in bodybuilding and hormonal therapy. It serves as the oral counterpart of nandrolone, a compound renowned among bodybuilders under various brand names such as deca durabolin or nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP). While deca durabolin is administered via injections, NPP is distinguished by its shorter-acting nature due to a lighter phenylpropionate ester. Orgasteron exhibits substantial anabolic effects coupled with reduced androgenic properties, rendering it an appealing addition to steroid cycles owing to its mild characteristics.

Orgasteron Structure

Key attributes

One of the key attributes of nandrolone and its derivatives, including Orgasteron, is its efficacy in enhancing appetite, making it valuable in scenarios such as combating muscle waste in individuals afflicted with HIV. However, it's imperative to note that Orgasteron's activity extends beyond its anabolic prowess; it also exerts progestational effects, interacting with both estrogen and progesterone receptors in the body. While this interaction can temporarily relieve joint pain, it may precipitate undesired side effects.

Orgasteron Use: Risks and Precautions

Historically, Orgasteron emerged in the 1950s primarily for progestin replacement therapy in tablet form. Although it's no longer widely available as a prescription medication. Users delving into Orgasteron consumption should remain aware of the inherent progestational risks associated with its use. Thus, the inclusion of a reliable aromatase inhibitor (AI) such as aromasin or letrozole becomes required, alongside the necessity of prolactin inhibitors like cabergoline or pramipexole as a precautionary measure.


Orgasteron's reputation extends beyond mere muscle tissue augmentation and catabolism prevention; it also amplifies the levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) around muscle tissues. Additionally, compared to other anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS), it elevates red blood cell count (RBC), facilitates nutrient transportation into muscles, and aids in post-workout recovery. These multifaceted benefits underscore Orgasteron's appeal, with further insights into the positive effects available through comprehensive resources such as the Deca Durabolin.

Side effects

Effects on the hepatic system

However, the benefits of Orgasteron come with a caution—the strain it imposes on the liver. As an orally administered c17-alpha-alkylated (17AA) drug, Orgasteron places has side effects on the hepatic system, distinguishing it from its injectable counterpart, Deca Durabolin.

Individuals with preexisting liver conditions must exercise caution when incorporating Orgasteron into their steroid regimen. Furthermore, stacking Orgasteron with harsh oral steroids like halodrol or Anadrol can exacerbate liver strain, potentially manifesting as jaundice symptoms. To mitigate these risks, the supplementation of liver protectants such as N2Guard becomes essential, facilitating liver cleansing and safeguarding the athlete's vital organs.

 Gynecomastia affects

Another noteworthy aspect of Orgasteron's pharmacological profile is its progestin activity, which, in conjunction with estrogen activation, can cause gynecomastia-like issues. This risk escalates when Orgasteron is paired with testosterone, intensifying estrogenic activity and underscoring the imperative need for AI administration.

Managing 'Deca Dick' with Orgasteron

The spectre of "Deca dick" looms over Orgasteron users, attributable to its suppression of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels in the body. DHT serves a pivotal role in male sexual function, and its suppression can precipitate libido-related complications. However, this concern can be assuaged by co-administering DHT derivative compounds with Orgasteron.

Additional side effects

Aside from hepatic concerns and hormonal imbalances, Orgasteron usage may also cause additional side effects such as elevated blood pressure, cholesterol strain, and lipid imbalances. Failure to alleviate estrogenic activity can exacerbate these issues, potentially culminating in insomnia and water retention, necessitating stringent estrogen level control measures.

User testimonials underscore Orgasteron's efficacy in facilitating rapid gains in muscle mass and strength, albeit at a slightly slower pace compared to harsher oral compounds like Halo or Anadrol. Moreover, anecdotal evidence suggests a transient alleviation of joint issues with Orgasteron use. However, caution must be exercised, as long-term reliance on nandrolone-based steroids for joint problems can precipitate complications post-discontinuation.

Pharmacokinetic considerations

Pharmacokinetic considerations shed light on Orgasteron's half-life of approximately 14 hours, markedly shorter than its injectable counterpart, Deca Durabolin, which boasts a prolonged half-life of 14 days. This disparity translates into expedited post-cycle recovery with the oral variant, facilitating hastened restoration of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (HPGA).


Dosage guidelines recommend Orgasteron intake in tablet form, with available strengths ranging from 2.5 to 10 milligrams (mg). For men, the recommended daily dosage spans from 10 to 30 mg throughout 6 to 8 weeks, ideally serving as a cycle kickstart. Women can also incorporate Orgasteron into their regimen, albeit at lower dosages not exceeding 5 mg per day for a maximum of 4 weeks, owing to the androgenic risks implicated.


In summary, the Orgasteron epitomizes a multifaceted compound revered for its anabolic potency, albeit accompanied by nuanced considerations regarding hepatic strain, hormonal balance, and ancillary medication requirements. Its pharmacological profile underscores the imperative need for informed decision-making and judicious usage practices among fitness enthusiasts and hormone therapy recipients alike.


  1. Berezin, D., Bergman, P., Borglin, N.E., Fürstenberg, N., Staland, B. and Wahlén, T., 1961. Treatment of Amenorrhœa with Small Doses of Methyl- Oestrenolone (Orgasteron). Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 40(sup1), pp.3-13.
  2. Available at: (Accessed: 19 April 2024).
  3. Borglin, N.E., 1960. The effect of 17-α-methyl-19-nortestosterone (Orgasteron) in the treatment of threatened abortion. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 39(2), pp.275-290.
  4. Szontagh, F.E., Sas, M., Traub, A., Kovács, L., Bárdóczy, Á. and Szereday, Z., 1963. The influence of different norsteroids on the hormone excretion and on the histomorphologic pattern in the trophoblast in early pregnancy. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, 156(6), pp.369-379.